
A dream of freedom

this is a journal of dreams that i am willing to share. these dreams are purely for plot ideas and hold no meaning or purpose. simply a place to share dreams.

YoungByrd · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Dream 1

so very dramatic dream I had.

there is this school of mutant teens that were forced to this specialized bootcamp some of them were beautiful some with nightmare inducing and all of them are either scared, tormented, perpetually angry and depressed, or all of the above with some extra trauma of abandonment. all of them have fae like powers, abilities, and even personalities. all of them were born form normal, unimpressive people in poor environments. sold to the government for testing, put in this school to either pay the assholes to get rid of their children for being born as fear inducing powerhouses.

The kids are tormented by the teachers but when they fight back or try to get help they are thrown into a worse environment for disrespecting authority or causing a disturbance in a learning environment that doesn't even teach. a few of these teens have gotten close and started making their own groups, "families", and created an illusional environment to live comfortably amongst each other at least until one couple was close to having their own child together. once the soon to be mother was close to showing, the "instructors" started paying more attention to the couple and trying to get them into trouble, even hurting the coming mother physically so the coming father could join and get arrested for interfering in education. an investigator was then sent to the school to take him away from the scene and he made a ruckus to get back to her, when he finally does the investigator decided they should leave the school because they were causing too many problems for the others.

eventually they leave the teens are put into a shabby shelter that could easily get them both sick but they lived healthy and quickly cleaned their new home until she went into labor. coming father tries to find a place to help her conceive safely but no one would open their doors for them even though she was in pain and bleeding after her water broke. he then went to find the investigator and stole them away from the school to beg for help, not knowing what else to do as his love was dying in front of him. his love was begging him to make the pain stop and all he could think to do was use his natural ability to "kill the nerves". the investigator says to do so to ease her pain so she at least doesn't pass in pain.

he hated the idea but does it anyway and with the investigator guiding him in labor aid, the child was born safely and his love lived.

he then told the investigator to help him leave the city with his new family. he doesn't want either of them to go through this agony again and wants to make sure they can live in solitude, away form the city, away from what's normal, and far away from everything that reminded them of their torment. they would live anywhere that isn't the cities or towns or villages. so the investigator sends them to the woods outside the city and tells them to follow the unused path and never return, giving them baby food, books on child care, and some baby clothes to start them out with, as well as some basic needs, food for them to last a few months and seeds.

in the city the school was notified that they were forever dropped for the school system and made them an example as a warning to the other students there to be careful not to cause another problem like theirs again.

that only made the school lose more students over time. some would purposefully play sick, get into fights with each other or with the educators to get a suspension or some would even try to run away and drop themselves out of school. some went as far as to jump from the building in groups to be sent home only to run away to the woods themselves, never returning after recovery. the investigator returns to the school to stop the extreme cases only to notice another pregnant student. she would often sneak around in the quiet amongst the cause to take care of herself and she did well hiding her belly by eating enough to fatten her body. she seemed to be taking the situation to a completely different extreme and the investigator confronts the girl for it asking who the father is. she refused to say anything and told the investigator to let her drop out. no answers to any of her questions and keeping a firm grip on her stomach. she then snaps and explains how she watched the educators torture the first mother in the school as if they tried to kill the child inside her, so she's doing her best to keep all her secrets to her grave.

The investigator then goes on their way to look for the father until they finally decide that it was time for her to be sent out of the city as well. as soon as the girl was sent o n her way, an educator approached them and asked why he sent away one of his students, the investigator asked him why he wanted to know and he said that he was simply curious. then the following week he resigned without a word along with his entire class.

this makes about have the school cleared of students now. less than half the population was missing from this place and no one knows where they had gone. new of this started to spread and many other cities started getting the same thing happening. mutants disappearing from their facilities and homes. "care holders" and "bloodlines" were arguing with the government for not managing the mutants properly, and taking away their funding for no reason. The school became more and more baron until the gov decided to take drastic measures and putting guards around the facilities to prevent more escapes. it didn't work as the students find new ways to leave and leaving the place completely dysfunctional.

all of them made a home in the forest down the old unused path in the woods. in the woods these teens found a settlement made of only mutants with creepy powers. most are old with their own families and even generations living under the same hunts. this was a secret paradise only they could have to themselves. some of the teens would risk going back to find more mutants to bring to the forest, but they are often sent elsewhere to make their own settlements to spread around the forest. tunnel systems were created to connect each one to transport goods between each other. a few settlements end up being found but none are disturbed because of where they are in the woods. a very dangerous place that keeps even the government away. monsters and beast that inhabit the woods keep the cities away, making it the perfect place to live in peace for them. to them anything dangerous, was the perfect paradise away from civilization.

and they tamed the woods to their advantage without disturbing the local wildlife, but even making trades between them monsters and beasts in exchange for protection.