
Chapter Four

Later that night it has been said that this will be their last night in this hotel, after tonight they will be moving to another part of England. Amber is talking to Gabriel when she says "As I will be with you all for a week, I think that I should sleep on the couch. I don't feel comfortable taking someone elses bed. You all need good sleep." Gabriel shakes his head and says "No, I refuse to let you sleep on the couch, you are a woman and we don't let women sleep on the couch." Amber says "But..." and she is interrupted by Chris saying "Why doesn't she share with one of us, there's enough room in my bed." Gabriel glares at him and Robert says "That could be a good idea for her to share, I don't think any of us would mind sharing with Amber, she would be safe with any of us." The others nod and Paul says "Well except with Chris." This makes Chris sit there and pout. It's weird seeing a grown man pout.

Gabriel turns to Amber and says "Would you be okay with sharing with someone?" Amber shrugs her shoulders and says "I don't mind as long as none of you have to sleep on the couch, you can't perform your best if you don't get good sleep. Liam says "So how do we decide?? Does she take turns to share with us? If so who is first?" Gabriel thinks for a minute then gets up and walks over to the table. He empties the fruit out of a glass bowl and says "Everyone's name except for Chris will be put on pieces of paper and folded up." Chris interrupts saying "Hey, that's not fair"and Gabriel just glares at him again and continues "We will put them in this bowl and mix them up. Amber will choose a piece of paper and whoever's name it is she will share with for the whole week." The names are written down and Gabriel brings the bowl over to her, placing it in front of her. Amber looks around the room at everyone and all eyes are on her, except for Chris who looks like he is sulking. She reaches into the bowl and pulls out a piece of paper. She takes a deep breath and unfolds the paper, looking at the name. Her face can't help but turn a nice shade of pink as she says "It's Jason."

Later on Amber retires to bed before Jason, maybe because she feels slightly shy because it's the first night sharing a bed with her favourite member. When Jason actually comes to bed Amber pretends to be asleep as she feels him get under the cover. She waits for a few minutes to make sure he should be asleep before slowly opening her eyes to look at him. But instead of being asleep he is laying on his side facing her with his eyes open looking at her. He smiles when he sees her eyes open and says "Are you okay with this?" Amber gives a small smile back as she says "Yes, I am okay." Jason nods and says "Goodnight" so she says "Goodnight" back to him and they both fall asleep.

When Amber wakes up in the morning she can feel something heavy on her. She slowly opens her eyes and all she can see is a body, to be more exact a chest. She turns her head slightly trying to see what is on her but knowing in her heart already what it is. She sees as expected that Jason has his arm over her. She tries to move carefully so as not to wake him but his arm tightens around her. She dares to look up at his face and all of a sudden he opens his eyes fast. He quickly moves his arm and Amber moves back over to her side of the bed. They both say sorry at the same time which makes Amber smile shyly. Jason says "I'm sorry, I don't remember that happening." Amber smiles and says "Don't worry, I can't remember either." Jason then says "I will get up first" as he quickly gets out of bed and leaves the room. Amber hears a laugh coming from Robert's bed so she quickly looks at him and he says "Get used to waking up like that all week sweetheart, he is always like that." He then rolls over with his back facing the room. Amber gets out of bed and gathers together her clothes that she will wear today and other needed things. By the time she has done this, Jason comes back so she heads into the bathroom before anyone else can get in there.

After breakfast they all pack up their bags and get in the limo to move on to the next hotel. When they get there, everyone finds their room. Amber and Jason have got the room with the double bed and a single bed which Robert will use again. After all bags are in rooms, the guys put on disguises and they all go out to do some sightseeing and shopping etc. When they finally get back to the hotel it is almost dinner time.