
7 WAYS OF FULFILLING A WISH a way of finding your own potential

The book is based on a clear direction of man in finding his own potential through the elimination of all kinds of negative emotions, establishing an identity, a healthier relationship with God and the power to fulfill any desire.

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With a deep true effort to present to you the process of realizing your desire, to really find hidden guidelines by reading that bring the thought of something more precisely the thought of desire into reality and to reach your potential and fulfillment of life the author puts special effort, understandable description and ways they can change the lives of each of you. Religious spheres, religious rites and prayers meet no condemnation! The book as a manual in the part of understanding God was carried with the aim that a man endowed with a mind should make his own activation and effort in order to deepen the knowledge of himself, awaken his own potential or realize, and experience a better connection with Creativity.God is the creator and taker of life, and we largely create our own lives in the way of life by firmly deciding what we want through the establishment of perseverance and unwavering faith in the realization of desire-goal. Why the desire? All human beings have a desire (health-healing, family, peace of mind, happiness, contentment, money, wealth ...) by this we mean healthy desires that make our lives come true as well as a great desire (our own dreams) that we think is impossible, or whose realization would be equal to a miracle. The guide of the book is based mainly on the realization of desires, that is, a separate great desire that requires us to extremely activate our potentials and the energy of life. Now you or someone else can say, 'I have no desire.' Truth? Of course not.

We as human beings would not survive without the desires in our thoughts as well as the hope that sustains every life. The hope-form of faith is engraved in a healthy person as a whole and always exists, the desire changes, supplements, so another new desire arises, and the earlier one is postponed or erased from our thoughts by creating a new one. From this we see that the desire for something is always with us. As we develop and mature through growing up, education, cultural customs and experiences, so we manifest the desires that accompany us and create us in the outside world and relationships with others. If we have already stated desires with hope and everything is clear, why would there be a strong need to explain and study our desires? Simply! Many people never realize a thought desire by converting its fulfillment in life, in fact very few people do so and we call them happy fulfilled or accomplished successful people.

Others who see themselves in the defeat of non-fulfillment of desire add to themselves the label that they were not born for such a thing and are satisfied with wanting, not fulfilling the desire. Some people, seeing fulfilled desires and a harmonious life in others, go into a destructive part of themselves, destroying the thought of desire or activating the impossible ambition of quick realization of desire through their own non-fulfillment chained by jealousy, envy, despair and lies. Now a very important question can be drawn on this topic: 'Does the realization of a wish belong only to some special people (the most common opinion is God chooses whom to fulfill the wishes), and not to everyone? If you think this way then you need this book and more than you think! Every man has the ability to make a wish come true. The more he awakens the strength of his ability, the greater the outcomes he will have to realize some of his desires.

Therefore, this book is primarily intended for those who want change or the realization of desires, as well as others who want to wake up and activate their own potential. There are 7 clear ways to make a wish come true, and a detailed path to fulfillment. The purpose is primary: To realize yourself, claiming and proving the full possibility of realizing what you have imagined. You need to activate your life potential and here are instructions for those who are ready! The potential you will activate is nothing but your inactive energy that you will trigger by making changes to your thoughts, emotions as well as actions through the mind.

The book also serves as a manual because you will always return on your way to fulfilling your wishes through these ways that require studious analysis and practice, and mastering them are safe guidelines to your goal. Remember everyone would love to live a fulfilled happy life according to their own fulfilled desires so embark on their safe realization now!