Two wheels of the horse-drawn carriage left the , and the entire carriage skidded toward a nearby wall on a horizontal path. The two horses drawing the carriage neighed in distress from the impact of the collision.
Mag turned to the rhinoceros-drawn carriage beside them. He had one hand tightly gripping the reins of the horses while his other hand had grabbed onto the carriage's curtain, ready to fling it aside at a moment's notice. If the carriage were to crash into the wall, then Amy could get hurt, and that was something that he couldn't allow to happen.
Right at this moment, a burst of gentle golden light appeared on the side of the horse-drawn carriage. The entire carriage decelerated dramatically as a result before gently sliding along the wall and down onto the ground.
A humanoid figure rolled out of the horse-drawn carriage, plummeting straight to the ground.