
Giving You Another Poem!

Zhang Ye sat in front of the computer, watching the praises given to him online. Past 10 A.M., a commotion sounded out outside the Literature Channel’s office area. It was quite loud!

"Let us in! I want to find Teacher Zhang Ye!"

"This is an office. This place is restricted for non-staff!"

"We just want to say a few words and leave. We definitely won't give you trouble!"

"That still will not work. Go to the registration desk and wait for a while. Make an appointment first!"

After some pushing and shoving, a man and woman squeezed their way in. A security guard was half-heartedly blocking them, which many people could tell. Maybe it was due to a small meeting having just ended, but there were several Music and Traffic Channel staff who were walking past. They were curious over what was happening. Finally, even Zhao Guozhou was startled by this commotion as he came out of his office to probe the issue.

"What's going on?" Zhao Guozhou frowned.

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