Wouldn't it be better to fly with wings than on a broom? (Story is moved along through a Diary)
Dear Diary,
On the train to Hogwarts now. Yay! (Note the sarcasm)
Auntie says she's disappointed in me, I don't know why!
I'd ask my cousin Harry, but he won't talk to me ever since I accidently turned his extra book into a cup. How was I supposed to know I could do magic in my sleep?!
Uncle won't talk to me, and my other cousin Dudley looks at me in cruelty. But on the bright side, I made new friends!
They asked what house I think I'll be in, I'm not quite sure, Slytherin sounds nice, but I wouldn't mind being in Ravenclaw. I guess I can always dream.
I like dreaming, but I don't do it often, but when I do, its usually warnings. That's why I don't speak of my so-called nightmares.
That reminds me! I had a dream last night, it had a mirror which held a stone, I could feel the power it held! It was almost as if it was calling to me, but then the scene changed to a horrid view.
I nearly cried when I woke up, I could still feel the way my body crashed against the sharp rocks, and the way nobody even helped me. I haven't even told my pet owl Estrella yet.
Now I'm afraid, what will happen this year?
See you hopefully later,
Yarrow Potter, Year 1, Hogwarts.