
Forest Friend

"Hmmmmm… so I'm sure I followed the path that I used to get to the lake but… Where the heck am I now?!" Alicia shouted helplessly.

She was currently making her way through the forest after pushing back the humans who tried to attack her. Though thanks to her telling Ignis and Vera to go on ahead, she no longer had a map and her sense of direction was not great even when Alicia knew the area she was in.

"Grrrrr… stupid forest, everything looks the same! How am I supposed to find my way if everything looks the damn same!" Alicia shouted as started kicking a thick tree, causing it sway backwards and forwards.

It had been a number of hours since she had fought Daichi and she had managed to call her [Spirit Armour] back, which solved the nude problem. But she was getting increasingly frustrated at her perceived lack of progress in finding her friends and it was beginning to get dark.

"Haah… I might have to just call it a night soon and find a place to camp until morning. Even with my great vision, if I cannot find my way during the daytime then I might as well get some rest during the night time or I'll just get myself more lost…" Alicia says, talking to herself out loud to try and offset her loneliness.

She had not been by herself for as long as this since she was in the egg. Even in her previous life, he, as she was back then, had his sister to keep him company when he hadn't hung out with anyone in a while. So right now, Alicia is feeling a bit uneasy about how isolated she is.

After a bit more searching, Alicia decided to stop for the night and began searching for a place to sleep as well as something to eat. Eventually, she found a cave within the ascent up to the mountain range.

She wanders in and sees exactly what she was hoping to. Something begins to stir in the shadows of the cave…

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" a large silhouette drags itself off the ground and onto its feet and a huge roar emits from it.

"Fufufu, what do we have here…" Alicia says as she stares at the creature, that was easily three times as big as her.

The creature in question was a Giant Grey-back Ape with glowing red eyes. It had bulging muscles and a beautiful grey and black fur.


The Ape lifts it massive fists off the floor and starts pounding its chest in an attempt to intimidate Alicia. It had likely thought, seeing the tiny Alicia, that it could easily scare her and eat her when she is frozen in fear. Though for Alicia… this had the complete opposite effect…

"Ooooooo! You wanna fight! Great! I've been feeling suuuuper frustrated that I couldn't have a proper fight with those people earlier! Hehe thanks big feral ape!" Alicia shot the Ape a brilliant smile that would be a knockout blow for any sane creature. Though this Ape was feral and not sane, so it had zero effect.

"RAAAAAA RAAA!" The Grey-Back began its charge, aiming to trample and kill Alicia in one attack.

Once it reached Alicia, it slammed its two fists down at her with immense force. Alicia manages to back flip away though and begins to make her way out of the cave…

"Can't have you bringing the cave down on us, can I?" Alicia says as she leaps to the area just outside of the cave.

The Grey-Back quickly follows her and jumps towards her, clearly completely frenzied. Alicia again easily dodges it predictable attack. Most feral monsters are very predictable due to their lack of intelligence, meaning they completely rely of instincts as Alicia once did.

Alicia however had grown a bit in this department. Although Flame Dragons were rarely the scholarly type, they were by no means dumb. As if they really tried to apply themselves, they would be very talented at various things. However, they tend to be very focussed on one thing most of the time, especially when they are young. That thing, of course, is battle.

Due to this they are extremely talented fighters and even commanders. They are the very picture of battle nerds, once they grew up a bit.

Alicia analysed the situation and came to conclusion she needed to change the environment they were fighting in to give her the best advantage. Being in a cave, she knew both the feral creatures and her attacks were easily powerful enough to end up bringing the cave down on both of them.

She also judged that the Ape was powerful enough to use big powerful strikes that would have an area damage effect. She needed to be out of the enclosed space in order to make sure she had enough room to dodge.

In honesty, she could just overpower the Grey-Back without needing to go through this much trouble. But her Mother warned her that it would not always be the case that brute strength could see her through and that she should use this trip to improve her weak points.

Alicia knew she was right and the battle with Daichi only further proved that point. Even when Alicia was in Dragon form, he could block and at one point over power and push her back as well being able to cut her.

And so, when she saw this huge Ape, she decided it would be the perfect opportunity to try develop her in-battle thinking processes. Surprisingly, she took to it quite well when she tried it and it had led to this current situation…


"Hehe, come on! Test me more!" Alicia shouted as she easily dodged the attack of the Ape while slashing at it with her scythe when she saw an opening.

Not long later…


The Grey-Back fell to the ground after losing to much blood from all the injuries Alicia had inflicted on it.

"Haaah, hit and run tactics are not that exciting… but I guess it is better to have them and not need them, then to need them and not have them." Alicia says to herself while looking at her latest conquest.

"Now then what to do now *grooooaaaan*… guess it's time to eat." Alicia approached the body of the Grey-Back, grabbed it by its toe and begins to drag it back towards the entrance of the cave.

Once she had done that, she went and gathered some wood she could use for a fire to cook the Grey-Back. Thankfully she didn't need to know the technique for starting fires with sticks, she could juts gently breathe some fire on the pile of wood to get it going.

She started it just outside of the cave, so as not to die from breathing in all the fumes.

[That would be a sad way to go after all this…] Alicia thought to herself as she breathed some fire onto her wood pile.

After a little while, once the fire was going, Alicia cut up the Grey-Back into pieces she could cook on her little fire and began to do so. As the smell of burning meat entered Alicia's nose, her mouth began to drool.

"… If I was still a human, I would probably think this was disgusting or something. Fufufu I really cannto wait for this…" Alicia murmured to herself as she spins the meat round with the sharp stick she had impaled it with.

Eventually, the food was finally ready to be eaten… Or it wasn't but Alicia just couldn't hold herself back anymore and so was just about to start eating it.

Though just as she was about to take her first bite…

*Rustle, Rustle*

"Huh?" Alicia began to hear some rustling in some nearby bushes, she summoned her scythe and prepared herself for a fight. That was, until the noise maker began to come out from its hiding place…

"Ryuuu… Ryu?" First, some little cries began to be made, then two little round ears popped out of the top of the bush. The a small face began to slowly peep out making itself just barely visible, but enough for Alicia to identify it.

"A Bear cub?" Alicia said in surprise.

She had not seen anything but highly aggressive, feral monsters since she came to this area apart from the Lizardman she rescued earlier in the day. The cub was a dark blue colour, with a single black patch head from the top of its head, all the way to the tip of its tail. It has big round eyes that seemed to be a beautiful mix of gold and green and two small rounded fluffy ears. There would no doubt be a small tail behind it as well.

"…Ryuuuuuu…" The bear cub continued to just stand half-way out of the bush, though it seemed like it was staring at something with great interest.

Alicia followed the cubs eyes, and it turns out it was staring at what was within Alicia's hand. Her meat.

"*gulp* ryuuuuuu…" The cub swallowed its saliva and began to approach Alicia as if in a trance. Its big round eyes were completely glazed over, though Alicia felt no danger to herself… just to her food.

"B-But this is my food!" Alicia shouted desperately at the cub.

When it first appeared, she realised just how small and how soft and glossy its fur was. And this was a problem. Alicia was incredibly hungry, and so began the epic battle between Alicia's gluttony and her want to make the tiny cub like her by giving it food.

In the end though, the choice was taken out of her hands…

"ryuuuuu… RYU!" Seeing Alicia's inner conflict, the cub jumped at the cooked meat and snatched it out of Alicia's hand. As soon as it landed with the meat, it started devouring it quickly. Seeing this, Alicia sank to the floor…

"N-Nooooo! Now I have to wait another twenty minutes to eat!" Alicia shouted with despair in her eyes.

She got up, and angrily stomped over to the cub who was still enjoying its meal.

"Grrrr you think you can just steal my food and get away with it-" Alicia began, as she tried to tell off the cub. Though…

"Ryuuu!" The cub makes a thankful noise and…

"Of course! You can have more if you want!" … Alicia completely caves and offers up more of her food to the cute little cub.

"…Looks like I'll have to make a bigger fire to do more than one piece of meat… Or I may end up just starving." Alicia says as she plods off and quickly grabs some more wood to make more food for herself and her new friend.


A couple of hours later.

"Haaaah, I'm completely stuffed now! Hehe how about you?"


Alicia and her new bear cub friend had just finished eating all of the Grey-Back Ape. If one looked at the two creatures, they would not believe just the two of them ate such a large creature.

They both laid on their backs staring up at the starry sky. Alicia had introduced herself during the meal.

"Hmmm… I would ask where you came from, but I can't understand what you are saying yet… which means you are still quite young." Alicia says, partly talking to the cub and partly wondering to herself.

"Ryuuuuuu…" Cub answers while turning to look at her.

"Seems like you can understand me a bit at least though. Guess it must be like me when I was young, I could understand Mother, but she couldn't understand me."

"RYU!" The cub makes a happy noise as if to confirm what Alicia was saying.

"Hehe awesome, so you have plenty of intelligence like me. I won't ask you about your circumstances yet as I can't understand." The cub looked a bit sad when she said that, Alicia thought maybe its situation was complicated or something bad had happened before she met it. Alicia pressed on with what she was going to say...

"But if you don't have anywhere to go, you wanna come with me? I'll keep you safe and we can keep each other company." Alicia asks, hoping this little creature would stay with her from now.

"Ryu Ryu RYUUUUU!" The bear cub charged up to Alicia and jumped on her, almost making Alicia throw up the food she just ate, and started licking her face excitedly.

"Haha, okay, okay I'll take that as a yes!" Alicia says while trying to hold back the ecstatic little cub.

After the cub had eventually calmed down, Alicia explained that tomorrow they would be going to find Alicia's friends, Ignis and Vera.

"Don't worry, Vera is super nice and Ignis can be too when she wants to be and isn't complaining haha!" Alicia says as the cub stares up at her intently.

"Hmm we'll need a name for you… You have a name?" Alicia asks, and the cub replies by nodding.

"I guess I will have to wait until you can talk to find out… I'll think of something good to call you in the mean time tomorrow. Anyway, for now we have a big day tomorrow! Let's get to sleep cubby!" Alicia shouts, though the cub makes a disapproving noise in response to its temporary name.

Alicia was a bit upset at the cub's dislike for its temp name, but she soon recovered. She deactivated her spirit armour as they both cuddled up to each other and try to go to sleep.

"Good night little cub." Alicia says as goes to drift off.

"Ryuuuu…" The cub gives her small lick and starts to fall asleep too.


The next morning.

Two naked girls lay cuddling together, as the morning birds sing in the trees outside of the cave they were in. Neither were both not the tallest creatures ever, though red headed girl with black tips was slightly taller than the other one.

"Mmmmm… Mama… Food…" The second, smaller, girl is laying on top of the red-haired girl stomach. She has blue hair, with a single black streak going down her hair on the right side. She had a small petite figure and was very pretty. They looked like two sleeping dolls.

"Hehe… thanks for the food…" The blue haired girl murmurs in her sleep as she reaches out to grab the food she thinks is there.

"Nghh!…" (Red-Haired Girl)

Though all she ends up grabbing is the breast of the red headed girl, which makes her squirm slightly while making a strange noise. Though it does not wake her up. The blue haired girl then moves herself up closer to the red heads breast, which she had grabbed, and moves her face closer to it.

She opens her small mouth…

"Huhu… let's dig in…*Chu*" (Blue-Haired Girl)

…And shuts on her nipple.

"Hyaaaaaaah!" This finally throws the red-haired girl, Alicia, awakes from the shock and stimulation.

She quickly looks down while continuing to feel this strange sensation to find a girl had bitten and is now sucking on her nipple.

"Nghhhh! What?! Nnnn... STAWPPPPPP!" Alicia, shouts as the weird sensation grows as the girl on top of her sucks harder.

The shout finally wakes the girl up and she releases Alicia from her mouth. Alicia quickly crawls backwards while holding her breasts with a red face and staring angrily with wet eyes at the mysterious girl. The girl sits up on her knees, rubs her eyes and has a stretch.

"*Yawn*… morning Alicia… hmm? I… I can speak? Why do I look like this?" The girl says as stared at her body with a confused look on her face. She then begins to smile...

"Hehe… I can talk!" The girl shouts excited, then stands on her feet unsteadily and throws herself towards Alicia.

"Wahhhh! NOOO!" Alicia, still traumatised by the earlier incident, thought that she was going to try attacking her breasts again.

But she just lands on top of her legs and looks up at her…

"Hehe looks like I have to get used to walking again… Anyway, thanks for the meal sis." The girl says as she looks up with golden and green eyes, which seem familiar to Alicia.

"M-Meal?" (Alicia)

[What does she mean meal? Does she mean me? Oh no… a pervert?] Alicia thought to herself, her face still as red as her hair.

"Yupp, the meal you shared with me last night?" The girl says with a questioning voice, wondering what Alicia was thinking that was making her act so strange.

"Hmmm? Last night? Wait… you are?" Alicia finally clicked on to what had happened. She carefully looks at the girl, blue hair with a black strip, round furry ears, a small fluffy tail and those brilliant eyes.

"Yupp I am a Sacred Earthen Bear, my names Osha. Nice to finally talk to you big sis Alicia!"


Alicia Valensca

Race: Chaos Flame Dragon

Level: 35

Vit: 5820 MP: 7000 Str: 310 Spe: 339 Sta: 340 Int: 120

Titles: [Princess of the Mountains] [Tiny One] [Charming One]

Divine Protection: [Dragon God Xerxes]

Class: Berserker (Proficiency: 59%)

Element Affinity: Fire (Strong) Dark (Strong)

Active Skills: [Flame Element Magic: Level 7] [Feisty Roar: Level 10]LVLUP! [Princesses Command: Level 3]LVLUP! [Territory Boost: Level 4] [Body Strengthening: Level 8] [Humanoid Transformation] [Spirit Armour] [Spirit Weapon] [Dark Element Magic: Level 2]LVLUP! [Blood Lust] [Berserker Link] [Weapon Enhancement: Level 3]LVLUP!

Passive Skills: [Flame Element Resistance: Level 10] [Strong Dragon Vision] [Flame Dragons Bravery] [Dragon Regeneration] [Sharp Senses] [Dark Element Resistance: Level 10] [Earthen Element Resistance: Level 2] [Humanoid Subordinates] [Enhanced Battle Thinking Processes]NEW! [Cooking: Level 1]NEW!

Status Effects: [Small Build]

Affiliation: Kingdom of Drakonia [Position: Queen]


New character time! First impressions?

Taking away age from status as it does not really apply much to monsters like Alicia. They mature very quickly x) Though let me know what you think.

Suggestions, questions and mistakes? Let me know in the comments politely.

Thanks for reading :)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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