
chapter 1-a dead dad (1)

Alexandria Felix

"Da..dad" I whispered unsure if anyone can hear me. I screamed but I couldn't even hear my own voice. It felt as though my throat was clogged.

I stepped down from my car and ran to him without closing the door

Two big pair of hands held me and a cold metal pointed to my head to stop me from going to save him.

I stiffened and looked at my surrounding

The subway was empty and in a secluded part of the town and dad was chained to the rails after being badly beaten up to pulp.

My brain began functioning well again when I hear the sound of the approaching train. I elbowed the huge man's in in his hard stomach that I felt my hand weaken at the impact because of how much force I used and knocked the gun off his hands before he could press the trigger.

The man growled but my panic increased as the train was no longer so far away from my dad.

I round kicked him in his voodoo masked face but he didn't flinch at the impact because I wasn't so focused on the fight. All I could think of was saving my dad

He held onto my hair and pulled me up so my feet left the ground and knocked the air out of my lungs by giving me two swift punch in the stomach. Just then the police siren filled our ears and it distracted him a bit.

I endured the pain and pushed myself up and wrapped my legs around his neck still with his hand holding my hair painfully. I twisted and snapped his neck with my legs

After satisfyingly hearing a crack I hurriedly ran towards dad but just as I ran for about five steps the blurring train sped over him and I dazed at the blood spattered place where he was.

Bits, parts and pieces of his body littered and I stopped running. I looked painfully at the horrifying sight.

Tears began to seep through my eyes. "No" I whispered feeling numb

The far away blaring of the ambulance siren was so loud that I felt eardrums would explode,

I felt I would explode from the pain I felt. This hurts so damn much.

"Daaaaaaaaaddddddd!!!!" I screamed and burst into tears, crying like a baby And shut my eyes tightly

"No....this. Can't be real. No. This." I said between uncontrollable sobs.

"No! You can't just leave me..." I whispered in pain

"You can't just do that to me....dad, dad" I whimpered in tears

I felt someone's arm wrapped around me but I paid no heed to the person. I don't want to feel the reality of my world. Slowly I sank on the floor with shaky hands then my body trembled badly. I was shaken by the event.

The person who hugged me kept on saying things that sounded too loud and too distant at the same time. My heart can't take this.

My head felt so light, black dots filled my vision then the distant sound of my mother's voice and my body being shook by her. Mum? She must be in agony but I can barely move all I see is darkness.


I fluttered my eyes open and blinked into several time as I looked at the milk ceiling above which was blurry at first.

I felt someone holding onto my hand and slid my gaze to the person to recognize my mum and the equipments around me proved that I was in the hospital.

The events I witnessed came back lightening fast to my brain and my heart constricted in pain.

I looked at my mum's puffy eyes hazel eyes that mirrored mine.

"How are feeling now Darling?" She asked with concern etched in her tone as she pushed back the hair from my face.

"Mum. I'm so sorry. Dad..." I wanted to say but the words felt heavy.

"Sshhh, It's not your fault darling, it's not your fault"

She said as she hugged me

"No mum it's my fault. I stood there helplessly looking at the train speed.." I whispered and bit my lips to stop my tears

"You killed no one, never blame yourself.... My angel," she shook her head continuously

She cried even more and I held mine at the bay and she rubbed my hand.

"Mum I should have stopped dad from going there...I was just so mad that I..."

"Shhhh...it's gonna be OK. We will get through this together. We are family okay?" She said while tucking loose strands behind my ears.

"But why us mum? Why do we have to witness all this? It keeps getting worse. I can't face this reality" I said softly

"We are gonna be okay? This is just what fate planned." She said shaking her head. She is trying to be strong for us.

I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

A man walked in and I recognise him to be an officer because of his uniform.

He gave mum a nod, she heeded and went out of the door with him. I guess to speak to her at the hallway.

I stood up and tiptoed to the door and placed my ears on it

I barely made out the voices I heard

He introduced himself and greeted her.

" Mrs felix, I'd like to offer my condolences " said the officer

Mum replied with a quiet thank you

"We made an investigation concerning your husband's demise"

"And what did you find out?" She asked calmly

"Unfortunately the place were he passed on had not camera because it was on the outskirts of town and not a subway station.Just a field with railways." He replied

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