
1st dream...

In an unfamiliar place where I seemed to feel comfortable. My friend Hana and I was chatting during the recess break. Me and Hana was never really different. in our hobbies, our music, style, and of course our qualification when it comes to guys so no wonder we always had a crush with the same guys all over the school. We never really like them that we would fight each other to get the guy. We are never those kind of girls who have a lot of drama in their lives. Just one glaze from a guy we like is a-okay.

One of the guys we like and really like like, the guy we are always talking about and eyeing was a guy named Joonyung. Joonyung is from an upper grade from ours and was really being liked by almost every girl in our grade.

As Hana and I were walking around our classroom and chatting about almost anything we think of and make it long as we can, A group of guys was playing around in front of our corridor and we saw Joonyung peeked in. The both of us are caught off guard and stopped talking to each other and start to wait what they are going to say because aside of being the guy we both have a HUGE crush on, he is also the student council's P.R.O. officer that's why it is not new that he would peek in our classroom and announce something the same as the other classroom and grades.

After waiting for a while, he began to ask our classmate that is closer something. after asking his friends started to cheer him up and our classmate then called out a name. It was Hana's name. The both of us are shocked and I just teased her and pushed her to go to the door where Joonyung is.

We may have a lot of similarities but I forgot to tell you our differences. She is taller than I am, prettier, smarter, wiser, almost the perfect girl any boy and maybe girl would like. That is why I always look up to her and am glad to be friends with her.

I maybe happy but of course I felt like something was taken out from me. the feeling of emptiness, sadness, feelings that are indescribable, really. The feeling that you had no idea how you got it when obviously you are happy of what you are seeing. Your friend being happy. Am I?

When lunch break came Hana has something to do so she went out for a bit and leave me with school mate I had before transferring to the school where we are now. We both headed to somewhere I am not aware of yet but seems like I am used to go there. We walked through a garden-like pathway with green grasses everywhere and beautiful flowers at the sides and white roof covering the pathway to the end.

after walking for a while we reached the canteen and my schoolmate guided me to a table with a bunch of people and saw that Joonyung is there with them. We meet each other's eyes and felt the awkwardness. I can guarantee that he and his friends know that me and Hana likes him and chose Hana. I broke the eye contact as my schoolmate told me to sit anywhere and joined her friends. I gave a smile and nod as I look for some vacant seats. I saw an empty seat in front of Joonyung and another vacant in front of another vacant seat. In an instant I already know where to sit which is obviously in front of an empty seat which is actually a seat from a guy who is familiar with it's monolid right eye and double on his left. a guy who I think is very close to me. He just smiled to me with his box smile and I smiled at him in return.

He got to his seat and started on eating his lunch. I was just staring on anywhere since I . I then returned my eyes on the guy infront of me and asked me "Why aren't you eating your lunch yet?"

I just shrugged my shoulder and tilted my head and said "I am just not hungry. But sure I'll try to look for some of those."

He then drank his juice while taking out his used utensils on his food and put a new one. after staring at him finishing his drink I was about to leave to get something to eat when he stopped me.

"Eat this. It's exactly how much you eat to be full."

I then thought to myself, how does he know that I am not much of a big eater? Are we this close? what kind of dream is this?

*woke up*

dream number one.. yes its a dream. its not really made by me myself but my preconcsiousness.

Tata_Simpcreators' thoughts