
A Fish That Can Evolve

A common man suddenly woke up in one of the cultivation worlds where normal people can be killed at any time but that is not all, but he discovers that he is not a human being either, but rather a fish that has a system that will take you to the pinnacle of all races (If you see any error, do not hesitate to comment, I am using the Google translator, so with your help I will be able to correct the novel to offer a better reading experience)

The_Immortal_King · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

I will keep this secret until my death

(… * Sigh * So going back to what you want is basically to become even stronger than dragons, right?) I said feeling tired since I had spent more than 2 hours in which Xin Yi was talking to me about the advantages of being a monster while I refuted it most logically but even so we were in a middle point until he started crying alleging that as a pet he must at least be able to protect me or I will throw and abandon him

After calming her down and telling her that he was never going to leave her, she never returned to the point where we had to get married… I'm not even sure why she insists so much on getting married but it doesn't matter, in the end, she gave in and she started to think about how she wanted to be when transformed into a monster, but while she could not transform into a "monster" she would be my pet or at least is what she proposed

Xin Yi: "Yes, I want to be big and very strong and have the shape of a dragon," she said quickly while her eyes seemed to shine brightly since although she knew that it would not be a dragon to have the exterior of a dragon it was something very cool for her

(Well then look, this book you have is the key to becoming a dragon, but from my point of view it is flawed in several ways as it can only bring you closer to my strength with a lot of help and a lot of luck and that is only if I do not fully use my power, in the best of cases the technique alone is 3 out of 100 compared to my cultivation technique, with all its supplements and more it is 99 out of 100 but it is just my base and If I meet certain conditions it will be 10 out of 100, if you want to become a dragon then you can directly take the cultivation technique but I do not think it is convenient for you or you can wait for 1 year and then maybe I can give you something much better) I said while showing the book as if it were a toy since for me that was a toy

Dragons were indeed incredibly powerful because if I didn't have an advanced form in the technique even I would feel repressed by the cultivation technique but wouldn't I be a king of the infinite oceans if a dragon could suppress me or yes ?, but there is also the point that there are also many hidden things in the technique since according to how far a peak evolution can be forced into my body but I do not know to what extent it can be achieved and also if it is like the dragon technique then there will be many hidden skills in the manual

Xin Yi: "... I will wait 1 year" she said while wiping the slime that was draining from her mouth when she found out what the manual could grant, but she was also amazed since even an extremely powerful dragon is only 10 out of 100 of Albafica, but she also did not know that that 10 out of 100 is only with the cultivation technique since Albafica's body grows differently so that her physique would never be repressed and could grow without limits, without the world taking it out of the nothing forcing him to go to other worlds without him wanting since his body devours the laws of everything preventing anyone from noticing the changes unless Albafica himself tells them

(Well, then it's late ... it's 11 o'clock, it seems like it's about time to sleep, tomorrow I'll explain everything in the house, I'll go to the guest room) I said as I walked towards the guest room as I did. I called as it was an extra room that I didn't have anything previously but now I had one more room so without much thought I went to bed in the new bed falling completely asleep (hibernation mode), although before I started sleeping I remembered that I had to give the bee talk to Xin Yi, so I made sure that she was asleep before implanting the basic knowledge of inter-species reproduction and immediately afterward I closed my eyes to sleep

***The next morning***

(… This is water) I said to myself half distracted since out of nowhere I felt that there was water in my leg since as a "plant" I could feel the humidity and I felt enough humidity in my leg so without worrying too much I let the water entered my body but I felt that this water was rare, if I had to say it was strange since the water I took from the lake yesterday felt different it was colder and lighter but this water that I was absorbing felt more like saying it… heavy and it also smelled funny

[Congratulations host, because you fulfilled the appropriate conditions you have obtained the title [Incubus] now the seduction of women of all kinds is just an extremely easy and simple child's play]

(… What the hell !!!) I said a little scared to myself and at that moment I open my eyes only to find Xin Yi's flushed face right in front of mine, but she was sleeping right now and luckily for me mental health she was fully clothed and it seemed that I had not attacked her while sleeping

(System, tell me what the hell happened while I was sleeping) I said quickly while continuing to pretend to be asleep since I would not find an answer for what had just happened and I think it would be worse if she woke up and realized that she was also awake

[Understood host, the information will be entered directly into your brain ...]

Immediately after the system said that I started to see what had happened and that was technical that after I fell asleep she woke up and realized the new information in her brain which led her directly to my room and well It goes without saying that she raped my leg ...

(... I think I will keep this secret until my death) I said to myself as I pretended to be asleep since it was normal for her to want to explore her sexuality but she didn't have to rape my leg!

So in order not to make things more uncomfortable wait all the time until she woke up and cleaned up the mess that she had caused and that I would never mention