
A Beautiful Journey

She used to be a cheerful young girl... But one incident changed her. Losing her love was the shock which changed her. The naive girl is gone, now she is an independent strong women who will go to any extent to avenger her loved once. She is now cold and ruthless with no place for love. She is determined to ruin those who destroyed her life and in that path she will stop at nothing be it destroying her own blood relations. But not everything goes according to plan. In her journey of revenge Song Meili came across Lu Yazhe the wealthy, ruthless and handsome Ceo of Lu Enterprise. Will she be able to stop Lu Yazhe from entering her heart? Will she be able to take her revenge? and What forced her to take this path??? And most importantly what will happen when her past will return, the one she thought she lost. Who'll she choose? 2 Male Lead's ---xxx--- *Credit to original owner of cover*

Messy_creates · Thành thị
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9 Chs

The Past - 1

One year back, one day Meili got a call and was asked to meet at a restaurant if she wants to know about her mother.

Although she found all this suspicious, still she was desperate to find her mother and this call gave her a ray of hope. So without much thought she went to meet that person.

When she reached the restaurant, she said her name to the staff member and the she was escorted towards a private room. All this was very weird for her but desperate to know about her mother, she pushed all these thoughts at the back of her mind and silently followed and entered the room.

She was shocked to see an old man sitting. He was wearing a business suit and a noble and dominating aura can be felt around him. He was sitting there holding his cane in his hand. There was a hint of restlessness in his body language, like he was waiting for someone desperately.

The man was none other than Song Yun. The founder of the XuLi holdings. A man to be feared. Although he was quite old know but his authority can't be questioned even now.

When he heard the sound of door opening he raised his head and looked with anticipation. When his eyes landed on Meili a rare smile could be noticed on his lips. His face beamed with happiness.

He stood up hurriedly and his assistant who was standing behind him quickly came to support him. He walked towards Meili and kept on looking at her, his eyes shining with unshed tears.

Meili was confused about as she new this man, and who doesn't know about him. His family was one the most prominent family of the Country. But why did this man called her and how does he know her mother?

Then as if something clicked her mind she thought, her mother's name is Song Xuan. And this man here, his name is Song Yun, means they have the same the surname, but it can be coincidence right?

Her mother never talked about her family. For everyone she had no one from his maternal family. Then who is this man?

Seeing her confused face, Master Song understood that she was trying to understand the situation. Smiling he took her hand in his palms and said dear come sit and let me explain everything to you.

Not knowing what to do she silently followed the old man.

After taking their seat he started to explain "Dear, I am your grandfather, your mother's father Song Yun. And you are my precious granddaughter. I would have found you earlier if I knew about knew but I just came to know about you. "

Looking depressed he explained.

"You see from the very beginning I was against your mother marrying that man. But she never listened to me and left us for him. I was very angry and in my anger I also left her and never tried to contact her again. "

Meili was shocked. She asked "Why were you against their marriage, if they loved each other? "

With a angry face he said "That man never loved my daughter. He was just after her to use her for his greed. Your mother is a genius, but her only problem is that she is too soft hearted. If the man knew about her family then God knows what other problems would he have caused. He was even keeping a mistress behind my daughter's back. How can such a man love her? "

Meili wanted to refute but she knew all of this were true. She knew her father was in the wrong but she loved him too much to leave him or say anything bad.

Seeing her upset face, he caressed it and continued " After the man left her, she was completely alone, he even kept you. And because of what happened in the past your mother doesn't had the courage to come back to us. Which is also partially our fault too, as we also never tried to contact her again. "

It was apparent on the face of Master Song how much he was upset and blamed himself. He said "Due to all this your mother's health deteriorated and she had no money or help too. But one day while going to office my son came across her. She was in a bad condition and was lying across the road lifeless. " saying this tears rolled out from both their eyes.

"We quickly sent her to hospital for treatment but it seemed like she lost her will to live. No treatment seemed to be working for her. She was just like a lifeless statue. Lying on the bed lifeless without blink or responding"

Meili was shocked. She asked desperately "How is she now?? Is she fine? " tears kept on rolling down her eyes.

Hey I know it's a bit too much of emotions... But this is how her life is desperate for her family's love.

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