
70 - 80% similar

Gu Yiyi helped Li Zheng to the sofa and sat him down. She then got up to prepare some fruits and snacks.

Bai zixun pressed a hand on her shoulder."You talk to Auntie li. I'll go."

Aunt li looked at Bai zixun and then at Gu Yiyi. She said happily,""Yiyi, you've grown up. With such a good home, if Madam's spirit is in heaven, she would also be happy."

"Aunt li, who is this Madam you're talking about?"

Aunt li sighed."It's your mother. But you were still so young when she left, so I can't remember. But when I look at your face, I can think of your mother. You look so similar. In the blink of an eye, you've grown so big."

Gu Yiyi's eyes widened in shock. She could not come back to her senses for a moment, and her hands clutched at her clothes tightly.

She had always thought that aunt li was the only servant that old Mrs. Han had hired back then and that she was the only one who took care of her seriously. She did not expect that she would know her mother.

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