
A Camellia [BL]

A sweet short story of a florist and a businessman

Sebastian_Ruth · Hiện thực
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8 Chs

Extra: 5 years later

After they ate breakfast, Ryo forgot something very important. He just realized that the only way out for Kousuke is the entrance of the shop. It's only a Thursday, so Ms Iwai is definitely downstairs. She must be wondering why Ryo is late too. Ryo paced around the room anxiously trying to figure out what to do. Kousuke, on the other hand, was absolutely calm. He said, "Just tell Ms Iwai that I stayed here because of the storm". Ryo replied, "Wow that's genius!! Oh wait, I wonder who decided to leave a bunch of noticeable marks on my body, that makes it completely obvious that we fuc-". "Ahh I get it, jeez", Kousuke quickly interrupted. He thought long and hard. He finally decided to come clean. He held Ryo's hand and started making his way downstairs with him. Ryo panicked, "Wha- what in the world are you doing?" Kousuke stopped and said, "I've decided to come clean and ask Ms Iwai for her blessings. She's like a mother to you right. It's the only thing I can think of".

Ryo nodded and decided to let Kousuke take the lead. He thought to himself, Kousuke is so mature and gentle. He cares so much about me to take all this into consideration. I really like him. They get downstairs hand in hand. Ms Iwai saw them and she was shocked. Kousuke went and stood in front of Ms Iwai. He immediately bowed at a 90* angle position and said, "Ms Iwai, please allow me to take care of Ryo from now on. I like him, no, I love him very much. I will keep him well, so don't worry." Ms Iwai was still a bit taken aback but she managed to gather her thoughts and said seriously, "Your journey will be very difficult. Are you really willing to do all that for Ryo". Kousuke got up and continued, "Of course, I'm willing to do anything to protect him and make him happy. So please, give us your blessings". Ms Iwai smiled and said, "You guys have my blessings for sure!", she took Kousuke's hands and continued, "Thank you Kousuke for coming into Ryo's life and making him the happiest man in the world". Kousuke smiled brightly and hugged Ms Iwai and Ryo together. They both were taken aback, but continued to smile.

Ms Iwai decided to give Ryo the day off with Kousuke. After they left, Ms Iwai thought to herself, Omg Kousuke is quite the looker and super sweet. Nice job Ryo. I'm rooting for you guys. Ms Iwai happily celebrated by herself for Ryo and Kousuke.


Five years have passed, and Ryo and Kousuke are living together now. They both went to Shinsou high to celebrate Ami's entrance into the high school. Ami sees them and goes over to give them a hug. She also sees her mom who is also with someone. She goes to her mom and says hi to the man who she's with. Afterwards, she goes into the gym for the ceremony. Ryo told Kousuke, "She's gotten a lot bigger now huh". Kousuke in tears agreed. Ryo pats his back with a soft smile on his face.

Ami's mom sees Kousuke and Ryo and she goes to them with her husband. "Kou!" she said. Kousuke looks up to see Ami's mom, Rika and her husband. He waves to them. Ryo thought to himself, so this is Ami's mom. Wow, she's hella cute, no wonder Ami's a cutie too. Not as cute as Kousuke though. Rika introduces herself to Ryo, "Hi, I'm Ami's mom, Rika and this is my husband, Hiroshi." Her husband said hello as well. Ryo decides to introduce himself, he looks at Kousuke wondering if it's fine to introduce himself as his boyfriend. Kousuke smiled and nodded. Ryo said, "Ah I'm Yoshino Ryo, Kousuke's…boyfriend." Rika's jaw dropped and she was definitely shocked. Hiroshi had to bring her back to their car, he said, "Ah nice to meet you, Mr.Yoshino. I guess we'll be seeing each other more often. I look forward to next time". "Ah, same here, see ya", Ryo replied nervously. After they left, Kousuke laughed non stop and Ryo was panicking and glaring at Kousuke.

Ami saw them from a distance and she smiled thinking, Ah I really love my family.