
Fang Yuan learns from Reckless Savage Demon Venerable!

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Boom. Fang Yuan was sent flying like an insect, making a huge arc in the air before ruthlessly falling down on the hard ice surface.


Ice chunks scattered crazily, the force sent Fang Yuan flying like an artillery shell, he pierced through the ice layer and traveled for an enormous distance before finally stopping.

Fang Yuan lay amidst the broken ice, seriously injured. Even with an immortal zombie body, he could not budge a bit. His whole body was like a torn sack, the dark green zombie blood flowing out from the innumerable wounds, bones were fractured with some piercing into skin and flesh while some jutted out of the body. Only three of the eight arms were remaining. One torn off arm was lying not far away from Fang Yuan.

A long ice channel was created just now, cut open by Fang Yuan using his own body.

"Cough cough..."

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