
A Beautiful Affair

Jean Mary is a young woman promised to be betrothed to someone only her parents know. She was anxious by the thought that her husband to be is a complete stranger but what was making her more anxious is the uneasy vibe that her parents gave her when they talk about her upcoming marriage. Is there something that her parents hide from her? "If you're hesitant to let him marry me, then just don't let him marry me" she uttered. Then her parents only hugged her as if that was the only last time they could ever hug her.

Navarro_Gemmie_Lyn · Thanh xuân
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24 Chs


Jan went home that day full with great determination to win Jean Mary's heart. In his room, he browsed the internet "how to make a woman fall in love with you."

But the information he gathered weren't suitable for his personality like;

1. Being part of her circle.

Jean Mary's friend are just Anne and Grand. He is not comfortable with Grand since he knew that he has feelings for her. He is his potential rival. >_<

And so on.

The internet was not giving him a satisfying answer that he asked for a help from his psychologist.

"Hello Ms. Duane, good evening. Sorry for the interruption but I have to ask some help from you." He said.

Ms. Duane was amazed by Jan's sudden proactive actions. Jan did speak more than two words to her and even more than one sentence. It was a sign of progress. Her guess was right about applying a different approach for his therapy.

"It's alright. I am your psychologist and you are my client. I am available always for you." She consoled him.

"Well, as you can see, I like a girl and her name is Jean Mary Caster. I already mentioned her before." He said.

"Yes, I remember. Then what about her?" Ms. Duane could guess but she wanted to hear it from Jan himself.

"Uhmmm... Actually... A.. I..." Jan stammered because he couldn't find the right words to say.

"Go on. Don't be shy." She encouraged him.

"A... I want to pursue her." He took a lot of courage to say it to her.

Ms. Duane smiled silently because she knew. "Hmmmm.. Congratulations to you Jan. You are starting to develop your emotions."

"But I don't know where to start Ms. Duane." He honestly told her. He was worried too.

"I see. So you are asking me of the best way to get her favor?" She asked.

"Yes. You guessed it right" Jan said shyly.

"Well, you can start with having small talks with her. Compliment her everyday."

"Is that all?" Jan wasn't satisfied by her advise.

"That's it for now. Take it slowly one step at a time."

"But I want to make her fall for me before our marriage." Said Jan.

#_# What? Ms. Duane thought that Jan is being too rush. "Jan, the matters on relationship shouldn't be rushed. There's only a week left before your marriage."

"There are many people who falls in love with love at first sight." Jan insisted.

"There's a famous line that a whirlwind romance ends up like a whirlwind too. You can delay your marriage or you can go on and develop your relationship while married." Ms. Duane gave him an option.

Jan understood what she meant so he just agree to follow the first step she suggested.

The following morning, Jan greeted Jean Mary when they met in the hallway going to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning." He said.

Jean paused for a moment but she wasn't surprised at all because she knew that Jan is trying cure his disorder. "Good morning too." Jean Mary smiled.

"How's your sleep?" Jan asked.

"It was fine." She answered but she remembered something. "Uhmm. Jan, please stop hanging your clothes outside my window. It's creepy." (+_+)

Jan was puzzled but he just admitted it and said that "Hmmmm. I am sorry. I always forget. Sorry." Then they reached the kitchen and had their breakfast together.

After breakfast, Jan secretly called Mr. Smith and they looked the security cameras but they didn't find anything from it. It seemed like the intruder knows the blind spot of the CCTV installed.

"Mr. Smith, where are the maids I ordered you to hire?"

"They will be coming today young master." He informed.

"Okay, I order you to look into this mystery."

"I will." He was then dismissed because he has to get ready for school

When they reached the school. Jean Mary told Jan that they should not go together because since yesterday, Jean Mary was the center of envy of her schoolmates.

Jan felt sad because he thought that they could go together always or could walk hand in hand to enter the school now that Kaye was gone. She wouldn't be bullied anymore. But he understood and respected Jean Mary's request. And before he left Jean to head to the school, he said that, "You look pretty today."

Jean Mary's heart fluttered and smile to him. "Woaahhh... You complimented me today. We have been living under one roof for three weeks but it's just today that you said that I'm pretty."

"Hmmm... Yeah, my bad. You know that I am not an expressive person." He explained.

"It's alright. I am not forcing you to change your ways." She said.

"I know." He paused a moment then he went ahead to school while waiving goodbye to Jean.

When she saw that Jan Reynolds entered the school gate, she followed right away.

Jean Mary's happiness is written in her face. Only Jean Mary knew that she had a crush at first sight with Jan. Jan's changes and efforts made her heart giggle. ^_^

Recess time. Jean Mary decided to search and ask Jan if they could go together to the canteen. She reached Jan's room to see that Jan was surrounded with girls. She couldn't see what was going on but her heart was filled with jealousy. She couldn't stop other girls from liking him. She was also half-hearted because now, Jan wouldn't be an outcast. She knew it would be selfish for her to stop him from making friends. Besides, their relationship is not yet established. Their marriage is just an agreement. If Jan changed his mind for marrying her, she could only abide. The thoughts that came into her mind left her miserable that she didn't notice that tears started to fall from her eyes. For a moment, she stand outside the door of his classroom. When someone approached her.

"Are you here for someone?" One of her schoolmates asked her.

"Uhmm... N... No." She denied and walk away with a broken heart.