
A Conquer Accurses the Omniverse

I have Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Tranh châm biếm
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31 Chs

8 Dragon Gate

Haku was born in a small, snowy village in the Land of Water, a land that had suffered from war not long before. In this war, different sides battled each other using ninjas, some of whom possessed kekkei genkai. After the war ended, memories of the horrific battles still lingered in the minds of the people. Those with kekkei genkai quickly became feared and hated for their abilities, out of concern that their existence would only bring about more war.

A Kekkei Genkai was also called a bloodline limit, which meant that it was normally limited to those with the said bloodline. it was a bloodline technique that couldn't be learned by normal means,

Haku Kekkei Genkai was called Ice Release, a unique nature transformation that was the fusion between air and water. even those with mastery of all 5 nature transformations are unable to use ice release

Haku's father and mother were simple farmers, and they lived a peaceful life. They loved each other and were kind to their child. Unfortunately, this would all change. Haku's mother was a wielder of a kekkei genkai: Ice Release. She hid this fact from her husband, hoping that the love and peace that was shared in their small family would last forever. One day, Haku discovered the ability to manipulate water.

Amazed by this, Haku proudly showed this to his mother, who was horrified by what she saw. She harshly scolded and slapped Haku for displaying his ability, though she tearfully apologized to him immediately afterward. Unbeknownst to them, Haku's father had seen everything from the shadows. When Haku's father discovered that his wife and child possessed a kekkei genkai, he assembled a small mob of villagers. With tears flowing down his eyes, he killed his wife. He then attempted to kill Haku. But before he could, Haku used his Ice Release to create several large ice spikes to kill his father and the rest of the mob.

Orphaned, Haku became a child who was wanted by no one and was forced to take to the cold streets and rummage through trash bins for scraps of food, even sometimes having to fight off the wild dogs that roamed the streets. In time, he was confronted by Zabuza Momochi, a man who had "the same eyes" as him. Zabuza later asked Haku to become his "weapon," which meant becoming a dedicated shinobi for Zabuza. Haku readily accepted this role, due to the purpose it gave him, and devoted his life to becoming the ultimate tool for Zabuza to use.

About a few years after this, a masked man who claimed to be "Madara Uchiha" took control of the land of water Kage, the Fourth Mizukage Yagura, effectively gaining control over the village. During his reign, he became widely known for his hand in various crimes such as exploiting money from the weak, and his zero-tolerance against any dissent in the village, reinforcing its nickname as "Village of the Bloody Mist"

His tyrannical reign lead many in Kiri into believing he was being manipulated, as well as other villagers wanting him to be executed. Zabuza Momochi was one such individual who came to disagree with Yagura's reign, to which he lead a coup d'etat that ended with a failed attempt on his life.

it has of course been a long time since... by a long time, I mean less than a year ago. but by the 4th Mizukage should be dead, and the masked man should be gone.

Now, why would Sora bother to seek out people he could easily kill? first of all, Sora couldn't easily kill just anyone, there was a reason why he so easily took down the two of them, who were elite Jonin level.

First, the power to destroy meant he can destroy just about anything. there was no limitation to what he could destroy, only his strength limited him on what he could destroy. of course, if he wanted to do something like destroy Zabuza, that would be an impossible task for the current Sora

but if Sora destroys light, catching Zabuza off guard and attacking his soul, he could do some serious damage. at the same time, Sora can target weak points, for example, your sense of smell, touch, and so on, weaken you bit by bit and slowly destroy you until you are helpless.

second, Sora destroyed Zabuza's leg support, and that took up a lot of his chakra. Zabuza although injured was on guard and had chakra surrounding him, waiting for Sora's attack, but due to how spread out that defense was, it allowed Sora to pinpoint one spot to attack, bringing him to his knees.

Haku was in the middle of attacking, and was complexly off guard, not expecting that Sora didn't even need to look her way. if she was on guard, then he wouldn't have suffered so much damage and was forced to the ground with Zabuza at Sora's mercy.

Of course, there were other things Sora could have targeted, for example, he can destroy the logic of air being around them, which would make them unable to breathe, killing them. he could destroy the logic that air was not burning hot, although this would be limited to a small zone, just imagine the air you breathe in suddenly reaching boiling levels.

Sora in his first life had already mastered the use of his eyes, sure he couldn't use the full power of these eyes due to his mortal body, but he could use them to a limited degree.

So, with all of this taken into account, the reason Sora took these two in was simple. they were strong and useful, but mostly Haku. She was only 15 years old, yet he was stronger than someone like Zabuza who was already 26 years old

these were too powerful and capable shinobi who Sora wanted to take in and train, but first, he needed them to help in training Sasuke. Sora already planned to have Sasuke join him, so he wanted to use them to temper their future member.

Sora also didn't like doing stuff, he believed it was about time he have some people doing a few things for him to make his life easier.

So, after telling Haku and Zabuza everything they needed to know, Sora disappeared, returning home. So, days passed. it didn't take long for Sora to get news of Naruto's group going off on a mission, they were heading towards the land of waves, and they would soon run into Zabuza.

From Sora's knowledge, march 15 was the day they should have taken the mission, but they took it a day easier. this was all of course seen by Sora days ago, so he was not shocked,

In the anime, Haku and Zabuza would die on March 30th. As for how Sora could remember the dates, that was because his memory was always sharp. he simply remembered stuff with ease,

"Sora!" A shocked voice sounded, a blonde-haired girl could be seen with a shocked look, not expecting to see someone like Sora in her family store.

Sora's face remained calm as if even if the say were to fall, he would not care much. Sora looked at Ino, she was one of the students who graduated along with Sora. Sora also had a huge crush on Sora,

Ino Yamanaka, she was from the Yamanaka clan. The Yamanaka Clan is a family of shinobi found in Konohagakure. They specialize in mind-related techniques, and they own and run a flower shop in the village. They traditionally lead the Konoha Barrier Team.

"do your family sell flowers with special attributes," Sora asked calmly, stunning in that Sora would talk to her. She stood there, unable to speak for some time, only coming back to reality when Sora's eyes showed a hint of annoyance

"y-yes, but they are more expensive." She said quickly, to which Sora nodded slightly before having her show her. Ino jumped at the chance and quickly showed Sora the flowers, who went on to pick out a few flowers and seeds he liked. Seeing as Sora was about to leave, Ino quickly spoke,

"I didn't know you are into plants," Ino said softly, making Sora stop in his footsteps, making her grow uneasy. deep down she began cursing herself, out of everything she could have said,

"You got a pretty face but thats all, take some time to train and stop seeking a boyfriend," Sora said calmly, stunning Ino for a moment. this was not the first time Sora rejected her this was the second time.

the first time, Sora ignored her and walked off, it would have hurt if Sora didn't ignore everyone else. but today... Sora called her pretty. She felt like she was in heaven. She had to go tell Big forehead, and rub it in her face... no, the whole village had to know.

Sora ignored her and returned home, where he planted the flowers and seeds and got to watering them.

"just how do you get your garden to grow so quickly?" a voice sounded behind Sora, Sora didn't need to look behind him to know if the was 3rd Hokage,

"if you can't tell something so simple then you should step down as Hokage. you're already old, so it shouldn't be too hard." Sora said making the 3rd Hokage lips twitch, did the kid not know what small talk was?

Sora was using Yang's release to strengthen and empower the plants here. but it was not that simple, as he was using Yang's release to help the plants evolve towards a path he wished.

"you didn't come all this way to annoy me," Sora asked calmly, making the 3rd Hokage sigh helplessly at Sora's words.

"How did you know the mission Kakashi team was going to take was not so simple?" He asked softly, the day they took the mission, the moment Sora heard about them taking the missions, he showed a weird reaction,

"I have been looking into Gato, the world's richest man. it wasn't hard to see his plan. so, with the guy they were tasked to protect, plus his job, it was not hard to guess him and Gato would not see eye to eye. it was not hard to guess someone like Gato might have some powerful Chunin-level shinobi, and if pushed came he might get a special jonin. but since they had Kakashi, I didn't bother to speak." Sora said calmly, making the 3rd Hokage sigh softly. The Kakashi team is where Naruto and Sasuke are.

their mission was simple, Escort the Bridge Builder. this was a simple C-rank mission, but the builder lied about the whole thing. forcing the team to take on A ranked mission

"You should have warned me." The 3rd Hokage said as he sat down to tell Sora what happened. During their mission, team Kakashi ran into Zabuza who they defeated, but he got away with the help of a masked man, but the battle was not easy, Kakashi was forced to push himself to a point he was left helpless for a few days.

the same was for Zabuza, but Kakashi used this time to train his students, waiting for round two which took place on a bridge. But this is where things went bad, as they were fighting within a fog that hinder Kakashi's full power.

Kakashi and Zabuza fought each other, while Naruto and Sasuke faced off against Haku. the weird thing about all of that was that although Haku seemed as if he was aiming to kill, in the end, Naruto and Sasuke were not too injured to the point they could be crippled

it was also that Zabuza took the chance to steal Kakashi's left eye, which was a unique eye that had great power. But weirdly, that was all that happened, as Haku and Zabuza faked their injuries, to lure out Gato, who was waiting with a group of hired men. Haku and Zabuza took this chance to capture Gato, and disappeared,

"... I see, you may leave," Sora said calmly stunning the 3rd Hokage, but he left. he expected Sora to say something, but he was not going to force the kid. but the following few days, he was left speechless by Sora's actions.

seemly hearted by his actions do not warn them, Sora worked on a way to create something which could regrow a person's eye. what horrified the 3rd Hokage was that it took Sora 7 days to create such a thing. 7 days seemed long, but it was too short.

"It's not your fault." the 3rd Hokage said while looking at the pill which Sora handed to him, Sora shook his head before walking off, not bothering to explain...

all while Sora's clone worked, far away, 7 days ago, Sora's main body looked at a glass tub of an eyeball. the eyeball had red pupils, with 3 tomes within. this eyeball was called the sharingan, a unique eye that only belong to those of the Uchiha clan.

of course, Kakashi was not from the Uchiha clan, this eyeball was given to him by a dying friend who was an Uchiha,

"I'm shocked you followed my orders," Sora said calmly while looking at Zabuza and Haku. these two of course didn't want to follow Sora's order, so Zabuza attacked Kakashi on his own, almost killing them.

what shocked the two was that at some time, Sora had secretly left a paper on Zabuza which spoke about how the battle between him and Team Kakashi would go, this shocked them to the point they followed Sora's orders, and to their shock things played out, although they were confused as to why Sora didn't want them to kill Kakashi and the others. Hell, Sora didn't want them to kill anyone.

"Do you want to know why I didn't want you to kill Kakashi?" Sora asked calmly, stunning Zabuza, but he nodded as he wanted to know.

"Because he is fated towards something. Fate is something that can't easily be changed, and trying to foolishly do such things would be your downfall. just look at you, even with everything you two did, you return with such injuries. if you two were to stay and fight, what would have happened?" Sora asked making the two stunned, indeed the two suffered great injuries

Naruto went berserk, unleashing the 9 tails' power and injuring Haku. at the same time, it was not so easy to take Kakashi's eye. In truth, taking Kakashi's eye was the best thing he could do, any more might had lead to him losing an arm or his life.

"Everything is connected through fate, in due time you will know the working of fate," Sora said calmly, not bothering to explain deeper,

"Now, I will give you power. this is called the 8 Dragon Gates, if you need a jutsu, just come and ask." Sora said while throwing a scroll towards them, this was the new and improved 8 gates, unlike the normal 8 gates, this new Gates didn't start with the brain, but with the heart.

Unlike the normal 8 gates or the one he gave the hidden leaf, each gate was split into 10 levels, each level can only be opened if one strength reach a high enough level. upon opening a fate one strength would increase, all but the first 10 gates.

opening the Dragon Heart would slowly remove the limiter on one's heart. at the same time, one heart would strengthen and adapt to this new level of power, and each pump of the heartbeat would slowly raise your strength,

What did the heart do? It pumps blood around your body as your heart beats. This blood sends oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body and carries away unwanted carbon dioxide and waste products.

Opening the Dragon Heart would give one the heart of a dragon, which would slowly temper your body to its power matches those hearts beat. Also, this would increase recovery capability, stamina, lifespan, and so on.

Sora had yet to begin to open his dragon heart for the simple reason that his talent was so high, the power needed to open the first level of the dragon heart was far higher than that of others. He needed to be above the Kage level, at the level of Demi-God, or even when he reached the level of a God.

this left Sora helpless, why must he be so talented? why most he create his 8 Dragon Gates to such a degree? shaking his head, Sora watched as Zabuza and Haku left to train in this technique,

'next, I have to meet Orochimure...' Sora thought before closing his eyes, returning to comprehending more about himself. As for his strength, he had of course reached special Jonin, although he was only at low special Jonin,