
Killing the Old Ancestor of the Heavenly Palace

Biên tập viên: Sparrow Translations

"What? Are you for real?"


"Spill the beans," Chu Yu urged on with interest.

It was a lousy feeling being hunted like that.

Killing the powerful old ancestor of the Heavenly Palace would ease his annoyance and frustration.

The life of a cultivator was not glamourous nor luxurious. It was paved with twists and turns of the fate, cruel and cold.

Everyone desired to stand atop all living spirits as the singular almighty existence. It was the unchanging truth.

Flower Chu's voice was still empty and lifeless but Chu Yu could sense her subtle changes.

She already seemed much less emotionless since he first met her.

"I can perform the Locking technique and freeze our opponent for a short while, but this technique will drain all of my energy leaving me weak and vulnerable."

She had sputtered out her plan mechanically but Chu Yu thought of it as some sort of progress.

It was much harder to teach an artificial intelligence than a laundry maid.

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