
A Detective Conan Fanfiction Story: Fading Memories

When Ran found out Conan's identity, her life was in a tightrope and all bad luck in life came to their lives like a tornado. Ten years passed, he couldn't recognize her. She was a complete stranger to him. Will they be able to solve their complicated, tough case together? Credits to the true maker of Detective Conan, Gosho Aoyama.

MQWrites · Tranh châm biếm
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61 Chs

Chapter Eleven: The Black Organization's Princess

Third Person's View

The sound of the transportations zooming in and out, buzzing noisily in the cold night. Buildings were being closed due to the late hours. Lights came down to perfectly dark hallways.

The cold breeze seemed to touch in everyone's skin as stars starting to appear through the dark sky. Helicopters flew to the air with the consent of the police headquarters to observe thieves moves, especially Kaito Kid who starts his hunt for one gem at night.

As the streets noised in anger, a woman with the black tight suit from neck to toe raced her car from one of the building's parking lot and parked it there with a screeching sound of her motor's wheel to the soil.

She took out her helmet and took out her phone to make a phone call. After a few rings, the one she called picked up. "Hello. This is Eclipse. I'm at the CCA Building right now, parking lot, left side wing. Come, quick." Then, she ended the call.

A couple of minutes later, a new motorcycle arrived and the new arrival parked it beside Eclipse's motorcycle. "What do you need?"

"I need some information about Mouri Ran," Eclipse replied and took one cigarette out of her motorcycle's compartment and lit it up using her golden lighter.

"You seemed interested to a girl now. Are you into the girls, nowadays, Eclipse?" the new arrival teased.

"Shut up, Singani," she said and took the smoke out of her mouth. "I want you to take some pieces of information so that I could know who is really in Jimmy's life."

"Jimmy? Do you mean Kudo Shinichi, right?" Singani said. "Why do you need to investigate her? You are the girlfriend of Kudo Shinichi now."

"Currently, but I'm not treated like that," she replied and took one sip on her cigarette again. "She is the wall in our relationship. She's been the one who Jimmy always notices. Ever since the case about her was being solved by Jimmy, they got closer. I don't know how she brainwashed my boyfriend but yeah, they got close."

"And you want to investigate? Are you jealous, sis?"

"Shut up, brother. I really need to eliminate the girl once for all."

"Then, why won't kill her? It was easy for you to kill her."

"She's not an easy deal, bro."

"Why not? All people are easy to deal with. They're weak and so oblivious to their surroundings. If we need a target, we just kill them in one shot."

"So, that's why I need you to get some pieces of information about Mouri Ran. Don't piss me off, Singani," she said seriously.

"Fine. I won't," he said, raising his hands to the air as a surrender. "Woman, you're a b*tch."

"Anyways..." she sighed. "... my schedule is full tomorrow so I can't check you up. Call me if you find anything juicy about her."

"What's her name again?"

Eclipse raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you trying to piss me off again?"

"Nope. I just don't remember her name. That's all."

She rolled her eyes. "Ugh. I hate you right now." Eclipse took her phone out of her pocket and type Ran's name before ending it to Singani. "There. I sent her name to you. Don't bother asking me anymore, hmm?"

"Fine, sis," Singani replied and take a look at the message before putting it back to the pocket. "I'll be taking your offer. Just treat me to a fine restaurant after my investigation, okay?"

Eclipse rolled her eyes as she heaved heavily. "Fine. Just get over the investigation for me."

"Okie dokie, sister. You always got me by your side," he replied before starting his engine alive and left the parking lot with a zoom.

Eclipse was left alone. Her phone suddenly vibrated through her skinny jeans. She immediately picked up the phone call. "Hello?"

"It's me, Eclipse."

"Oh, father. What a surprise you called from your busy schedule to the organization. What's up?" Eclipse asked as she took a look at her nails.

"Did you track Kudo Shinichi right now?"

"Oh, haven't Singani told you? I've been that man's girlfriend for six years now."

"What?! Why haven't you told me?" the caller said on the other line, fuming in anger.

"I could do the mission by myself. You're Gin, father. You should just take the role of being that, I'll take the rest in here."

"Singani told me you have someone for him to investigate."

"Oh, Singani told you that? Wow, the news was fast," Eclipse said sarcastically. "I never thought that the news about me being your enemy's girlfriend would not come fast to you."

"Shut up, Hayley."

"Na-uh. You can't shut me up. You see, pretending isn't all about pretending that. A woman makes a woman, a woman so don't shut me up."

"You're like your mother."

"Yep. I'm more like her. Thank you for raising me to an illegal organization," she said.

"Hayley Ford, shut up now or I'll shot you."

"Ooh~ Scary. Father, you can't scare me like that. You know I'm more than willing to kill you first than my life to be killed first."

"You're a helpless kid."

"No, I'm not. I have lots of money," she replied. "Anyways, I'll be dealing with the mission here, father. Don't worry. I'll make sure that the plan would lead us to checkmate."

"Make sure of that. Don't fail me, daughter."

"Yes, Gin. I will and I should because I know what you could do. You never know if Father could kill me where I am standing right now."

The caller smirked. "Good. I know you're a smart kid. You're my daughter after all."

"Of course, I'm smart. I have your genes," she said and chuckled. "Well, I'll get going now. Continue your plots there and don't forget to tell Mom that you called me."

"Are you making your Mom jealous again?"

"What do you think so? She loves me more than you. Bye." Then, she clicked the end call button and put the phone back to her pocket.

She rolled her eyes and plopped into her motorcycle before starting the engine and drift her motorcycle towards the streets. It was noisy. Many people were still on the street pathways but lights from the buildings were only a few.

Yes. It was Hayley Ford, daughter of Gin and Vermouth. She has a brother codenamed Singani and hers was Eclipse. She was the Black Organization's Princess and she came to continue the legacy of her parents.