
Moving in and out Freely!

Biên tập viên: RegiusProfessor

Shutting his eyes, the surrounding happenings were imprinted within Ye Yuan's divine soul as extremely fine details appeared!

The orbit of the 18 sword puppets, Mei Zhen, Mo Yuntian, Ti Wujiu, Tian Yu, Pang Wannian . . .

All of this and everything were so clear!

The originally uncapturable traces looked so clear right now. It was just like the entire world slowed down.

Unknowingly, Ye Yuan's Heart Like Still Water Realm heightened again!

One breath, two breaths, three breaths . . .

Time trickled away. Only without Ye Yuan's tying down did Mei Zhen feel the incredible pressure on him!

His nerves were wounded tightly to the limits, and he did not dare to slack off in the slightest. Because any easing up could cost a disciple's life!

Every breath, Mei Zhen felt like it was as drawn out as a century.

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