
Chapter 68: Equated Armies

It's now a matter of time before Andrias begins his invasion. Thanks to their informants, Darrel, Sasha, and Anne know that now's the time to get all the amphibians together to fight back. The frogs, the newts, the toads, and the salamanders. This made Darrel think back to his favorite movie with all the armies into one battle.

In the center of the resistance camp, Sasha gathered all the frogs together. "Listen up," she said. "Our spies tell us that Andrias plans to invade Earth in just a few days. So it's time for the rebellion to mobilize!" The crowd of frogs cheered with determination.

"Which means," said Anne. "It's time for us to join our newt, toad, and salamander allies! Whooo!" That statement made Anne lose the crowd. The crowd stood silent. The silence did not make Cronaxx happy. 'I knew this would be difficult.'

"Did you say newts, toads, and salamanders coming here to work with us?" Wally asked. "Yeah," replied Sasha. "What's the problem?" Darrel gives off a scowl look at what they were going to say next.

"Historically," began Hop pop. "Frogs, newts, toads, and salamanders-" suddenly he was interrupted by Grime. "What Hop pop is trying to say is that things will be tense."

"Really?" Anne asked. "I mean Duckweed's a newt, Toadstool's a toad, and you two have been happily living in Wartwood for years." Duckweed and Toadstool were unsure of her statement. "Define happily," said Duckweed. "It definitely has its bumps," said Toadstool.

Sasha was furious, "I don't believe this! You're telling me we've spent all this time building this giant army, and there's a chance you guys won't work together?!" Darrel shook his head in disappointment, "How can you hold a grudge for so long?"

"We're just saying," said Hop pop. "There's an extremely high possibility of that. Yes." Sasha was tense, and furious at the same time, she began to grind her teeth together. "What are we going to do now?" Darrel asked. "This is frustrating enough!"

Anne goes up to her friends, "Cheer up guys. You two are forgetting that I happen to be excellent at brokering peace between feuding factions." Sasha was confused, "Wha?" Darrel soon realizes something, "Oh yeah. Anne once brought the track team and the band geeks together one time to put on our school dance."

Darrel brings up a visual image of Anne pointing at the band mate and track girl shaking hands. Under the photo is a plaque that says 'Mediator of the year - Anne Boonchuy.' "Only award I ever gotten," said Anne.

"Oh yeah," said Sasha. "By pointing out they both value proper lung control." "Getting these guys together will be a cinch," said Anne. "You two will see. We just need to find connection points." "You better be right," said Sasha. "We don't have much time and a lot is riding on this."

"If they can't put aside their differences, especially with their world and our world at stake," said Darrel. "Then there won't ever be an Amphibia again." Then, Toadie comes out with news. "Madame Generals! Great Wizard! They're here!"

The three humans come out to greet the three oncoming armies. Beatrix and her toad battalion, Tritonio and his merry men, and Chief Nightoum and his nocturnal tribe. Nightoum was Alexphia's second-in-command, until Tint took over the tribe. Nightoum didn't protest, as long as no one in his tribe got hurt under Tint's watch. Despite being nocturnal salamanders, he could still see the surface as long as it was overcast.

"Beatrix, Tritonio, Nightoum, welcome," greeted Sasha. "Enough pleasantries," said Beatrix. "I agreed to fight alongside you frogs, but I draw the line at newts and salamanders. They'll steal your sword, or cast a spell behind your back."

"Only because you toads are too slow," said Tritonio. "And smelly I might add." "I don't believe in attacking an opponent in the back," said Nightoum. "There's no honor in that." "Ugh," groaned Beatrix. "Since when do you know about honor? You just hide underground like cowards!"

"Hey now," said Hop pop. "Come on everyone, let's at least try to get along." Nightoum places a hand on Hop pop's shoulder, "I'm willing to give it a try," he said. "Say Beatrix," said Tritonio. "Did you hear something just now?" "No," teased Beatrix. "Maybe a few smaller animals squeaking somewhere."

"Ignoring frogs now, eh?" Hop pop asked. "Typical," said Nightoum. "Even with the world at stake, we can't make an effort to get along. A snobby newt, a cautious frog, and a bully buff toad at each other's noses."

"That does it!" Beatrix cried. "This alliance is over!" "Toodles," said Tritonio. The two get back on their animals, preparing to leave. But Darrel freezes them in place. "Right now, this bickering is pointless," he cried. "Andrias is about to destroy our worlds and you're not even going to try to work together?"

"Let's just head down to the war room and talk strategy," said Sasha. "You're animals are not going anywhere, even if you still say no," said Darrel. "You're wasting your time," said Tritonio. "I mean, who can fix nine hundred years of conflict in a day?"

Anne clears her throat, getting the four's attention. "Who has two thumbs, and is a neutral arbitrator who fell out of the sky? This girl!" "It is true that she fell out of the sky," said Hop pop. "The idea does have merit," said Tritonio. "Fine," said Beatrix. "If Anne thinks she can moderate, we'll stay." "I was going to stay either way," said Nightoum. "My people need to be underground." "We'll stay too," said Tritonio. "So will we," said Hop pop. "Hop pop, we live here," said Anne.

"Okay, let's start the healing," said Anne as she gives off an anime pose. The three armies enter the camp, leaving their weapons at the weapon checkpoint. Polly made sure everyone dropped off their weapons. "Weapon check! Leave a weapon, take a number," she said.

In the mission briefing room, Sasha, Anne, Darrel, Hop pop, Nightoum, Beatrix, Tritonio, and Grime were about to start going over plans. "Alright," said Sasha. "All of Andrias' power comes from the music box. So our best bet is to get it away from him."

Anne goes up to the chalkboard and writes spitballin'. "Alright friends. Any ideas? Remember, this is a safe space with chill vibes and good intentions." Beatrix raises her hand. "Alright Beatrix," said Darrel. "What's your idea?"

Tritonio scoffed, "Let me guess: You want to bash in the front door, beat up anyone you see, and take the music box?" Beatrix blushed in embarrassment, "Maybe." "Not bad," said Nightoum. "We can provide support underground, adding the element of surprise. We know the underground tunnels, thanks to those barbaric ants."

"Typical Toad and Salamander maneuvers," mocked Tritonio. "It will never work." "Tritonio," said Anne. "Let's keep it positive. All ideas are welcome here." "Even bad ones?" Tritonio asked. "Especially bad ones," replied Darrel. "You got something we could include?"

"Indeed," replied Tritonio. "I propose a more intelligent approach. We take a small strike force, dress them up as orphans, sneak past the guards, and steal the box." "I'm not confident that would succeed," said Sasha. "Andrias' security is top notch and I don't think orphans are going to trick a bunch of soulless robots."

"Hah!" Beatrix laughed. "Now who's bad ideas you cocky newt." "Beatrix, that's not helping," said Anne. Beatrix backed down in response. "So, Hop pop," said Darrel. "What kind of idea do you have to share at the table?"

Beatrix just laughed, "HA! A frog with a battle strategy?" "What is it?" Tritonio asked. "Do we paint a barn? Have a hoedown?!" The newt and toad laugh out loud. Only Nightoum and Hop pop glared at their reaction. Until Hop pop attacks Tritonio. Nightoum tackles Beatrix in an effort to stop the fight.

"Anne, this isn't working," said Sasha. "We need to do something." "You're right," said Anne. "It's time for Team Building Exercises !" "I'll gather all the amphibians together," said Darrel.

The amphibians get together, still keeping to themselves in specific groups. Anne, Sasha, and Darrel appear at the front, prepared for Anne's team building exercises. Darrel glared at the amphibians, expecting them to be on their best behavior.

"Okay folks, listen up," said Anne. "In order to defeat King Andrias and his robot hordes, we need to work together." The four factions still glare at each other, feeling like none of what they're expecting is going to work.

"First up is the mirror exercise," said Anne. "I learned this one at summer camp. Everyone, gather around in a circle and mimic my moves exactly." Anne gets into position, and Darrel and Sasha follow shortly after. Then the amphibians do the same thing.

"Excuse me," said Beatrix. "What's the point of this?" "If it's to make us all feel stupid, it's working," replied Tritonio. "This is all about harmony, people," replied Anne. She gets into another position and everyone follows though. Unfortunately, one of the toads loses balance and knocks down everyone like dominos.

So, Anne tried another approach, "Next up is the human knot. Or in this case, the human-frog-toad-newt-salamander knot. Try to untangle yourselves while holding hands." The group of amphibians try to untangle, only to make things worse.

"Next up, the three-legged race," said Anne. She assigns various amphibians with one another to work as a team to win the race. Only for a newt to fall flat on their face with a frog, a toad to step on a salamander's tail, a frog to jump higher than a salamander, and a toad to slam his partner to the ground after crossing the finish line.

"My turn," said Darrel. He gets out a bag of marshmallows, tape, and thin sticks. "Get into groups of four, one amphibian from each faction, and try to make the tallest tower you can with the material you've got." The groups try as hard as possible, but no one cooperates.

Eventually, the four factions get fed up with each other. But Anne was not one to give up on them. "Next we have the trust fall," she said. A giant toad stands beside her, getting in position to fall. "This is the final step to knowing you'll have each other's backs out there. Now when I say go…"

"Go?" The toad misinterprets her signal and falls back. The amphibians below weren't ready for him to fall and get crushed below him. The amphibians proceed to argue and bicker with one another, once again. Eventually leading to another brawl againsts the four factions.

"This is not good, gals," said Darrel. "This is a total disaster," said Sasha. "They're fine," said Anne. "They're just blowing off steam. At least they don't have their weapons." But when one of the toad's got wind of weapons, they rearmed themselves, along with the newts, frogs, and salamanders.

The four armies were prepared to attack each other. "Newts, to me," cried Tritonio. "Toads! Battle formation!" Beatrix commanded. "Come on frogs," said Hop pop. "Do the best you can!" "Salamanders, be ready!" Nightoum shouted.

Seeing that there's no getting through to them, Darrel and Anne activate their calamity powers. "ENOUGH!" They shouted. They slammed in the ground in front of the four armies. They stood in shock, until they were pushed back by the two powerful humans. "We said ENOUGH!" Anne and Darrel shouted.

"You all are complete idiots!" Darrel shouted. "All this time I thought I could solve your problems and heal this rift," said Anne. "But I was wrong, there is no quick fix. I can't solve this problem for you. Only you can."

"We are on the brink of catastrophic destruction and yet you chose to fight against yourselves," said Darrel. "I doubt you even know the main reason you all drifted apart. And don't give me the 'we're better than them,' 'we know better than them,' Those are not reasons! You all have one question to answer: With the world at stake, and all our lives in danger. How shall this day end? At each other's throats, or against a common enemy?"

The two power down from their calamity powers and leave for the mission room. "So when you're ready to work together and save the world, let me know," said Anne. "Until then, I am disgusted with every last one of you," said Darrel, following Anne and Sasha. All the four factions look at each other with guilt and hurt.

Back in the briefing room, Sasha was impressed with her friends. "Dang guys, you were total bosses out there," she said. Darrel smiled, "Sometimes, it takes tough love and a real eye opener to at least try to do something." Anne was crying, "I'm so sorry guys, I thought I could help b-b-b but-"

"Come here, girl," said Darrel. He gives Anne a hug, and Sasha joins in on the moment. "It's okay Anne." "He's right Boonchuy," said Sasha wrapping her arms around her hard working friend. "You did all you could. Now buck up soldier, we'll figure out a new plan." "You can't teach an old dog new tricks, unless the dog teaches itself," said Darrel.

So the three humans decide to go over a plan, until they are interrupted by the leading factions of the amphibians. They all have smiles on their faces, which made the human friends perk up a bit. "You guys done fighting?" Darrel asked.

"Yep," replied Beatrix. "And we came up with a plan." "Hopediah came to us and got us thinking," said Tritonio. "If Beatrix and Nightoum do their original plan, and attack Andiras' front door…" "We can draw the attention of his forces," said Nightoum. "And leave a window for a small group to sneak in the back door and steal the music box while they're distracted."

"What do you think?" They asked simultaneously. "I think that's perfect," said Sasha. Darrel perked up, remembering something. "That plan is just like the one from War of the Warlocks, my favorite movie!" "That's right," said Anne. "Marcy made us watch that every movie night."

"So, you came up with all this together?" Darrel asked. "I thought you hated each other," said Sasha with a grin. "Well, Anne and Darrel were right," said Tritonio. "We can't count on anyone else to solve our problems." "In the meantime," said Beatrix. "You helped us see that we really do want the same thing: To take our world back from that crazy king,"

"If that day were to end in our hands," said Nightoum. "Then it's to end with our world saved from evil." "We might not be able to forget the past," said Hop pop. "But if we work together, we might have a future." Darrel, Anne, and Sasha smile. "Alright," said Sasha. "Now, let's draw this game plan up and-"

Suddenly, a smash was heard coming from outside the briefing room. They turn to find Mother Olm had crawled through to find the resistance camp. "Great Saltwater Suzan!" Beatrix cried. "Hello young friends," said Mother Olm.

"Mother Olm!" Anne cried. "What are you doing here?" Sasha asked. "Is it urgent?" Darrel asked. "Indeed it is," replied Mother Olm. "I have some very important news. It's Andrias. We olms can feel the tremors of his armies' movement. That information about him moving out in a few days was a lie. He plans to invade earth tonight!"

The humans, frogs, newts, toads, and salamanders were shocked at this information. Darrel reaffirms his grip on his staff. "It's now or never, girls," he said. "Looks like it's go time," said Anne. "You two ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be," replied Darrel. "You heard them," said Sasha. "Let's move out!" The four armies gather their weapons and armor and prepare to make their final stand against the tyrant king, Andrias.

"Is now a good time to mention that we've also allied with the army of mushroom zombies?" Sprig asked. "Let's give them a minute to warm up," said Tint. "Got it," said Sprig. And the group watches as the armies get ready.

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