
You Will Enter Another Country If You’re Not Careful!

Biên tập viên: Sparrow Translations

The two of them were sent flying by Chu Yu and the surroundings became silent.

Was it even possible for an Acupoint Charging martial artist to be this powerful?

This wasn’t just perverted, this was demonic, this was against Heaven’s will!

How is this possible?

The Invigorated Meridian experts hiding by the side were all stunned, not believing what they were seeing.

Elder Yue had brought Xue Ran along and rushed to the scene. Upon seeing this, his eyes sparkled and he became deep in thought. No one knew what he was thinking about.

Xue Ran, on the other hand, felt chills running down her spine.

She thought to herself, What have I done?

She had actually wanted to play such a powerful individual into her hands?

Did she really just try to use a carrot and stick approach to make him grateful towards her?

My gosh!

Those were two extremely powerful youths, Invigorated Meridian Stage Eight and Invigorated Meridian Stage Nine respectively!

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