

Author note: since I am only about 10 or so chapters from finishing the current arc I wanted to let you know that around chapter 30 there will be a big time skip to about a year before Aang returns. Also at the conclusion of the Arc he would have "established" the tower and will get a big reward for it. Comment your suggestions for what that reward should be. I have something planned but I would like to see people's opinions/ideas. 


POV Callum 

A few days ago, I got a notification of a group entering my territory and I soon found out it was some people from the northern WaterTribe, shown by their blue coaching and hooked spears mostly used for fishing. The Town had also been developed even more, finishing off many buildings that had yet to be done. At my request the earthbenders had built a wall extending from the sides of my tower to surround the small town. My proudest achievement though was the massive amount of dungeons I had added efficiently expanding the floors and creating a reliable source of trade goods from the tower. Currently I was standing at the town gates with Dao Mu, Go Rehi, and Zhao along with some of the strongest climbers. 

Name: Zhao

Class: Firebender 

Level: 15

XP: 300/350

Strength- 10


Agility: 4

Constitution: 4

Will: 4

Mind: 10

Spirit: 12

Free point: 3

Skills: [Swords 4] [spear 3] [Firebending 6]

Abilities: [Intense flames] [Heat resistance]

Name: Dao Mu

Class: Firebender

Level: 10

XP: 1/100

Strength- 6


Agility: 5

Constitution: 10

Will: 3

Mind: 7

Spirit: 7

Skills: [Firebending 6]

Abilities: [Heat resistance]

Name: Go Rehi

Class: Earthbender

Level: 16

XP: 267/400

Strength- 13


Agility: 6

Constitution: 8

Will: 4

Mind: 7

Spirit: 11

Skills: [Spears 4] [war hammer 5] [Earthbending 5]

Abilities: [Stone skin] [Compact rock]

Go Rehi being a General used to battle, has been climbing the tower like a madman and is the current highest level person. It seems that after level ten it definitely becomes harder to get any higher. His assistant; a mage; was also quite the impressive climber. 

Name: Goshen

Class: mage

Level: 15

XP: 28/350

Strength- 4


Agility: 5

Constitution: 3

Will: 4



Skills: [Spears 2] [blunt weapons 4] [mana control 2]

Abilities: [Mage Bolt] [Weak shield] 

"Are you all on the same page?" I asked them.

"Yes, we understand," Dao Mu said.

"Must I really be here?" Zhao asked. 

"Yes" I replied "It's essential for them to see people from both nations not attacking them" 

"Fine," He replied. 

We all stood there watching as the water tribe's people approached. In total I counted about twenty five people. Before even reaching the gate they had spotted Zhao and Dao Mu quickly getting into a combat stance.

"Please stop" I announced "We are simply here to welcome you to the tower" 

Watching the skeptical looks they gave I saw as they looked between us and my very large tower behind me. 

"Let me introduce myself, I am Callum the Master of the tower you see behind me" I started "To my left is Commander Zhao and Advisor Dao Mu the firn nations representatives here. To my right is Go Rehi and his assistant Goshen they are the representatives from the Earth Kingdom"

"You make peace with the fire nation?" One person spat at Go Rehi. 

"It is not about peace but more about tolerance and following the Tower masters' rules" Go Rehi responded. 

"Rules, what rules?" one of them asked. 

Stepping forward I said, "Did the water tribe, not receive my invitation". At this a few of their eyes went wide for others it looked as if they were trying to figure out what I was talking about. 

"You are the one who sent that blue box to the royal family" An older man questioned, stepping out from the group. 

"Yes, that was me, My Tower is here for all nations, but I had my hands full managing the issues between the Earth Kingdom and Fire nation" I responded, "I would like to have a more civilized conversation, which one of you is the leader?" 

"I am" the older gentleman said "My name is Sarak, and I was put in charge of this expedition" 

"A pleasure to meet you Sarak" Go Rehi said.

Sensing a bit of tension, I looked over at Dao Mu.

Sensing my gaze he said "Likewise" 

"Now that we are acquainted, why don't we retreat back to a more comfortable area" I suggested. 

"Agreed" Zhao and Dao Mu said simultaneously. 

"My assistant Goshen will show your men a spot to rest and receive some food," Go Rehi offered. 

"My thanks to you Go Rehi," Sarak said, obviously still suspicious.

Walking back through the town we made a beeline for the tower. 

"Since when was this town built?" Sarak asked.

"It's been about two months since we broke ground on it" I answered. 

"Where did you get the wood?" He questioned. 

"From the tower, it's an excellent resource," Go Rehi said. 

"Hmm" Srak hummed. 

We soon arrived at the building closest to the tower, this one was relatively new and had been built over the past week or two. It was a large two story frame house built into the traditional style of the Fire Nation with some Earth Kingdom inspiration as well. For example there was the classic circular archway and pillars seen in some buildings in Ba Sing Se. 

"Welcome to the guild hall" I announced, spreading my arms in an exaggerated manner. 

"Guild hall?" Sarak asked. 

"That is one of the things that I wanted to talk about with you, although I knew the chief would never come himself for now I had hoped they would send an elder, maybe Master Pakku so that I could negotiate" 

"Negotiate what" Srak asked with squinted eyes. 

"Why don't we go inside and talk?" Zhao said annoyed at the delay. 

"Alright then follow me" I said. 

Opening the door I led them inside. The inside was full of tables in the common area and a large counter near the back hiding a storage area beyond. 

"The meeting room is upstairs," I said.

Moving to the left wall we made it up the stairs and moved to the large room at the end of the hall. Leading them through the door they were greeted by a large crescent desk with a chair in the center of the curve and three more on the outside curve. Taking my seat at the center I watched as Sarak hesitated before sitting down directly in front of me. 

"You mentioned something of a guild," Sarak asked.

"Yes, I did, but first I would like to explain the tower" I said, "How much of the invitation were you told about?"

"I was given a briefing explaining the whole issue," Sarak said. 

"That's good, Like I said in it, the tower us a place where everyone; not just benders; can become infinitely stronger"

"What does that exactly mean?" Sarak asked, leaning forward in his seat. 

"Perhaps a demonstration is in order" I said, holding out my hand palm facing upwards. Soon a small mote of light appeared in my hand and started flying around the room. 

"What is that?" Srak asked, surprised. 

"That is magic," I replied. 


"Magic; unlike bending; uses something called mana, magic users can shape this mana into a variety of spells. Any non-bender who enters the tower has the chance to learn magic" I said. 

"So they can create light?" 

Laughing I answered him "Yes they can but magic can also be destructive, as well as healing"

"Healing, you have healers?" 

"I think another demonstration is in order" 

"Allow me," Go Rehi said. He took a knife from the side of his belt and made a small slice on his hand. 

Putting my hand over his, a green light pulsed from my hand constantly helping the small injury "No think of what that could do if every non-bender can learn it" 

"That is…amazing. As far as I knew only waterbenders could heal"

"Not anymore. In fact, a few healers have already been sent back to the capital" he said with a smirk. 

"This is not the only kind of power that can be gained in the tower, even a bender get get abilities never seen before" 

Sarak sat contemplating what I said "If what you say is true then any nation using this 'Tower' will gain significant strength". He looked at the Fire Nationals. 

"That is why I have made the Tower for all nations and people, everyone is welcome. It also is why I want to create a guild" I commented. 

"You mentioned the creation of a guild, what for?" he asked. 

"It's for people who go into the tower, everyone who goes in will have to register with the guild. It will allow us to know what is going on within and who has which abilities" I answered. 

"That seems rather useful but how will you regulate that?" He asked.

"Well as I have said it is my Tower. If people don't follow the rules they will lose their abilities" 

"I can see why you are confident then, and why did you want an elder to negotiate with?"

"An organization such as this shouldn't belong or be influenced by any one nation so having contributions from all nations would equal it out"

"What about the leadership, I am not sure that it would remain impartial" 

"That is something we have yet to completely figure out. So far the idea is that there will be one guild master, selected by me; and two sub guild masters who will have the power to impeach the guild master should the need arise. Of course all three would be from different nations" 

"It is nice to hear that you seem to be of equal opinion among the nations but I do not have the power to negotiate this, you would need an elder as you suggested or the chief himself" 

"I expected as much when can we make that happen" 

"As much as I would like to work on it immediately the involvement of the fire nation makes this a sensitive matter I will need to confirm the things you have said before I present this to the chief" 

"At least you are sensible, I expected more resistance"

"Honestly, I am still having a hard time wrapping my head around these new 'powers' I need to see more" 

"Of course, the tower as I have said is open to all we can go there immediately if you would like" 

"That would be helpful"

Just then there was a knock on the door and Go Rehi's assistant Goshen entered, 

"Sir there are a few traders at the town gates asking to be let in" He informed.

"I will take care of this" Go Rehi and Zhao said at the sametime then giving eachother a glare.

"It is most likely people from both nations so you should both go" I said, breaking the tension. 

They both broke off their glares, nodded to me and left the meeting room. I then turned to Sarak. 

"Should we head to the tower, it's been a bit since I saw someone's first entrance" I suggested. 

"Yes, let's go. I wish to see what can cause the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom to work together" He answered. 

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