
Well Calculated! Part 2

“Honestly speaking, I am unable to even enter this punishment instance dungeon to make all these arrangements. Before this instance dungeon even began, I had arranged for characters like Qimu Xi and Ta Wang beforehand. Through various means, I influenced their behaviours and thoughts so that they would be able to encounter you within this instance dungeon… the routes I prepared was not limited to these two characters. Naturally, there were other routes prepared. However, you ended up taking this route, thereby meeting those two.

“Also, remember what I told you, once you entered this punishment instance dungeon, I would be unable to provide any other assistance to you.

“However, this subprogram I left with you, this doppelganger of me was able to activate because… you have accessed Player mode.

“Player mode had been separated out from this instance dungeon and connected into the main program.

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