
Chapter 28: Hunting Season

The group gives Bessie a break from pulling the wagon by making a campsite in the woods. Sprig and Tint were setting up the tents, Polly and Anne were getting a picnic table set up, and Darrel was showing Cronaxx how bug spray works.

"But having bugs fly around us is a good thing," said Cronaxx. "It's like an Amphibian's buffet." Darrel was just about to say something until he smelled grub from Hop pop's cauldron. "Speaking of buffet," said Darrel. "I think Hop pop's finished with our food."

"Okay, dinner's ready," said Hop pop. The group gathered around, excited to eat. "Now hold on to your bugs," said Hop pop. He removes the dome, only to reveal one twig. "How's that food?" Tint asked.

"Only because I didn't tell you what the surprise is," said Hop pop. The kids get excited, waiting for Hop pop's answer. "Alright there's no surprise," he responded.

The kids groan in disappointment. "Sorry kids, this journey's been longer than expected and we're out of food," said Hop pop. Tint's stomach growls, and so does Darrel's. "Looks like our stomachs are singing a chorus," said Darrel. "It's the agony wail."

Anne groans, "This is all my fault. I dragged you guys out here to figure out how to get me home, and now we're all going to starve to death." The group just laughed, "It's not the end of the world, Anne," said Cronaxx. "We're surrounded by nature where nourishment can be provided."

"Cronaxx is right," said Sprig. "This'll give us the chance to find food the way nature intended, as hunters." Anne rubs her chin, "Hunters, eh? Guys, leave the hunting to me."

The group was surprised, "Anne, are you sure you can do this?" Darrel asked. "The Plantars have done so much for me," Anne replied. "I want to do something for them for a change." Sprig hops to Anne's side. "I'll go with her. I can teach her how to hunt the Plantar way, like you taught me Hop pop. What do you say?"

Hop pop accepted their offer, "Okay, but you two need to be careful. We're not in the valley anymore. Who knows what dangerous predators could be lurking about? They could be poisonous, psychic, or both. You don't know!"

"It's fine Hop pop," said Sprig. "So Anne, are you ready to hunt?" "I'm so pumped, this is going to be awesome!" Anne cheered. Cronaxx got up from his seat, "Well as much as we like to stick around, I think it's time for the boys to train new magic."

Darrel shrugged, "Well I'll be very hungry when training is over." "You and me, both," said Tint. "I assure you guys, you won't feel any hunger on this lesson," said Cronaxx.

As the two apprentices get up, Darrel grabs his staff and walks over to Anne and Sprig. "You keep an eye on her, okay Sprig?" "You got it, Darrel," said Sprig. "Don't worry, I'll be fine," said Anne. "I know, I just want to be sure," said Darrel. Darrel gives Anne a kiss on the cheek and heads off into the wilderness with the Salamanders.

Deep in the wilderness, Darrel, Tint, and Cronaxx walked for what seemed like miles. Then Cronaxx stopped in front of a clearing. "This is where we will train for the day." Darrel and Tint look at each other and nod.

Meanwhile, Anne and Sprig were face down in the dirt. Anne was disappointed when she realized that hunting was not what she expected. "I thought hunting was supposed to be cool. Conquering nature and stuff," she groaned. "There's no conquering nature, Anne," said Sprig. "Hunting is about becoming one with nature."

"But don't I at least get a cool weapon?" Anne asked. "Like a crossbow?" "Weapons are for barbarians!" Sprig cried. "Now, hunting the Plantar way involves three main steps…."

Later that day, as the sun began to set, Darrel and Tint were standing on their hands, concentrating on their focus. Cronaxx paced back and forth, watching them train. "Remember, a great wizard always connects with the life surrounded by them."

Darrel takes his words to heart, while Tint gives an eager face like he knows the lesson already. The two students, eyes closed, each give off their unique auras. Darrel gives off a blue aura, making him see the waters flowing in Amphibia. Tint gives off a green aura, giving him a vision of the flora in the forests.

Cronaxx nods in approval in their training. "That's it, be one with nature." Darrel continues to focus on the waters. Until something slammed into the creek. The sudden startle woke Darrel up and fell from his concentration.

"Darrel, what's wrong?" Cronaxx asked. "I saw something dark hit the water, I think it's approaching our campsite." Darrel grabbed his staff and rushed back into the forest. Tint opens his eyes long enough to see Darrel rush off. "Where's he going, Uncle?"

Darrel raced into the thick trees, scratching up more of his cape, but then tripped and fell into the mud. As he got back up, he shivered a bit. Suddenly, Darrel hears a couple of screams coming from the camp. He recognized them as the Plantar's voices. 'I knew something was after them,' he thought.

Then, Darrel heard another couple of screams coming from behind him. He knew it was Tint and Cronaxx. He rushed back to the source of the salamander's screams only to find their footprints and Tint's purple scarf. "Tint? Cronaxx? Where are you?" Darrel asked. He looks down at their footprints to see that they stopped under a tree. He looks up to see nothing, then rushes back to camp.

As he approaches the campsite, he hears another commotion. Gathering the courage to attack whatever's out there, he jumps out and tackles a mysterious figure. Unfortunately, that figure was Anne. "Darrel! What the heck dude?" Darrel was shocked having tackled his friend. "Oh god! I'm sorry Anne, I thought you were something else."

Darrel gets up and grabs Anne's hand picking her up. "I heard Sprig and the others scream," said Anne. "I heard the salamanders scream too," said Darrel. The two hear a clicking noise and turn around to see a predator behind them. This creature had a wolf's head, four eyes, and a scorpion tail, that grabbed their amphibian friends.

The creature growled and raced off into the wilderness. Darrel and Anne tried to catch up, but it was hopeless. "Now where do we go?" Darrel asked. "I don't know. I thought I could be a great hunter, but I don't know what I'm doing."

"Didn't Sprig teach you how to hunt?" Darrel asked. "I wasn't paying attention that much," replied Anne. "I thought it was dumb." Darrel shook his head, "The greatest downfall is the pride within ourselves. Think Anne, what are the lessons Sprig taught you?"

Anne thinks back to Sprig's lessons and remembers her first lesson: "Track your prey," she said. She squats down in the dirt and takes a whiff. Darrel takes notice and squats down too. He takes a whiff, then Anne grabs a handful of dirt and eats it. "What is it, Anne?" Darrel asked. "Polly's biscuits," Anne replied, pointing in the direction. "This way." The two humans rush off to find their predator.

The two humans find themselves outside a nest of frog skeletons. They see the creature enter, dropping off the Plantars and the Salamanders. "What the heck is that creature?" Anne asked. "A Scorpi-Leo," replied Darrel. "Tint showed me that in an animal guidebook he picked up from a library. It's half scorpion, half lion."

"That's one messed up horrorscope," said Anne. "Okay, we don't have much time. What's step two?" Anne snaps her fingers when she realizes, "Use your environment." The two humans look to their surroundings just as the creature roared.

Anne digs up a hole, and Darrel finds leaves on the ground. He places them over Anne's hole. "Okay, now all we need to do is lure it into our trap," said Darrel. "But how? Anne, what else did Sprig teach you?"

Anne was uneasy about the next step, because it made her feel weird. "There was this nature dance that Sprig showed me, but I'm not so sure." Darrel looked to his staff and came up with an idea. "That's it. If we can get the creature's attention with your dance, I can charm him into our trap.

Anne and Darrel come out of their hiding place getting the creature's attention. But her dancing didn't do much. The creature turns away, looking at the amphibians. "It's not working. Why isn't it working?" Anne asked.

"You're not focusing properly," said Darrel. "You're just forcing it. You need to let yourself go, and connect with the nature that surrounds us." "But Sprig said to follow the rhythm of nature, and there is no rhythm to hear."

Just as the Scorpi-Leo was about to eat Polly, Anne and Darrel prepare to try again. "Remember, concentrate and listen to the sounds carefully," said Darrel. "Only then will you feel the beat, and connect with nature."

Anne and Darrel get on all fours and listen carefully. Soon, the Scorpi-Leo was entranced by Anne's hunting dance and Darrel's staff waving. "I am the leaves," said Anne. "I am the morning dew," said Darrel. Anne slams her fists to the ground, completely entranced with the rhythm of nature. "I am the hunter!"

Darrel's staff glows a bright green aura, and entrances the Scorpi-Leo's eyes. It follows the two humans right into the hole. "Anne! We did it!" Darrel cried. "What?" Anne asked.

The two humans look to their trap and find the creature struggling to get out. The two humans grab their friends and escape just in time. The group return to the campsite with an excited Bessie. "Way to go you two," said Cronaxx. "That was the best hunter dance I've ever seen," said Sprig.

"I did, didn't I?" Anne asked. "I heard the music, I am one with nature. You were right, both of you were." Anne put her arm around Darrel and the group smiled. "Okay, let's get some rest," said Hop pop. "We've still got a long road ahead of us to Newtopia."

As the group prepared to sleep, Darrel stopped and took a look in his backpack. He digs in to find the old birthday gift he was going to give Anne. He walks to another clearing and sits down.

He looks down at his gift and thinks about how to give it to her. Until he hears a familiar voice. "Hey Darrel, having trouble sleeping?" Anne asked. "I just had something on my mind," said Darrel.

"On what?" Anne asked as she sat next to her. "On how to give this to you." Darrel shows Anne the gift he was going to give her on her birthday. "I was going to give this to you, but then all this happened. I hope it's not too much trouble."

Anne opens up her gift revealing a silver charm bracelet. The charms reveal a music note, a tennis racket, a pawn chess piece, a pom pom, and a gift box with a small inscription on the back. 'Happy 13th Birthday, Anne.'

"Wow, Darrel it's amazing," said Anne, "I knew you would like it," said Darrel. "Each charm represents us and our friends. So no matter how far apart we are, we'll always have a special place in your heart. And mine too."

Anne gives Darrel a big hug, "Thanks Darrel." "You're welcome, Anne," he replied. He takes his staff and creates a couple images. One being her cat Domino, and the other being Clipper. "I'll never forget them," said Anne. "And neither will I," said Darrel.

The two sit side by side watching the light images, all the while Cronaxx watches from afar. 'I never taught him that,' he thought. 'Sooner or later, Tint's going to learn a thing or two from him.'

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