

Tác giả: 8i3r6s9U
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What is 8i3r6s9Ugfh

Đọc tiểu thuyết 8i3r6s9Ugfh của tác giả 8i3r6s9U được xuất bản trên WebNovel.fvcbcvbcv...

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'Lady Irene', a bestselling romance novel that made all the teenage girls go crazy, including me. A story in which mentions the life of Irene in the care of her foster family; the Duke, the Duchess and of course, the Young Lady Soleil, who turns out as the villainess and her greatest rival. Growing up, Soleil has always been jealous of all the attention that Irene has. Like a typical villainess, Soleil does everything to get Irene out of her life. One day the crown prince, her fiance, broke up with her and proposed to Irene, making her insane. Her obsessive love and great jealousy pushed her to plan on killing Irene. But the crown prince has heard of it and killed her before she could ever kill the heroine, and thus, the novel had reached its end and they lived happily every after. However... "Young Lady, are you okay?!" When I opened my eyes, I was a 12 year old Soleil. The same age when Irene was took in by her parents. Just then, I knew I was going to die again because Soleil was already destined to die in the end. But since I still remember everything that happened in the novel, I have the advantage to change my fate and escape my death. I tried to be as friendly as I can and always avoided them in order to achieve a peaceful life. Everything was going smoothly according to my plan until it began flowing in an unexpected direction. "How shameful, The heroine turns out to be someone that I never expected to be, the supporting male leads turns out to be attracted to me, and the crown prince has actually taken interest in me. Will I ever be able to change my fate in this story?

reiriri · Kỳ huyễn
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整个京城都知道,皇宫旁边建着一个弃思阁,那里面人人都是傻子,十米开外,不见一人。 只是,他们京城最受敬仰的三王爷竟然专门进去了!听说是为了寻一女子! “你,你......”三王爷憋红着脸看着面前蓬头垢面的叶初瑶吞吞吐吐。 身后的侍卫莫名疑惑。 叶初瑶有些不耐烦了,一个大男人,扭了吧唧的。 “我,我喜欢你。”凤璟澜声音很轻,但是,但是周围的人都听到了啊! 一瞬间,疯人院里的人不疯了,王爷身边的侍卫要疯了! 叶初瑶看着一副活像被调戏了的良家妇女似的三王爷,猛得翻一白眼,这三王爷不会是个疯子吧?这他喵地口味,也太重了点吧? 不过,戏还是要继续演的,叶初瑶装疯卖傻地手舞足蹈,露出她那白白的八颗牙齿,“嘻嘻,大傻子,大傻子!嘻嘻嘻,大傻子......” “......” 自从知道三王爷看上了疯人院里的一个疯女人,京城里的人都一副自家的好白菜被猪拱了的表情。 谁都不知道的是...... “喂!你能不能离我远点,我的名声都被你给玷污了,没听他们都说我把你给糟践了吗?” “没没没,是我的八辈子修来的福分。”三王爷慌忙辩解。 后来,京城里人人夸赞,“三王爷找了个好媳妇儿啊,真是巾帼不让须眉,真是我们凤渊国的好王妃啊!” 嗯,真香~!

木橘子 · Tổng hợp
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218 Chs

TRA: Brothers of the Scar

The God's of Xeno-movia have long died out, killed in the war of races against the Casarns, a brute like race that believed theirselves superior to the God's. Since the death of the God's man has taken up control of the world, dominating it's lands and sending the other races into hiding. The Dwarves hid in the mountains they so loved, the gnomes hid in the hills, the five beast races used large natural surroundings to hide away, the elves, what was left of them, hid behind their dark master's, and the orcs were banished to the scar for refusing to participate in the Gods war. Grall and Grodak, orc brothers born in the scar, had different ways of living. Grall, the younger brother, was born with the gift to speak to those of his tribe that had passed away, he became the chief of the tribe using the elders knowledge to benefit them. Grodak, the elder brother, never much cared to lead, he always preferred to create metal works in a forge. One mistake, that's all it took to force them out of their chosen roles and into another. Grall, the one who made the mistake, was banished from his tribe and forced to wonder the world. Grodak, the one who worked to fix the mistake the most and reclaim the honor that was lost, was made the new chief. Ten years later, the small mistake now hounds at the both of them as they make their way to Whitewater, in hopes they can fix the troubles they have. There they will meet imp, a genius Dasari/Pyroniam, Adrian, a charismatic human who never backs down from a fight,, especially when his friends depend on him, and Tyril, the king of Whitewater, who will send them off to find what they have been searching for this entire time. Disclaimer The Rebirth Algorithm is a product of Jarada Daedre. If you want to play a game of TRA then join us on mrpg, or play a game of your own using the 1e handbook on my page. All art is owned by the respective artist.

Mr_Eppeak · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

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