
We're All Family

Biên tập viên: Sparrow Translations

Both Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian were intellectuals; they knew why Song Yu had to do what she did.

It was obvious that it was to refrain them from getting jealous of each other.

That was why both women cooperated with Song Yu fully, reprimanding Chu Yu that he should not have publicly declared that he was the Prince.

"All it did was bring trouble to yourself," Xu Xiao Xian glared at Chu Yu, her gaze never left him.

"We can leave others to their speculation. But now that you have admitted it, what might happen?" Lin Shi was not resigned to playing the second fiddle as she glared at Chu Yu too.

Song Yu was secretly grinning in the corner.

Inside her heart, she was actually elated, with two such excellent women, she would have been happy with either one of them.

However, work that had to be done on the surface, had to be done. She did not wish for her son's back yard to actually be on fire, causing the household to be chaotic.

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