Sasha flies into New York from Moscow on a short stay fiancé's visa, and he fully intends to marry the man he met online so he can live in America. Sasha has ninety days to say “I do,” and in his mind it will be the perfect fairy tale romance.<br><br>But things don't exactly go to plan with Sasha's intended fiancé, and his dreams of living in New York seem about to slip through his fingers.<br><br>Then a chance meeting reacquaints him with Daniel, an old friend, and Sasha falls in love. Now his original plans for a visa are no longer an option, as Sasha doesn't want to marry anyone but Daniel. But does Daniel feel the same way about him?
1: Arriving in New York
Sasha spent the plane journey from Moscow feeling nervous and fidgety. He should’ve had a drink to calm his nerves, but he hadn’t eaten anything all day (too nervous) and he didn’t want to arrive in America, nor meet his fiancé a bit drunk.
So, no drinking. Just quiet, internal panic as the plane finally touched down on American soil. Sasha followed the other passengers off the plane and was herded toward the luggage collection.
He hadn’t brought much, just a small case with a few clothes and essentials. His fiancé, Elliot, had assured Sasha that he’d have everything he needed, or would buy him new things.
Elliot was very wealthy. He’d paid for Sasha’s flight, too.
Sasha was meeting him face to face for the very first time today. They’d met online and had Skyped and messaged consistently for nearly five months now. Sasha was excited, not only to meet Elliot finally, but also to be back in New York.
When he got his suitcase, he followed the signs to arrivals. Sasha knew English, so at least that helped. He went through immigration and customs, showed them his passport and paperwork.
They made him wait while they searched his bag. Sasha didn’t have anything illegal in there, but he sweated over it as he watched and waited. Customs looked through his clothes, his toiletries. They looked at him suspiciously, making Sasha duck his head to avoid eye contact.
By the time they’d finished and gave him back his case (with all his clothes folded badly and squashed back in, he noted), Sasha was a nervous wreck all over again.
He found a men’s room and ducked inside for a moment to compose himself. His hair was still okay, at least. Sasha had washed it yesterday, and it was tied back for now. But his face was flushed and he was sweating a lot.
Sasha took off his jacket and decided to do a quick change of shirts while he could.
It would be awful to meet his fiancé all sweaty and horrible.
Sasha changed into a fresh shirt, buttoned up, and washed his hands. He also patted his face dry with some paper towel, and tried to get his breathing under control.
He met his own eyes in the mirror, and gave himself a pep talk.
You can do this, he thought.
Sasha breathed in deep, and collected his things together. He didn’t put his jacket back on, he was warm enough, so he folded it over his arm and wheeled his case beside him with his spare hand.
The arrivals hall was busy, and Sasha followed the other passengers all filtering down the hallway. It was loud, with lots of people in all different languages shouting and waving, greeting each other excitedly.
Sasha smiled fondly as he passed by a family hugging and exchanging greetings in Spanish.
People waiting for arrivals stood behind simple rope barriers, some holding up cards with names on. Sasha scanned the people waiting as he walked by, desperately looking for Elliot.
He wasn’t there.
Sasha got his phone out quickly to check if Elliot had replied, but there was no message yet.
Maybe he was running late.
Sasha would have to find a coffee place or some seats and wait, he supposed.
He kept walking, then his eyes spotted a card with his name written on it: Aleksandr Dudayev.
Sasha stopped and looked at the man holding the card. He was dressed in a simple but casual suit, and Sasha didn’t recognize him.
Was there another Dudayev on the flight?
Sasha wasn’t sure what to do.
Also, he was in the way of the other passengers bustling past. Sasha edged to the side, and just then his phone lit up with a message.
It was Elliot, saying he’d been held up at work but had sent a driver to pick Sasha up.
Disappointment kicked Sasha in the gut. He’d fantasized about meeting his fiancé at the airport for a long time now.
But he knew Elliot was a busy and important man. He ran a multi-million-dollar company, he was sure to be busy.
Sasha swallowed past his nerves and disappointment, and headed over to the stranger with the card bearing his name.
When they got to the car, Sasha sat in the back on his own, and sent a message to Elliot, asking when he’d be free.
Elliot replied that he’d come straight from work and they’d have dinner at home together.
Sasha smiled, relieved.
He sat back and looked out the window as they left the airport, and the tall buildings of the New York skyline came into view.
He’d really missed this city. Sasha had come over with his mom when he was barely a year old, and she’d met an American man to marry. He’d spent his childhood in New York, going to school with American children.