
A fatasses dream

A fat kid wants a girlfriend really bad but a crazy fat loving girl tries to stop him from getting any and also doesn't want him to train.

ReadThisAndThat · Hiện thực
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3 Chs

She said what

*Back in class

We see Ichiro sound asleep at his desk with two fine women beside him. One is the elder twinned the other is there younger one. One is really dumb but athletic and the other one is no so athletic but you guessed it right the classic twins troupe but, yeah she is even dumber.

Ever since Ichiro was a kid he had to to spoon feed every simple instruction into there brain and ever since that the wouldn't leave his side.

"Umm.... Why are you sitting on my head I can't bweath" Ichiro says

Typo on pwupos

A young girl with bat wing and fangs walks into the classroom as it is normal everyone greets her Saying

"Good morning miss, Dracula"

The main character which in this case is Ichiro is flabbergasted by the fact no one is weirded out by the fact that she has bat wings and fangs and literally shares the same name with the most know vampire.

Ps this is the mc thoughts

Ichiro proceeds to camly asert his standing in the class by slowly moving his belly away from the desk and smacking it on his table making a *Bang sound* WHICHEVER made everyone go silent. So Ichiro proceeded to state that he is the alpha male in the class and he wont allow the vampire girl to drink anyone's blood.

Everyone fell silent but, after laughed cause he believe d she was a vampire she proceeds to take off her wings..... Ichiro ask what about you fangs..... She answers with ohhh them they're real.... And your name *gulp* ohhh muhuhahahaha that is my name.

Ichiro gasped and proceeds to fall unconscious.