

Two giant banners fluttered in the wind with a ringing noise.

One was the battle merit board; Fang Yuan was now among the top ten in the list. Another banner listed all kinds of goods which could be exchanged with battle merits.

However, most of the Gu Masters in the crowded plaza had their attention on a newly announced decree.

The content of the announcement was: The wolf tide is becoming more fierce and the casualties among the clan's Gu Masters are increasing day by day. To reinforce the treatment methods, the medical hall orders all the Gu Masters who possess Nine Leaf Vitality Grass to temporarily hand them over to the clan. The medical hall will organize staff to unify all the productions.

There were a list of names in the notification. They were the names of the Gu Masters that possessed Nine Leaf Vitality Grass in the clan.

Naturally, Fang Yuan was also listed.

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