
The Destroyer

-Pickett Mausoleum, Night

"You sure this is the place?" Stefan Salvatore questions as he stops the car.

"I'm sure. We wouldn't be here if I wasn't. I don't want anyone to know we're looking for him till we have at least found him." Samael answered as he, wearing a long, dark coat, opens the car door and steps out.

"It just seems so... Simple, for a tomb containing a god." Stefan states as he follows along and locks his car.

"He's not a god. None of them are. They're no different from you and me besides the sizes of their egos." Samael states as he rubs his hands together a little to generate warmth.

"I don't know, Sam. What would you call beings capable of unraveling entire universes?" Stefan questions, following behind Sam as they both entered into the Mausoleum.

"Monsters. Monsters, Stefan. They're simply extremely powerful monsters." Samael states.

"Tell me, Stefan. Did I ever tell you what I hate most about you vampires?" Samael questioned as they went inside, down the dark path. Both their eyes good enough to see in the dark.

Stefan thought about it for a moment and shook his head, "No, not that I recall. But if you ask me, the bloodlust is the worst part of it." The Salvatore stated as he slapped a bat away that flew towards them, killing it as it hit the wall.

"That's certainly a part that is to be hated. But that is more from your perspective as one who is a vampire. What I hate most about vampirism is your capability to compel people.

Tell me, how many vampires are in the world currently? In 6 billion, I would bet there to be at least a couple hundred thousand. Maybe a million.

How many of them are not righteous like you are Stefan? How many of them are more devil than human in nature? How many of them force their desires on another?

Compel men to leave their wifes, women to leave their husbands, all for their own pleasures. Force people to love them or hate another? Play with their emotions like they are their toys? How many of them steal, kill and rape with no one being there to punish them for it?

No police or any form of law enforcement capable of containing demons. I'd reckon at least a couple hundred, and that is me being generous, for there are probably a lot more.

Can you even fathom how many lives they have ruined during their immortal existence? And this not necessarily with killing, for sometimes the best way to ruin someone is to leave them alive.

They are a curse, a scourge on this plane. They ruin everything, simply because they can. They are taken by the high that such authority gives someone, while being completely undeserving of it." Samael states as they finally arrive before the tomb of the Destroyer.

Stefan looked contemplative. "What are you going to do about it?" The vampire questions, curious. Understanding even more than the Stand User himself the potential he has. Having witnessed it with his own eyes what he was like after his Ascension.

"I'm going to destroy compulsion all together. Take it and bloodlust away from all vampires." Samael answers as he crushes the lock and rips off the lid of the coffin, pushing it onto the ground.

"Hello, Mikael," Samael greets with a smirk, the dessicated, slumbering Original.

"So this... This is what Klaus has been running from for thousands of years?" Stefan questions as he crosses his arms.

"Yeah, this is what has the Big Bad Hybrid scared. Mikael, the Father of the Original Family. The true, Original, as he is the very first vampire ever to exist." Samael stated as he ran his fingers over the warning writing over the Coffin.

"Don't you think this is, I don't know, too easy?" Stefan suddenly questions, doubt and wariness in his tone as he looks towards the Lockwood.

"Easy? What are you talking about?" Samael questions confused.

"He's just here, Sam. Not really hidden from anybody. No magic cloaks, no traps. Just underground in a Mausoleum next to a freaking cemetery." 

Samael chuckles, "Stefan, haven't you heard, the less drama, the more peace?

No cloaking magic means no witches and other supernatural beings sensing something off about the area and wishing to investigate it.

No traps means no missing people turning up causing this place to be investigated.

He's just here, underground, in a tomb, chained, in the public domain. Stupid children would stay away out of fear or would be incapable of even opening this coffin because of the chains, if they even found it that is.

It is perfect. Something, I myself would have done in our little witch's situation." Samael explained with praise.

Stefan hearing his words saw reason in them. "Okay, but now what. You didn't let us bring blood bags, saying we don't need them, so, tell me, how do we wake him without blood?"

"Who said anything about waking him without blood?" Samael questioned with a cryptic tone in his voice.

"Are you offering then, or should I go hunt a nearby animal, or something?" Stefan asked confused.

"No, but you are," Samael suddenly stated.

"What?" Stefan questioned in even greater confusion, now wary.

"Oh, don't look at me like that. I just want you to give him but a single drop, the same amount of blood one would lose from a pinprick. Any more and he'll be dangerous."

Samael states as he leaned forward upon the coffin, taking a better look at Mikael's features.

Looking at him with the World's eyes, for they can see in far better detail, able to recently, with the aid of The Passion even have some insight into the soul, and what he saw was but a flickering flame-like aura. Very weak, but also incredibly deadly.

"Okay, but why? Why vampire blood? Why not human? Not that I mind the amount your asking, but this is bizarre."

"You can ask him for the details on why, but from what I know, he doesn't prey on the innocent, but the predator.

He refuses and hates to drink from humans, and I don't wish to have our first meeting start on ever worse a foot than it already will be. Since I'm a werewolf and all, unawakened or not." Sam explained.

Stefan hearing his explanation nodded slowly, taking it in, but eventually walked closer to the coffin, raised his hand above the Original's head and with his nail cut the skin of his point-finger and let a single drop of blood fall on Mikael's mouth.

The moment he did, Samael hastily pulled Stefan by his shirt and threw him against the wall behind him. Not taking any chances for the Vampire Hunter to reach out and attack, even though it should to his knowledge not be possible with how weak he currently is.

"Ugh..." Mikael moaned in pain as his eyes blew with with haste and he awoke.

"Finally, awake, Destroyer?" Samael questions as he approaches, before that making a gesture with his hand to Stefan to stay away and not interfere.

Mikael appears to sniff for a moment until he growls, "Why have you woken me, beast?"

"Really now? Already beginning with insults? Aren't you even a little thankful at being once more aware of the waking world?"

"I am addressing you am I not? I bestow upon you the opportunity to speak with me. My previous prey would say that is me being quite generous." Mikael counters.

"I suppose they would," Samael states, his voice soft, but firm. Against a being this old, one needs to be as cold as ice in their mental state. Not letting any form of provocation distract and overwhelm them.

"To answer your question, Mikael, I am here to offer you to join me in my quest to destroy the very incarnation of your family's betrayal. I want us to work together to kill Klaus." Samael states.

Mikael falls silent at this as he gives a now more curious and appraising look towards the Stand User.

"It's you isn't it? The one they speak of in the prophecy. The one who is said to be the end of that bastard." The Original suddenly questions.

"That is what I am being told," Samael answers.

"Tell me, why do you wish to kill that Abomination? I reckon he would gladly welcome you to his side."

"Will he now? Even though you yourself state I am supposed to be his end." Samael questions, curious and wary at what angle the Original is playing at.

"Oh, he most definitely would. Last I remember he promised the witches to turn their blessing in their curse. Niklaus is many things, a bastard, a beast, an Abomination, but he is cunning I'll give him that.

He knows nature will not stand for his cursed existence and even if he killed its champion, another one would surely rise. It is best to corrupt the savior to his side, using the very power that is supposed to end him as his own greatest defense against the forces of Creation.

He realised this, the moment he knew you would be a wolf not much unlike him."

"Why are you telling me all this? Don't you fear I would leave you here now and join him then if he is as you say not my enemy, but one wanting my allegiance?" Samael questions confused.

Klaus not wanting to kill him right now, is quite interesting. Something he can use in the future, if indeed true. But he's still not understanding Mikael's perspective here. Does he want to be left here abandoned till another finds him?

"I do not ally with one who is only motivated by fear like a coward, boy. If I truly am to consider this allegiance, you must want him dead because of your own principals and beliefs on the matter rather than fleeting emotion." The Vampire Hunter counters with aggression.

"So you won't join me so long as you don't know my reason for wanting him dead." Samael reasons.

Mikael's silence and serious expression confirmation enough.

Samael sighs, he weighs his options. If Mikael joins them, he will undoubtedly find out about Elena's existence, soon enough.

The Hunter would be great as an ally because of his principals of not harming the innocent. Though he can be clouded enough by his rage against his step-son that he sometimes bypasses them, so not truly completely trustworthy.

But he can't back out now either. Mikael is a great deterrent against Klaus. The Wiccans may say they have always protected him, but in their own words, it was till he was on the path that is his fate.

Meaning that now, they are only on the sidelines. Only observers, waiting for nature's will to go into actions.

They are completely unreliable.

"There is... Klaus as you know wishes to break the curse you forced upon him through your wife's magic. The woman I love is the Petrova Doppelganger necessary to be sacrificed during the ritual.

I have my own plans to stop Klaus, but I need time. Time I'm not sure I have right now. Time that you can gain me by your mere presence when known by the supernatural world.

If you choose to join me Mikael, do know that you will have to follow my lead. This is my operation, you may advise, but leading is not your function. You are the shield, the ultimate defense.

You won't go after Klaus till I deem the time is right."

"Why should I accept this proposition, boy? I am more than capable of killing Niklaus. He's nothing before me. Has been fleeing from hearing my very name for millenia." Mikael counters, though now after hearing Samael's words, calmer than before. A hint of respect within his tone.

Respect to a man willing to stand against a monster to protect the woman he loves. Something he was all to willing to do before Esther's Infidelity became known.

"Because your true goal isn't only the death of Klaus. That is but a part of it. What you want is your family back. The family he turned against you with his lies. And I can help you with that. But for it to work, Klaus must be made the villain of the story, not only in our eyes, but also in the eyes of his siblings.

To do that, he needs to be alive, for now. If attempted after his death, all it would seem like, is you speaking ill of the dead.

For as the saying goes, something when lost, is then truly recognised for its worth." Samael explains, as he leans forward, putting his hands on the edges of the coffin.

"He has no worth! He is but a beast! A scourge needed to be wiped out!" Mikael roars, for the first time, fighting against the chains holding him, in his rage.

"Calm yourself. I am not saying he does, but in the eyes of your children, who have spent thousands of years at his side, he does. For whether you wish to admit it or not, he is still their brother. Half-blooded or not."

Mikael grits his teeth in rage, but forces himself to calm down as he thinks about Samael's words.

In the end, after a couple of minutes, he releases a huff. "Release me from these chains, boy."

"You know I have a name right? Besides, can I take that as a yes or no?" Samael states, not moving an inch, not until he hears the words, clearly expressing his acceptance or refusal.

"You are the one who has forgotten to introduce yourself, boy. And yes, I accept. Now free me from these chains." Mikael demanded.

Samael hearing his words grinned, all teeth, his expression full of savage joy at having another ally.

He put his hands on the chains and ripped them away, shattering them with the force of his pull and grip.

Mikael finally then rose, free from his prison. He cracked his head a bit as he moved his arms and hands, to loosen some joints.

As he finally got out of the coffin, he sped towards Stefan, biting him in the neck, as he pinned him with great force against the wall.

Soon enough, he let the younger vampire fall to the ground, with his neck broken as he licked his lips.

Sam face palmed at this, "Why did you do that? He is an ally, old man. Not your damn food."

"He was all broody in the back there, silent like a lamb. I thought he was your offer." Mikael stated as he took a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped his mouth.

"I had another in mind. His dick of an older brother for that matter." Samael countered annoyed as he approached Stefan and slung his arm around his neck and started to walk out of the tomb. His Stand with its eyes on Mikael, Samael not leaving him a moment out of his sight.

The Stand User wasn't truly worried about Stefan, for the young vampire was still alive, just greatly weakened from losing a lot of blood.

"Well, then do please lead the way, because I am still quite famished." Mikael stated as he followed along.


(Author note: Hello everyone! Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter!

Do tell me how you found the chapter and Mikael and Samael's interaction.

I hope you liked it.

Also, please do comment and review. We only have two reviews right now, and I would honestly like more.

Like, your comments is basically what makes me want to continue. The less I have, the less motivated I become, because Interaction with you all is one of the main reasons I write.

So yeah, if you still want me to continue this story do please tell me and I'll hopefully see you all later,


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