

"You see, three of my kids are currently attending hogwarts. Great place really. It's really important for young wizards to grow up in such a good environment don't you think, Mr... Er.. I must apologise, I got so carried away that I didn't ask your name.", Arthur apologised with a sheepish smile on his face.

Steve replied simply with," Steve. ", before signalling Arthur to carry on.

Embarrassed Steve checked his hold on his box before setting off to the lifts with Steve in tow.

" Luckily we're heading the same way.", Arthur said happily as he showed Steve into the lift and fumbled with his box awkwardly as he tried to reach out for the control panel. After nearly dropping the box a few times, Arthur placed the box on the ground and pressed the correct corresponding button for the meeting room before picking his box back up from the floor.

Watching this curfuffle Steve couldn't believe that the human race was the predominant species on this planet. All it would take would be one vortex to another world to open up and they'd all be wiped out by giant ants or hamsters or something!

The awkward silence in the elevator seemed to only be felt by Steve as he looked towards the ginger man whilst the lift was lurching every bizarre direction you could think of. The man had a jolly smile on his face as if he was thinking of something funny and was unaware of the stifling atmosphere of the lift.

After what seemed an age, Arthur followed by a rather queasy Demon, stepped out from the lift and out into a narrow corridor with ots of ornate spruce doors leading to vastly different rooms and departments. Arthur happily walked down to the end of the corridor before stopping in front of a large door with the gold lettering, "MEETING ROOM 12A", etched into a plaque two thirds of the way up.

"Right, here you are... You seem like a good bloke so you shouldn't have much trouble.", with a reassuring pat on the shoulder he turned to leave. "Oh and if you get it can you do me a favour and look after my kids George and Fred, they're a bit of a trouble makers but they've got a good heart.", and with that he went the way they came and back into the elevator.

Steve was now all alone in the corridor, and with no other thoughts he opened the door and stepped inside.

The room was finely decorated with cosy flooring and a fireolace in the corner. There was a chair in front of a couple of other chairs in the middle of the room, with no other information to go on, Steve sat down and waited...

After a while Steve began to hear voices from the other side of the door. It seemed as if there was a gruff voice and a refined voice having an argument.

"ut Madam Mcgonagall, why do we need a new overseer. Give me the job! I need some more cash!",

The refined voice sounded out before the door opened. "Why do you need more money Hagrid? Dumbledoore pays a fair wage and I don't think anyone in Hogwarts would gamble their earnings away so easily. Anyway we need to hire someone or else the castle would fall apart incredibly quickly!", the door opened revealing an elderly lady in a pointy hat and a large gruff bearded man who seemed a bit cranky.

Hire... As in a job? Steve thought to himself. I want to find hogwarts, not get a new job! With is surprise evident on his face all Steve could mutter was, "eh?",