1 Val Kien

I hated college.

Seems totally normal, I mean, doesn't everyone? Everyday, I have to get off my bed, take a shower and eat breakfast while messing up something amidst the rush. Then after that you have to get to class and sit through hours of rambling while pretending to listen.

Not to mention the monotony of the stupid cycle, the other student you had to deal with during your time there was hell. Sure you could choose to ignore them but eventually the teachers would make you interact witch each other through some excuse like; You'll learn more efficiently!

I don't know if that was actually the case with some people but the stress of interacting with other student just brought a bunch of distraction to the point where the paper questions gets pushed far into the back of my mind.

The year I got out of there was probably the most memorable year of my life. Obviously, I jumped in joy at the thought of freedom. But that wasn't what highlighted the year...

It was the feeling of overwhelming horror when I realized what an adult had entail to someone who went through college learning like a rock.

A minimum wage job that had you do the same thing for hours... everyday... for most probably my entire life.

I'd be lying if I said I did my best to turn my life around during that point. No, what I did was something even geniuses contemplate in question. I drowned myself in video games, anime, and everything else I could distract myself with. After that, I would tiredly go to sleep at midnight after finishing whatever it was that was so important in that quest or last fifty chapters.

And I wonder why my health was so bad... waking up after nights like that and having to go through that same feeling of dread at the thought of spending hours at work was beyond the hell I thought college was.

Going through a year like that left me in a sorry health.

And just when I decided to turn my situation around, life decided to screw over my months of preparation. The projects I poured all I can into using whatever skills I got from years of video games, anime and novels was all lost.

Thanks to a massive flood that suddenly hit the city at the worst possible time. The computer that I stored all my progress in? Gone. My backup USB? Hell if anyone knew where the tiny thing went.

And you know what I did that made geniuses once more contemplate in question? You guessed it! I went back to reading, video games and anime! Okay that was a joke, I also wrecked myself each night for the possible things I could have done. Like you know, SAVING MY PROJECTS THROUGH THE CLOUD.

And you know what? I think I'm moving to the next stage, why else would I be narrating my life?

I should probably slow down in the reading this week...

I let out a tired sigh I was familiar with and got off the bed, hoping to wash away the depressing thoughts. Who knows, maybe some coffee will the do work?

It's the beginning of a new week which kind of means going back to work but... one look at the time and that idea of rushing was thrown out.

I kind of feel happy at that, though I doubt I'll feel the same when the boss gives me the usual rain of of talking. Him and I haven't been getting along especially well this month, so I let go of it, I'll probably get fired soon anyway...

My focus goes back to making coffee as the water boiler finishes boiling the water. I grab a mug but suddenly stop.

"Great..." I let out an irritated sigh and throw the coffee container out. Looks like I'll be going out. Fantastic.

I ramble to myself as I grab my keys along with my pair of glasses and started driving to the mall. After cleaning myself of course, my standards are already as low it can get.

The parking at the mall forces people to pay so I drive around the nearby streets and find an empty park. There was no way I would be paying for that when my life is on the edge of unemployment.

I probably have to go hunt for a job again soon and the thought of having to go through an interview as well as getting familiar with my fellow employees gave me a slight sinking feeling.

I take in a breath and I let out another sigh. Maybe I won't get fired? In fact I might even get a promotion... wishful thinking.

I laugh to myself and open my eyes. This was just the perfect time for a white flash of light to suddenly assault my eyes. There was no time to wonder what just happened as a world of pain followed after the light.

My muscles, bones and everything else turned numb as my vision blurred. I'd like to think it was because my glasses came off and not that my brain just straight up tried to break out of my skull but that would be too far-fetched.

"Haha..." I let out a little laugh. I couldn't even feel my body, the only reason I knew I was down in the ground was the blurry sight of concrete, I didn't even know why I laughed,

Perhaps it was my self pity,

Or the feeling that this may be the last time I can chase after the fleeting thought of freedom, even if it's always far within the reach of my arms

Either way, it looks like this was game over...

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