

Fenrir's POV

I opened my eyes groggily, the smell of Zeev filled my nostrils.

The morning sunlight streaked into the room illuminating his face.

I stared at the man beside me and his jaws so defined, his chiselled jawline and his broad chest were mesmerising.

" I don't mind making breakfast for you if I'm so delicious that you can't take your eyes off me," he said huskily.

His sturdy arms held my face to his chest leaving no space.

My face turned red from his embarrassing remarks.

" Be a good wife, sleep a little longer," Zeev said, holding me closer. I made a move to free myself from the confines of his hands to no avail.

" I can only sleep well when I'm sleeping with you." His lazy voice resounded. " Be good and let me rest a little bit more, I've a long day ahead of me", he said , holding back my face.

I made no further attempts to move again and went back to sleep.

Hours later.

The door creak awoke me from sleep and the bedside was empty.

Kayla walked into the bedroom with a tray in her hands in it was a cup of water and a plate of food.

" Good morning my lady," she greeted with a wide smile on her face, as she walked towards me.

" What brought about the happy smiles Kayla, tell me about it," I asked interestingly.

" Nothing my lady, there has been news in the pack about Mara being thrown in the dungeon by Alpha Zeev, she must be going through hell now, " she uttered again happily.

" Is that why you're so happy Kayla, I thought it was even something else," I retorted.

" It's something very good my Lady, Alpha Zeev loves and is smitten by you my Lady, countless women have ended up like her because of their enduring obsession," Kayla said happily.

" Where do you hear all such rumours from, refrain from spreading talks like that," I reprimanded.

" I've made some friends in the capital and they seem to know more about what's happening in the pack house than we do," she replied, not listening to my words.

" I'll tell you pretty much everything that has happened in the pack every day," she continued, chirping nonchalantly.

" I see that you have no work to do but gossip," I said, taking the cup of water from her.

" Alpha Zeev has ordered that I do not do anything but serve you, I'm your maid and I've got the freedom to leave the pack to the capital as I wish," she said, smiling brightly at her freedom.

" Let's get you ready my lady, I'm here all day . Alpha Zeev has gone out of the pack and asked that I take good care of you," she said, setting the table in front of me.

I took the plate of food from her and proceeded to eat.

" Sit Kayla, don't just hover over me," I said to the overly respectful Kayla.

" Zeev is not in the pack as you've said and I ask that you sit," I said, not giving her a chance to refute.

She sat with a mild smile on her face as I continued to eat.

" I'll go make the bath my lady," she said and walked away briskly into the bathroom.

The fresh scent of the petals filled my nostrils as she took the bath.

"The bath is ready my lady, I'll clear off the table since you're done", she said and walked towards me.

" You can clear the table, I'll bathe myself, let's take a walk after I'm done, " I said to her walking into the bathroom.

I closed the door after me, missing Zeev. I Walked into the bathtub, submerging myself in the warm petal Water.

I thought of the lingering touch of Zeev each time I was being carried to the bathroom by him.

I closed my eyes and held the sponge in my hand to my body before moving to scrub my body.

" Do you need any help my lady," Kayla's concerned voice could be heard from outside.

" Stay Kayla, I'm fine" I said. Washing faster, I finished and walked out of the bathroom, wrapping a cold towel around my body.

The clothes were already set and I dressed up in no time, sitting down for the maid to dress the hair, I walked outside of the house with Kayla.

" There's a waterfall on the other end of the pack my Lady, would you love to see that," Kayla asked.

" Mmm, let's go," I said and walked following the guidance of Kayla as she walked closer to the waterfall.

I was exasperated at the beautiful sight of the blue waterfall, its beauty was mesmerising and eye-catching.

" It's very beautiful Kayla, look at how beautiful the flower beds are, " I cried In surprise.

" I've never seen a place as beautiful as this", I uttered.

" I came here with the ladies from the capital and Trust me my lady, the crystal moon pack lives up to its excellence," Kayla added.

The beautiful smell of the roses and the fresh view of the waterfall was one of a kind.

" Let's move to the other side my lady, " Kayla said, holding my hands in hers as we walked away to the moon glitter.

"It's more beautiful during the night", Kayla said, dropping my hand slowly as she walked closer to the moon glitter.

" You can see the symbol of the crystal moon pack from here but it's like areoras at night, very beautiful," she said, describing the beautiful symbol of the pack.

My thoughts drifted off to Zeev, I wondered what he might be up to.

" Let's go back to the pack Kayla, I'm feeling uneasy," I said , turning away from the moon glitter.

"Walk faster Kayla, I've a premonition something is going to happen", I hastened my steps away.

The loud thud of a body made me halt in my steps.

A wolf that had turned rogue was looking me right in the eye ready to attack.

"Get behind me Kayla" , I said in fear

" No my Lady, I'm the one who's supposed to protect you, get behind me and call for help," she said putting herself in from of me.