

At the Korean Malware Protection Center, many programmers and computer virus experts witnessed the spread of all these new variants of the Panda Burning Incense. Their hearts turned cold and they felt totally helpless at this point. They finally understood what kind of a god their country had offended. They finally understood just what kind of virus the Panda Burning Incense had turned out to be!

The original source code was simple?

It's concept was not complex?

This virus was no big threat?

Looking back now, they felt that those words of theirs were a joke. Those words had turned into the hands of '2' which smacked them in their faces, hard!

The terrifying thing about the Panda Burning Incense was not its sudden appearance or the lack of preparedness by the anti-virus companies, but its variants!


"Four variants!"

"What do we do?"

"Quickly crack them! Hurry!"

"There are four variants, how can we crack them? We don’t have enough manpower!"

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