
Water Demon

"Halt!" The patrolling Ge tribe Gu Master saw the Yan tribe Gu Masters and shouted.

Yan tribe Gu Masters stopped their hump wolves, as an elder spoke: "The person beside me is Yan tribe leader Lord Yan Tian Ji, we are here to visit Ge tribe leader."

"Yan tribe?" Ge tribe Gu Master's expression changed.

"That's right, our main tent is about a hundred li away."

"Please wait here lords."

According to northern plains time, Ge tribe had just reached crescent lake and had set up camp for just a day. Ge tribe camp was still busy constructing their homes.

"Lord, the wolf group footprints all entered Ge tribe camp." A tribe elder said softly at Yan tribe leader Yan Tian Ji.

Yan Tian Ji nodded, his gaze turning firm: "To think this enslavement path Gu master is from Ge tribe. It seems we came to the right place, this is a strong aid in dealing with Water Demon Hao Ji Liu."

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