
Arrest Warrant

"You have to know, there are lots of purple maple leaves on Zi You mountain. Those people buy it because it is more convenient for them, and they can save time from picking them. Sigh, it's pointless to tell you now. Nevermind, nevermind...."

The old village head continuously sighed.

Fang Yuan bobbed his head: "We just wanted to sell it for more primeval stones, one is to recoup the cost, the other is to take care of our parents. Who would have thought that after so much effort, it could not be sold."

He sounded anxious, a hint of crying in his speech.

Hearing his words, the old village head's heart softened, the grudge in his heart dispersing by more than half.

Fang Yuan said again: "No worries lord village head, I have decided to follow the caravan tomorrow. By lowering the price, I'm sure we can sell it eventually."

"Follow the caravan? Who allowed you to follow the caravan?" The old village head stared with wide opened eyes.

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