
Waking up is always a pain

Bob woke up with a massive headache. He was laying down on a cold hard floor while a veil of darkness surrounded him. However, something about the shadows surrounding him felt wrong. It was as if they were not natural.

Just a moment ago, he was skying down a mountain. He had heard a loud rumbling sound. Unfortunately, that sound was comming from an avalanche that was quickly closing in on him. He panicked, fell down, and lost consciousness after hitting his head on something.

"Did I die? That avalanche should have crushed me, but I still feel very alive. Did I get reincarnated like in one of those novels?" he wondered.

Suddently, a voice was heard from somewhere in the darkness. It was impossible to tell if it belonged to a man or a woman. "Oh, you are finally awake. To answer your question, you are in fact alive and are also still on... I forgot what the name of this world is," said the voice. "Anyway, do you recall what happened before you ended up here?"

"Who are you? What are you talking about? Are you a god? You said that you didn't know the name of this world?" asked a very confused Bob.

"Great, an other one who doesn't answer my questions. Figuring out where those bandits are is going to be a pain. I guess I will come back after you calmed down," decided whatever thing was hiding in the darkness.

Bob, was stunned for a moment. However, when what the voice just said registered, he was even more confused. "What bandits? Where am I?" he asked. Sadly, whoever was talking earlier seemed to have left without making a sound.

After deciding that there was nothing to gain from just sitting there, he brought out his phone to use as a flashlight. For some reason, the light from his phone was way dimmer then what it should have been. He started feeling like a kid who is scared of the dark. Still, even with the limited luminosity, Bob was able to make out his surroundings. He was in some kind of cave or tunnel. The walls were made out of some kind of black stone, wich made them hard to see properly with Bob's extremely limited lighting options.

'Great, I have no clue as to how I got here and I am all alone. This place also seems dangerous. I guess I could pick a direction and walk to try and escape, but that voice said it would be back. Waiting patiently might be the way to go,' decided Bob.

After a few minutes, Bob saw a pair of shining eyes staring at him from one end of the tunnel. Those eyes were blood red and he could feel an intimidating aura coming from them. Bob froze in fear. He could feel that, whatever that thing was, it clearly wanted to kill him. When the eyes started to get closer, he turned around and began to run.

"Hey, to whoever was talking earlier, could you please come here and help me? I am going to die!" shouted Bob. However, he was only met with a sound of claws scraping against. He was running as fast as he could, but the thing was slowly catching up. Realising that running wasn't an option, he could only attempt to fight.

Turning around, he saw what had been chasing him. It was a 2 meter long black rat with scarlet eyes that seemed to stare into his soul. Quickly deciding that fighting was an even worse idea then running, Bob resumed his escape with renewed vigor. In his panic, he dropped his phone to the ground. However, this played in his favor as the abobination stopped chasing him in order to rip his poor phone to shreds. Well,

While Bob was glad about the distraction, he was once again engulfed in the anormal darkness. Unable to see where he was going, he simply continued forward. Thankfully, the monster did not follow him as it was too preoccupied with obliterating the cellphone. 'Why is does it want to destroy my phone? Is it because it gives off light?' wondered Bob.

Unfortunately, the lack of light meant that he was now running blind. If there was a bend in the tunnel, he would run into the wall without being able to react. Despite this, Bob continued to run forward. Unsurprisingly, this was not because of any complex calculations wich weighted his options. He was simply to scared to think straight. In fact, it wasn't just the giant rat that made him panic this badly. The darkness seemed to be amplifying his negative emotions. It made him unable to think of anything other then running away.

"Ouch!" cried Bob as he rammed his entire body into a wall at full speed. Surprisingly enough, he was mostly fine. Well, he didn't while break any bones, dislocate anything or start bleeding to death, he still felt like he couldn't move a muscle without dying. He would probably be fine after resting for a bit.

Unfortunately, he could not wait until he recovered before moving. His cry had once again attracted the attention of the bloodthirty beast. While it started approaching him, Bob's life began flashing before his eyes.

He had grown up in an orphanage with no memory of his parents. Despite this, he never had any big issues while growing up. After all, since he never knew his parents, he couldn't miss them. After finishing his education, he ended up with a stable job with steady income. Despite the fact that he never really had any close friends, he was quite happy with his life. Recently, he had somehow obtained a trip to the western mountains from a survey. He had taken the oportunity to go skying and ended up here.

Well, anyway, while he was having a mental breakdown, a sickening crunch was heard.

"I really should stop using melee attacks against these. I hate getting myself covered in blood." The mysterious entity was back.

This is stupid. Dont expect anything intelligent from this story. Well, the first chapter isn't THAT dumb, but it will not get better.

potato_bath_soapcreators' thoughts
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