
An Introduction to Magic

For a resident from the nine circles of hell, Steve's twenty-minute conversation with the strange doughnut eating human before reaching his current destination was truly puzzling. According to 'Simon', as he liked to call himself, he assumed Steve was a lost wizard due to the magical energy Simon could feel from Steve's body.

This confused Steve greatly as as far as he knew, he had a great deal of demonic energy built up in his body due to his natural constitution as a Demon and being one of the Chamber guardians. In his resume there was nothing written about him possessing magical powers. Magic is a thing of fiction!

Shaking his head Steve pondered in his mind... If magic isn't real then how did this puny human transform those ants into five wooden balls. Steve had met many humans before in hell who practiced internal energy cultivating. He remembered each and every encounter with a cultivator in hell fondly as crushing some arrogant human that thinks they're the top dog in front of your Lords is a very rewarding and novel experience. (Especially if Baphomet takes fancy on you and slips you a bonus pay because of it.)

But in all his time in hell he had never met any human that practiced magic, yet an example of one such 'wizard' was showing him the way right now!.

Curiously Steve stared intently into the back of Simon's head, trying to peak at the secrets that lied within this interesting specimen. Feeling the stares, Simon picked up his pace and within minutes they had arrived at a peculiar location. A random dirty looking box shaped building in between two tall office buildings. To say that Steve was confused would be an understatement and as the pair walked inside the building marked 'toilets' and saw the line of stalls in front of them, Steve's earlier confusion at the sight of the building seemed tiny in comparison to the confusion he now felt as one of his eyebrows were raised incredulously on his face.

A loud grunt was heard from one of the stalls followed by a timely 'plop' and 'flush' sound before an old, fat balding man walked out from a stall, securing his belt back around his waist. Not bothering to wash his hands, the man made for the bathroom exit as Steve watched him leave. Before turning back to Simon, Steve noticed a trail of paper stuck to the bottom of the man's shoe but the man had already left before Steve had a chance to inform him about the predicament, not that he would anyway.

Simon, as if on cue, walked into the stall and stood directly in the toilet bowl, that the man used, and looking back at Steve he pulled the flusher. In a few moments Simon vanished as he twirled quickly into the pipes and was gone without another trace.

Steve stood there jaw wide for a few minutes as he processed what just happened. 'If this is magic-', Steve thought to himself, '-then magic is some disturbing stuff.', after mentally preparing himself, Steve followed the wizard's lead before pulling the flusher and within moments he had also disappeared down the drain.

A few seconds after Steve disappeared, a person came out from the adjoining stall and looked around before mumbling to them self in confusion, "I thought I heard someone else come in?".

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