
A Detective Conan Fanfiction Story: Fading Memories

When Ran found out Conan's identity, her life was in a tightrope and all bad luck in life came to their lives like a tornado. Ten years passed, he couldn't recognize her. She was a complete stranger to him. Will they be able to solve their complicated, tough case together? Credits to the true maker of Detective Conan, Gosho Aoyama.

MQWrites · Tranh châm biếm
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61 Chs

Chapter Thirty-One: House of Cards (Part I)

Shinichi's POV

"Jimmy... Jimmy..." I heard someone calling my name.

It felt cold... I could only hear the breeze and silent cracking of a couch. Wait, a couch?

I slowly opened my eyes, and a blurred light comes into my sight. A head blocking some of it. Wait, a head?

"Jimmy!" I groaned as I heard a cockroach shout. That annoying noise... I couldn't help myself but go limp and just wanted to sleep. "Jimmy!"

I groaned again and I could not help myself but open my eyes and looked with fire eyes at the person who's bothering me. I stilled in my seat as I saw the person who's been bothering me.

She is smiling at me, and her eyes are also shining with happiness. "Hi, Jimmy. I'm so glad you're alive! I thought that I killed you," she said and hugged me tightly.

My eyes widened in shock and I can't process everything. What's going on?

I looked at the girl hugging me right now. My blood boils as I remembered everything he did to us, but my curiosity is killing me why she is not held captive in the police station.

I pushed her away from me and looked her in the eyes. She's happy. She's really happy to see me. Her eyes are telling me so, but I'm not happy.

The smile on her eyes faded and it was exchanged as worry. "Jimmy... Are you not happy to see me?" she asked.

"No, I'm not happy to see you," I answered bluntly. I saw her eyes dropped into sadness. "What did you do? Why am I here? I'm not in my place. I also do not remember you escaped the police station. Why are you here? What are you doing here?"

"It doesn't matter anymore if I'm here or not," she said. Her eyes are shining with happiness. She held my hand and cupped both of my hands with her hands. Her white teeth showing. "You and I will be happy together now! No one would ever, ever separate us. Not even that Ran you loved. We're going to be happy and start a new life together."

I started to feel myself heating up, not because I was about to blush but in anger. I pushed her hands away and gave distance to us making her shock and her face was coated with disappointment.

I glared at her. "How many times do I have to tell you? Huh, Olivia? I would NEVER, EVER wanna be with you again!" I shouted at her face. "If you understand, then let me go!"

She lowered her head. Her hands clenched into a fist as her body shakes. She slowly lifted her head and I wad shocked to see her eyes tearing up, glassy with a vulnerable emotion.

"NO! How could you not understand?! I love you, Jimmy! I love you!"

"I don't love you!" I shouted back. "I understand you love me but don't push yourself to a person that doesn't love you!"

"But I love you! And that's more than enough! I want you to be mine! Only mine! You're only mine! And no one will ever take you away from me!" she shouted as she suddenly stood up. Her hair is messed up, dangling everywhere, pointing randomly. Her eyes are widened with psychotic emotion.

I could feel the aura became different. She isn't the Olivia I used to talk to before. It was like she changed in milliseconds.

"If you're not going to be mine, I'll burn this house and kill you so that you'll never be with that Ran! And never be happy with Mouri Ran!"

Then, a psycho laugh slips to her lips. My eyes carefully looked around the room to see an escape route. My eyes stared at a door behind Olivia. It is not locked. It is completely unlocked. It is a normal doorknob but no locks. A chain above it, a few meters away from the doorknob. It's locked.

So, I'm still trapped. I thought as I looked back again to Olivia. My eyes widened, my body leaned back as I saw Olivia's face near me.

"You're not going anywhere..." she whispered near my face. She's looking at me with wide eyes, her hands are repeatedly tickling the air.

I frowned. "What is really wrong with you?!"

"Just be mine and I will not kill your precious childhood friend—or rather would I say, your lover that you exchanged in my position?"

"I didn't exchanged your position in anything! I retrieved my memories and that's all of it. You just want me to be your boyfriend again because I loved you. It's all in the past! There's no turning back!"

"There is and there will be! I'll force the present to come back until you become mine!"

My thoughts came back to where she mentioned Ran.

"What did you do to Ran?!"

Her eyes gazes at me with a devilish smile across her lips, all the way to her imaginary red horns.

"Oh... Wanna know, my dear?" she teasingly asked as she snakes her arms around my neck and leaned into me. I could feel her nasty breath kissed my lips. "You wanna know...?"

Third Person's View

Shinichi held both of Olivia's wrists and push her away again.

"I wanna know but..." His eyes turned into slits as he gave more pressure to his grip on Olivia's wrist. "...don't. Touch. Me."

Olivia felt her cheeks reddened as her imaginary cat ears twitch with excitement.

"A~Aah~~ Oh, my dear Jimmy! You're so touching!"

"Touching? What is touching of what I'm saying?" Shinichi's gaze at her hasn't faded away. "You just kidnapped me for your own good. You positioned Ran to a certain way you wanted it—to kill her, to torture her, or to the worst outcome, you wanted her to meet Death and the Grim Reaper."

"I want to kill her so that you'll be mine! Only mine!"

"You're only obsessed to me. There's something really wrong with your head. Can you just go back to the police station or can you go straight to the mental hospital for your mental check-up?"

Olivia's face flushed with embarrassment. Shinichi felt Olvia's anger.

"Kudo Shinichi.... You're only mine. If I said you're mine, YOU. ARE. MINE. I'll kill who gets in my way. Even if it is my friends, your parents, and also, my parents. I'll kill you ALL."