
Travelling to Perinthus City I: Money


The rooster's morning alarm awakened Demitri & Tychee.

Tychee prepared the breakfast and Demitri started packing things that they will need on their travel.

He also picked-up fresh fruits and vegetables and bring out piles of grains from their silo.

He cleaned the cart made of wood and loaded it with the goods and other stuff they needed.

He mounted the ox and led it in front of the cart and then he attached the cart to his ox.

"All set and ready to go!" he said as he clapped his hands to clean it.

"Breakfast is ready!" Boy's mom woke him up.

Boy sat down with his eyes still closed, but when he sniffed the aroma of the fluffy pancakes made with flour, fresh milk and eggs paired with fresh wild berry jam he blinked and jump out of the bed.

"Mama, what's that? It smells so great!" asked by Boy.

"This is your breakfast, it's called pancakes. You can dip it with jam and it will taste better!" suggested by her mother.

His mother cooked something special for his 4th Birthday!

Demitri & Tychee drinks tea while Boy drinks his fresh milk. They enjoyed this breakfast that much. They talked and laughed for a while and then the father and son bid farewell to Tychee.

"Let's go while its still early. I used to have a car before, but for now we'll travel using this cart. It will be hot if we travelled at later time."

Demitri ride on top of the ox and Boy sat inside the cart.

It's 5km away to reach the nearest village and another 5km to reach the city. It's a bumpy ride as they were traveling in a rocky road.

Only after 30 mins have passed, before they entered a small concrete road. Trees and grass where everywhere. Different animals and insects can be found. The eyes of the curious little boy is widely open and he blinks less than usual.

"Papa, what's this? what's that? why are they doing that? where do they come from?" Lots of questions from the curious son relieved the fatigue of his father. His father answered and explained everything he knows about every animal or insect that his son pointed.

They spend an hour to reach the nearest village. There are houses along the road, kids were playing outside and their parents were busy with their farms, ponds, herds, poultry, and other businesses that can be seen in rural areas. Boy is listening to his father's explanations. He keep looking to his left and right to see everything.

He's really enjoying their travel. He's learning and having fun at the same time. This is the best way to learn. Kids remember the fun things the most, like how they can easily grasp the rules of the game that they enjoyed playing.

Demitri meet some of his old friends along the way. He greets them and let his son call them Uncles and Aunties. All of his friends will surely remember his son's name.

3 letter word BOY, how stupid are you if you can't even remember that.

Almost everyone asked why did he named his son "Boy", some of them even laughed. But even Demitri didn't know what happened, he and his wife really agreed that they will name his son Boy. "Who needs an elegant name if other people will call you something funny or you might not know if they're calling you sh*t behind your back. What's important is how people will know you, not just your name but also your deeds"

Everybody nodded, but someone came in front of Demitri. "Cut the crap! let's go to my house. It's been a while since you've visited me. Now I have a wife and a son. You didn't even invited me to your son's first birthday." said the man jokingly.

"Hey Aries! It's been a while! I missed you so much! Life's really hard. You won't believe what I've experienced. I'll tell you later, let's head to your house. Wait, Boy greet your uncle!" Demitri pulled his son.

"Nice to meet you uncle. I'm Boy"

"Nice to see you too Boy! This uncle's name is Aries. I'm your father's best friend!" Aries pulled out 5 coins on his pocket and handed it to Boy.

It was his first time to hold a coin. He's not yet aware of the money system.

Basically, he doesn't know the value of this coin.

So he asked "Papa, what are these round objects for? Are they flat metal balls?"

"HAHAHAHAHA" Aries widened his eyes and burst out laughing while punching Demitri's shoulder lightly. Demitri smiled to his son and patted Boy's head.

"These flat & round objects are coins. A coin is equal to 1 Perinthus Currency (P1.00) or to make it easier to understand, you can buy or exchange a bar of candy for a coin"

"Really? I can do that using this coins?" Boy asked.

"Yes, you wanna try it? Let's go that stall and buy a candy" Demitri said in a convincing way.

"Okay, let's go!"

They went to one of the stalls, Demitri told Boy to try it.

"Hi Madam, can I exchange this coin to one of your candy bar?"

"Sure!, Here's your candy bar in exchange for your coin."

"Thank you!"

He jumped out of joy and told his father "It's real, I actually got a candy bar using that coin and I still have one, two, three, four more coins left and I can change it to four candy bars if I wanted to! Thank you Uncle Aries!"

That's the first money he got and that's how he spend his first money.

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