11 Chapter 2 Page 1 - Eight years and Five Months


Eight years and five months have passed since Akilah had become Ladybug's henchman. It was originally only supposed to be six years, but Akilah made a lot of mistakes in the beginning that added on to her work time. But the time had finally come, today was her last day. She was laying down on a sunbed in the porch of the house that she had been staying in while on her last mission.

The view was beautiful, the sun was about to set and the orange sky was shining bright on the garden flowers. She had always asked Ladybug how he got his hands on these houses, but he had always beat around the bush and never given her a definite answer. But it is not like it mattered anymore, she had less than two hours left and then she will be free from all of this.

For the past few years Akilah had been 'trained', as Ladybug liked to call it. The missions she had mostly consisted of her using her magical abilities to eliminate people. But there were also a variety of other missions ranging from contract handling to espionage.

Although she had only wish for magical powers, along the way Ladybug had also trained her in other areas. She was now, as ladybug liked to say, 'the most powerful magician in your world'. He liked to emphasize the 'your world' part, because as Akilah had figured out there were hundreds of worlds or "dimensions" out there.

Akilah was thinking back to the beginning of this long 'training' journey. At first the concept of what a mission was and how it worked frightened Akilah. The missions as one would expect from an ancient supernatural being, were also out of this world.

Almost every mission was set in a different time and space. Akilah was fascinated every time she was sent somewhere on a mission. Everything was different, from how the people looked and dressed, to their architecture and method of transportation.

One of the most interesting cases Akilah had found was a society name Skaia that differed from her own world, like day and night. There weren't any nobles here but also not any peasants, everyone seemed to be on equal footing. She had seen that there were disparities between some people but the core concept was that everyone could make it regardless of background.

Another world had deeply divided societies, all with varied properties and characteristics. Here the concept of rich and poor also didn't exist, only us and them. Akilah didn't know if this was better or worse than her own world. Since there was constantly a division between the population, and if that division were to be crossed, all hell would break lose.

Another world is what one could call 'spirit realm', a sort of realm for wondering or lost souls. Most of the missions Akilah had in the spirit realm was to find runaway souls from 'hell' or at least a version of hell. This was the hell for the people that had sold their souls for their desires to either a devil or a being like Ladybug. Now those souls were in their only personal hells paying the price, for how long Akilah still didn't know. Out of all her missions she had been sent on, the ones in the spirit realm affected her the most. Because every time she returns the souls to "hell", she catches a firsthand glimpse of her future after her death.

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