
Treehouse hides the Liquor worm

Gu Yue Man Shi was defeated by the newbie Fang Yuan!

The news spread quickly and caused small waves of gossip among Rank two Gu Masters.

Everyone was familiar with the two main characters of this event.

Man Shi was a slightly famous Rank two Gu Master who had managed to escape with his life under Bai Ningbing's hands; he was not to be sniffed at.

And Fang Yuan was the year's champion, many had witnessed him defeating Fang Zheng at the yearly assessment. He also obtained his family inheritance and became rich overnight, causing many to become green with envy.

The gap between the two was clear, but against all expectations, the weaker Fang Yuan had defeated the stronger Man Shi. Such a discrepancy really caught the people by surprise.

As more and more people continued to discuss the event, Fang Yuan's fame also rose.

Rank two Gu Masters began to take this young junior seriously.

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