
I'll give in, alright?

The next day.

The viewership ratings were published!

The rankings of the nationwide viewership ratings for yesterday:

First: I Am a Singer, 2.77%

Second: Sing!, 0.91%

These top two ranked shows in the nationwide viewership ratings were not only the top two shows for the day and at the same time slot. They were as good as the top two ranked shows for the weekly and monthly nationwide viewership ratings! Sing!'s viewership ratings had increased by a little, but it wasn't really much to speak of. Meanwhile, I Am a Singer's viewership ratings rose by so much that it could be said to have taken a step up. It was only into its second week of broadcast, but the viewership ratings were galloping towards the 3% mark. Things were going strong for them!

Seeing this result, a lot of people reacted differently.

The industry sighed.

The media smacked their lips.

The public got into debates.

"Sing! is still not doing well!"

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