
Chapter 019: Planting!


After the spring rain passed, the God of Feather gathered the people to bring a blessing of food to Liyue.

"Lord God of Feather, what are your instructions?"

An elderly man of great respect stepped forward from the crowd and spoke reverently to Vorthis.

The last time the God of Feather gathered the people, he transformed Liyue, providing them a far better life than they had before. What divine guidance would he deliver this time?

The crowd grew expectant.

Vorthis glanced at the assembled people. Their improved morale and appearance were unmistakable. The change in their living conditions had played a significant role.

However, food was the foundation of it all.

Only when people are well-fed can they aspire to spiritual pursuits and drive the progress of human history—this was what Vorthis wished to see.

He nodded slightly at the elder, then waved his hand. Behind him, three granaries appeared, each filled with seeds: wheat, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.

These seeds, upgraded by Vorthis, were sufficient for all the people of Liyue to plant. Even with poor farming techniques, they would ensure a bountiful harvest come autumn.

A miracle! Another divine act from the God of Feather!

What might those structures behind him hold? What decree would the Lord deliver this time?

"In the three granaries behind me are seeds of wheat, potatoes, and sweet potatoes," Vorthis announced.

Before the people, a flash of white light revealed thin booklets in their hands. These booklets, titled Cultivation, contained illustrations and instructions on cultivating these crops, using curved plows, fertilizing, harvesting, and even simple recipes for cooking them.

Thanks to the use of common language and detailed illustrations, everyone could understand the content.

As they leafed through the booklets, doubt began to surface. Was the Lord instructing them to plant these crops?

"Follow the instructions in the booklet. Plant all the seeds from the granaries," Vorthis commanded. "When autumn comes, you'll have enough food to last a year."

The crowd was momentarily stunned. Could these crops really yield an entire year's worth of food?

But their doubts were fleeting. Could the God of Feather ever lead them astray? They trusted him without question.

"This tool is called a curved plow," Vorthis said, manifesting several of them. "The booklet explains its construction and usage. Have carpenters replicate it."

With the curved plows, clearing land and tilling soil would become much easier.

Having delivered his instructions, Vorthis departed, leaving the crowd still pondering his words.

"What deeper meaning lies in the God of Feather's actions?" they wondered.

Though uncertain, their faith in him drove them to follow his instructions.

The carpenters of Liyue quickly deciphered the curved plow's design. Its structure was simple, and replication proved easy. They began producing them in large quantities to meet Liyue's agricultural needs.

Why didn't Vorthis manifest enough plows for everyone from the start?

Vorthis's reasoning was simple: he was a god, not a caretaker. He understood the proverb, "A gift of rice earns gratitude; a bushel breeds resentment."

If he provided everything, the people would become dependent on him, and when he stopped, they might curse him instead of being grateful.

Vorthis had no intention of being taken advantage of. He would guide them, but their success or failure was their own responsibility.

A week later, all the plows were ready, and the people began working with them according to the booklet's instructions.

Since there were no docile animals nearby to assist with farming, the people themselves pulled the plows. In this era, people were strong—women with muscular arms and men with unyielding endurance.

Through their sweat and labor, fields were cultivated, and the seeds of wheat, potatoes, and sweet potatoes were sown. Following the instructions, they watered and fertilized the crops.

Planting was only the beginning. The fields would need constant care.

While tending to the fields, they also hunted to sustain themselves.

Two men sat by the edge of a field, gazing at the newly sprouting crops.

"Hey, do you think following the God of Feather's method will really yield enough food for the whole year come autumn?"

"Come on, when has the God of Feather ever lied? Why would he toy with us? Trust him, and you can't go wrong!"

"It's not that I don't trust him. It's just... we've never done this before. I feel unsure."

"Haha, the Lord Zennos and Lord Morax are Liyue's pillars. With their protection, what's there to worry about?"

Their words held truth. In Liyue, Vorthis and Morax were their foundation.

If planting failed and famine struck, Vorthis would not sit idly by.

Besides, Vorthis was confident that the seeds he provided would not disappoint him.

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