
Chapter 2: First Peerage Member

[3rd POV] [2 Months Later]

Within the halls of Zagan manor, soft pants echoed through a large room, as sounds of metal clanging filled the room.

Within this room was Morgan Zagan, recent reincarnator, Lord of House Zagan, and a rather exhausted woman. Why was she exhausted? Simple, she was in the process of training.

Two months had passed since she had been reborn into this world. Two months of constant training, learning, and growth. Two months of visiting the library daily in order to figure out how to cure the disease Ingvild was under, and found that they indeed had a cure for it. But, it seemed to have been a recent discovery, as recent as the past few decades. She wasn't sure why her parents didn't release this cure, but she had a feeling politics was involved.

During these two months she had been extensively training her body, using runes that she had begun to learn. These runes were norse in nature, and were specialized in gravity and weight, and after copying the rune formation in one of the books she had read, she placed it upon weights that she had to wrap around her arms, legs, and waist.

At the moment they were 150 pounds each with 2x gravity.

The only reason she was able to learn the rune formation so quickly, was thanks to her inborn clan trait that made her very very very talented at magic, even more than anything else. She had potential in everything, but in magic more so.

Over these two months, she had also found that her entire evil piece set was all mutated. From what she could tell, this was due to her basically having limitless potential for growth, and talent beyond even the greatest Devil to ever live, who was publicly known as the most talented devil ever.

She hadn't talked with a single soul during these two months, but that didn't matter to her, as she had FINALLY finished the cure. It was a complicated thing that required some very expensive materials, materials that her family thankfully had on hand, but only enough for 2 injections of it. Enough for what she wanted to do.

Sighing as she gulped down her water, Morgan patted down her body as sweat trickled down her rapidly developing abs, and toned arms. "Seems I'll need to up the weight and gravity again, it's getting easier and easier to lift this" Morgan said as she got to her feet, the weights still on her form.

Morgan stopped when she felt the wards around her property begin to go off, as someone...had entered the premises "Who...they're injured" Morgan muttered as she sensed the intruder through the wards, and they...were not looking good.

Speed walking through the halls, Morgan made her way outside to where the dwindling life force was, only for her eyes to widen as she noticed a...drop dead gorgeous teen on the ground in front of her, blood soaking her form.

Without hesitation, Morgan lifted the shorter girl into a princess carry and ran back into her home and took her to a spare room. The girl was on the edge of death, but not impossible to save. Summoning a vial of phoenix tears from the Zagan vault that only she could access, and even summon from wherever she was, she uncorked the top of the vial and trickled it over the teen's open gashes, as they rapidly healed.

Sighing as the girl's health began to stabilize, after using a few more potions her family had, mostly ones involving nutrients and blood, Morgan sat back with a sigh, as the girl slept peacefully, instead of in pain like before.

Looking over the attractive girl that seemed to be only a year or two younger than her, and definitely was not ordinary. A thought of who she could be came to mind, as she did remember the system or whatever it was, had told her about it being an AU, so if she went with that thought...

'If this is similar to all those cliche fanfics I've read, then this is more than likely a female Vali Lucifer...' Morgan thought with a sigh, wondering what to do. If this was the Vali of this universe, then she would like to recruit her, as it seemed she had been on the run from her father and grandfather. But at the same time, she wasn't sure how to even do that, as...she didn't have much to offer.

If she did recruit the girl, she planned on making her a pawn or rook, one of the two. Ingvild would be her bishop, same with Kuroka or Valerie, she wasn't sure which one to go with.

Gazing at the sleeping teen, Morgan leaned back and decided to get her own nap, as she laid back in her chair, and shut her eyes.


Morgan was awakened by the sound of a sharp gasp. As her eyes shot open and watched as the teen shot up, looking around in confusion.

"Relax, you're okay" Morgan said as the teen turned to her with narrowed eyes.

"Who are you? Where am I?" The teen asked warily, not remembering much of the day, besides running from her father after he abused her one again, and she had finally gotten sick of it.

"I'm Morgan Zagan, last member, and Lord of House Zagan of the 72 Pillars. And you're in the Zagan mansion, a place that no one can get into, now that I've activated the wards. So whoever did this to you, can't get into here, don't worry about that" Morgan replied with a sigh, as she got to her feet.

"I-Why help me?"

"Besides the fact that you were on my property half dead? Because it was the right thing to do in the situation, and plus, I can't just let a beautiful girl like you die on my property" Morgan replied with an amused smirk as the girl coughed awkwardly, blushing slightly at the compliment.

"And who are you?" Morgan continued, which the girl went silent for a few moments, before replying.

"...Valiana, Valiana Lucifer"

'As I thought, this is one of the changes that the system talked about. Can't say I'm going to complain about this, as it'll only make recruiting her easier for me' Morgan thought, not showing much of a facial reaction.

"Lucifer huh? That explains the people chasing you down. I'm assuming they're related to you?"

"...My father. He...didn't like that I didn't listen to him, so he'd abuse me. I got sick of it so I ran away, and they decided that if I wasn't going to live with them, then I shouldn't live at all" Valiana replied with clenched fists, angry at the man that did this to her, and took her mother from her.

"Well, can't say I feel bad for the guy then"

"Feel bad?"

"Well yeah, I might not be the strongest, but one look at you and I can tell you're powerful. And with that comes the power to get revenge on the piece of shit. So, I can't say I feel bad for whatever you decide to do to him. People like that and those arrogant pieces of shit in the upper echelon of devil society, deserve to get gutted like pigs" Morgan replied with a shrug, not masking her opinion on people like him.

The upper echelons of devil society were...monsters, plain and simple. This universe was dark, darker than you'd expect. Things like slavery, rape, sex slavery, trafficking, and blackmail was the regular for them. And then there were the lower devils and strays, who were forced to do all sorts of horrible things to survive. But that was an entirely different bag of worms, and not something she'd get into.

Valiana looked at Morgan in slight shock, as from what she knew, no normal devil would dare say something like that.

"What, surprised? I might be a Lord of a once powerful family, but I'm not ignorant, and I know where my beliefs are. I'm the last of my family due to many of them, the Baels, the Phenex's, many of them. Of course, there are some exceptions, like the Sitri, Gremory, and a handful of others, but even those have dirty secrets, just not enough for me to hate them" Morgan said, not surprised that Valiana was so shocked.

"...You're strange" Valiana said bluntly as she looked at the attractive teen (which she wouldn't be saying out loud).

"I'd say the same thing about you, little miss "Lucifer with a sacred gear" Morgan replied with a snort, as Valiana was the last person that should say that. A half human half devil with a sacred gear, if that wasn't ridiculous she didn't know what is.

"How did you-" "You're not exactly masking it, Valerie. It's a strong one, draconic? I'd say it's one of the longinus, and with that hair of yours, I'd say it's the Divine Dividing, making you the newest White Dragon Emperor, or in your case, Empress" Morgan cut her off with a shrug, as it really was easy to tell for her. Her senses when it came to magic, was superior to most.

"...What now?"

"Hmm? Well that depends on you, Valiana. I'm not going to lie and say I saved you entirely because I'm a good person, afterall, I'm a devil, and naturally greedy. You can stay here, which is fine by me as being alone in these halls for years is...lonely. You can leave and try your luck out there, or, the third option"

"Third option?" Valiana asked in slight interest.

"When I said I'm greedy, this 3rd offer is what I meant by that, Valiana. A part of why I saved you, is because I wanted to offer you a place in my peerage. But, I'm not the type to force people, and I can't find it in me to do it against your will, so, I give you that as the third offer. And should you accept, I can promise you that you will become stronger than any White Dragon Emperor in history, and perhaps even get revenge and some good battles" Morgan replied with a small smile, as she noticed that Valiana genuinely looked interested, but she also noticed the conflicted look in her eyes.

"I don-" 'Do it partner' A voice echoed in Valiana's head.

'Albion? But we just-' 'Valiana, I have lived for thousands of years, and I don't say what I'm about to say lightly. This child in front of you...is the most potential filled individual I have ever seen in all my years. Not only that, but I can tell she is telling the truth. And while her family is weak at the moment, the Zagan's have access to the greatest library in not only the underworld, but of the three factions. Trust me when I say that it will be worth it. And plus, she would be a pretty good mate for you' Albion spoke to her inwardly. Valiana listened to what he said in surprise, before blushing slightly at the last sentence 'Perverted dragon' Valiana thought with a huff, before looking at Morgan.

'Can she even reincarnate me? She...seems weaker than me' Valiana asked Albion.

'I am certain she can, child. And I am certain that she will surpass you rapidly, should she use that potential of hers to its fullest' Albion answered, causing Valiana to let out a breath.

'...But I just met her?' Valiana weakly thought.

'And yet you can't deny that this girl is attractive, your draconic instincts tell you that much. Not only that, but she has saved your life, which had to have been an expensive thing, most probably with phoenix tears, which for a fallen house like this one, must have been immensely expensive. She has yet to lie to you, Valiana, and...you cannot stay alone, not with who you are, and this child can give you the companionship you desperately need. Take it from a dragon older than you can imagine, take this deal, and work with her, you will not regret it' Albion replied.

'I thought you were the dragon of supremacy? Isn't working under her the opposite of supremacy?'

'I am, but I am also not a fool, and I'd rather not have my most talented host in centuries die out on me. You can display our supremacy all you like on others, but this girl will not be one that'll work on' Albion replied, growing exhausted with the girls excuses.

All the while, Morgan watched with a raised eyebrow, understanding that she was communicating with Albion. She let them speak, understanding that Valiana probably wasn't sure what to do, afterall, she was only 15 or so.

After a few more moments of thought, Valiana sighed 'I hope I don't regret this, Albion' 'Trust me, you won't partner'

"Alright, I accept, I'll join your peerage"

Widely smiling at the answer, Morgan looked at the teen, before speaking.

"I look forward to working with you, my beloved Pawn"

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That's the end of the chapter!

Not sure if this was the right way to go, but...it's DxD, and Albion is old enough to know the right decision in this situation. I genderbent Vali because...I wanted to lol. Only one other character is going to be genderbent and that'll be it. I was originally going to make Valiana's name Valerie, until I remember there already is a Valerie, so if there is a Valerie in the chapter, just ignore it lol.

This is a harem story obviously, and it'll be a bigger one than I've done in a long time, if ever before.

Confirmed Harem members - Valiana, Kuroka, Ingvild, Valerie, Serafall, Rias.

This will NOT be a Rias bashing fic, as in canon she's not that bad of a person. I will, however, be bashing certain members of her family, as they are...pretty awful to be honest, mostly her father.

Anyways, have a good day!

Gain access to an additional chapter early for each of my main fanfics (4 chapters in total), as well as other bonuses (like more than 50 exclusive stories) on my Patreon for 3 dollars a month! Or 30 dollars for an entire year!


(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

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