
The bond between father and son, real and fake affection

Fang Yuan wiped Chang Ji You's tears and said with a mild tone like a spring wind: "What are you crying for, I am Wolf King and you are my son, you can only shed blood and not tears."

Chang Ji You's mind shook fiercely like he had been struck by lightning, when he heard the word 'son'.

An enormous joy engulfed Chang Ji You's mind like a tsunami: 'Father finally recognizes me as his son, he called me son with his own mouth!!!"

The grievances that had accumulated in his heart, the pressure he felt, the anger and shame he had put aside, the sorrow at his adoptive father's death, everything was dispelled at this moment.

He involuntarily was about to cry tears of joy but Fang Yuan's words lingered in his ears and he endured painfully, his expression twisted and he even bit his lips, but the tears still flowed out with no end.

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