
A Chance In A New World

James William, an orphan who died while trying to save a child during a robbery, has been given a new chance in a new world. With the legendary golden finger which is a system that only he have, can he rise to the top in this new world? Author's note: Hello everyone, first of all I would like to thanks to all reader who read my novel. This is the first time I writing a novel so my writing will be lacking a lot compare to other novels. However, I will improve my writing skill as I write this novel. Also, English is not my native language so I am sorry if there are lot of grammar errors in my writing.

KingTyrantZ · Thành thị
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15 Chs


[ Store ]

Super Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence which have more intelligence compare to advance artificial intelligence. Host only can own one Super Artificial Intelligence) - 50 000 gift points

Advance Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence with advance intelligence. Have the advance feature to help the host) - 9 000 gift points

Basic Strength Tonic(raise strength point between 1 to 5 points, cannot be used anymore after stat point reached 100 point, limit per day is 2 tonic, over that there will be no effects) - 50 gift points

Basic Intelligent Tonic(raise intelligent point between 1 to 5 points, cannot be used anymore after stat point reached 100 point, limit per day is 2 tonic, over that there will be no effects) - 50 gift points

Basic Vitality Tonic(raise vitality point between 1 to 5 points, cannot be used anymore after stat point reached 100 point, limit per day is 2 tonic, over that there will be no effects) - 50 gift points

Basic Agility Tonic(raise agility point between 1 to 5 points, cannot be used anymore after stat point reached 100 point, limit per day is 2 tonic, over that there will be no effects) - 50 gift points

Intermediate Strength Tonic (raise strength point between 1 to 5 points, can be used after the stat points reach 100 but cannot be used anymore after stat point exceed 1000 point, limit per day is 2 tonic, over that there will be no effects) - 500 gift points

Intermediate Intelligent Tonic(raise intelligent point between 1 to 5 points, can be used after the stat points reach 100 but cannot be used anymore after stat point exceed 1000 point, limit per day is 2 tonic, over that there will be no effects) - 500 gift points

Intermediate Vitality Tonic(raise vitality point between 1 to 5 points, can be used after the stat points reach 100 but cannot be used anymore after stat point reach1000 point, limit per day is 2 tonic, over that there will be no effects) - 500 gift points

Intermediate Agility Tonic(raise agility point between 1 to 5 points, cannot be used anymore after stat point exceed 1000 point, limit per day is 2 tonic, over that there will be no effects) - 500 gift points

"Oh? The tonic description have been updated. Hmmm, it seems like it will take a long time for me to strengthen myself. Well I can just do exercise regularly. For now let just use them daily.

James then bought two tonics of each basic tonic stats. He drink all tonics one by one.

"Strength has been raised by 2 points"

"Strength has been raised by 3 points"

"Intelligence has been raised by 2 points"

"Intelligence has been raised by 2 points"

"Agility has been raised by 1 points"

"Agility has been raised by 3 points"

"Vitality has been raised by 2 points"

"Vitality has been raised by 4points"

"Hmmm, my strength have been increased by 5 points, both intelligence and agility 4 points and last one, vitality increased by 6 points. Status!"

[ Status ]

Name: James William

Age: 26 years old

Gift Points: 5700

Strength Point : 24

Intelligent Point : 22

Vitality Point: 23

Agility Point: 23

Skill: None

"Seems like I will reach 100 points in less than 3 weeks. Not bad. Alright now let's focus on work"


After several hours, James was preparing to go home. He called Emma, told her that he will not come to the office tomorrow. He then took a taxi and went home. As soon as he enter his room, he took shower and rest. As he resting, he fell asleep.

After a couple of hours, he woke up. He felt hungry so he washed his face. He leaves his house and take a taxi. He went to a fancy restaurant. As he arrived at the restaurant, he saw a little girl was looking inside the restaurant.

The little girl was so cute even though her clothes was dirty and there were some dirt on her face. Maybe she doesn't take bath for a long time. He can see that the little girl was gulping while clutching her stomach.

He felt sympathy to the little girl then and walk slowly toward her. Just he get closed to the little girl, she noticed him. A fear flashed in her eyes. She tried to run but James hold her hand in time.

"Where are you going little girl." James ask her.

"Please forgive me, don't hit me. I will not peeking again. I'm sorry." The girl said fearfully while closing her eyes. She still try to get away from James.

"Hmm? Don't worry, I will not hurt you. Let's enter the restaurant, I know you are hungry." James can guess the reason why she become scared.

"Can I mister?" The little girl asked back. She still scared but when the man in front of her said that he want to buy food for her, she become hopeful but still timidly asked James.

"Yes, of course you can." He then walk into the restaurant in hand with the little girl follow him from behind. Then he asked for a private room. Then a waiter show him the way. He then ordered his order for him and the little girl.

"My name is James. What is your name little girl?" James asked the little girl.

"Erm, my name is Emily. Erm Mr. James, do I really can eat here?"

"Don't worry Emily. Of course you can. How old are you Emily? And are you alone? Where is your family?"

"Erm, I am 10 year's old. My parents already died. My older brother is at home, he got fever."

James try to talk to Emily to calm her down. She still afraid of him. After 15 minutes, their order arrived. James then told her to eat as many she want. He then ask the waiter to pack another food.

"Are you full now Emily?" James ask Emily when the finished eating their dinner. Emily smile and nodded at him. She now become comfortable with James. She know that James was a kind person. He then take her hand to pay their meal using his card. A waiter come to him and gave the food he asked to pack.

"Where is your house Emily? I want to visit your brother." James asked.

"This way." Emily than take James to an alley and they walk through the alley. At the end of the alley, he saw a teen boy was sleeping on a flatted box. He then walk closer to the boy.
