
Stripped Naked Humiliation

Biên tập viên: Exodus Tales

Trash can win against Aces? William Napoleon suspected that he had a hearing problem as he stared at the fighter that had turned into a pile of scrap iron on the screen. 

If it had not been a simulation, but a real fight instead...

William Napoleon raised his hand and wiped the sweat off his forehead, whispering to himself, "I would be dead..."

Unbelievable, he couldn't believe it!

The majestic Napoleon Aerial Combat Team, the first line of pilots among the Federation's pride and honored flying team. He was the ace among aces yet he was blown up before they even took off. 

Lin Jiaxuan raised her hand and covered her lips, hiding the happy smile on her face.

Trash? That's right! It was Trash! Unfortunately, this trash referred to the trash from the Trash Battle Team of Federation's first aerial battle team! A super aerial combat murderer that specialized in bringing down the ace among aces!

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