
The First Task

November 30, 1997

Hogwarts, Scotland

Harry was looking between Hermione and Ron. Ron was rolling his shoulder. "You know, I stopped practicing with you last year because of this," his red headed mate griped.

"You just need to learn to fall easier," Hermione said.

"Where is Neville? He was supposed to practice with us today," Ron shot back.

"Enough talking. Finish the match or I will make you run through every kata you know," Remus told them.

Remus, living much more in the muggle world, had trained in a few martial arts or other muggle fighting. With his strength and speed being a werewolf, it was more effective to silence someone with a fist than a stunner at times. It also ensures that the DMLE doesn't investigate things when he was working with the shadier side of both worlds. No magic, nothing to investigate.

Harry, not wanting to go through all the katas, moved in. He had learned over the last two years to never underestimate Hermione. She might be more than a head shorter and a few stones lighter, but she was fast and was better than him right now of channeling her magic into her strikes. He already had a few bruises from her tonight.

She ducked his first punch and soon they were trading blows. Harry only took her down by finally over powering her with a kick to her ribs. He cringed, feeling guilty to see her stumble back and then tap the floor. He hated hurting her, but she would be brutal with him if he took it easy on her.

Ron didn't wait, moving in. Ron was the same height as Harry, with a wiry frame right now. Harry had a feeling in a few years Ron would be as muscular as Bill. They traded blows and blocks until Ron got in a lucky shot to his leg. Harry went down to his knee and Ron followed up with a punch to his head.

Harry was revived a few minutes later. "How's your head," Remus asked.

Harry winced as he touched it. "Sore."

Ron was giving a satisfied smirk. "Finally got you."

Harry shrugged. "One out of five. You're getting better. How is Hermione?"

"I will have a good bruise," she told him. "It's a good thing we use those cushioning charms."

"I wouldn't let you three do this without those," Remus told them. "I think that is it for the night. Harry, I think it best you cancel your Wednesday night with Moody this week. You have the first task next Saturday and you should be rested."

"But Gabrielle wanted to beat the man again," Harry said with a smirk. She had joined him twice with Moody. His little fireball could hold a grudge and last week she had beaten Moody. She was much better with her wand than he had ever thought.

Ron laughed and Remus chuckled. "I think she should take it easy this week too."

Hermione got up, holding her side. "I am going to come the next time you see Moody. I want to see her wipe him off the floor."

"You and Luna are always invited," Harry told her.

"I know. If we are going, we should go. You have rounds tonight," she told him.

Harry nodded. Remus walked with them to the gates and it was close to nine when they passed by the Beauxbatons coach. He looked at it longingly, wanting to go kiss Gabrielle for a few, but he knew if he did he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

"So, you think they will announce the Yule Ball this week," Ron asked.

"I hope so. It's only a few weeks away if it is happening," Hermione replied.

"Are you going with Luna?" Harry asked her.

Hermione got a nice smile before she bit her lip. "Do you think it a good idea for us to come out like that? You know how many in our world regard people like us."

Harry shrugged. "You know we don't care and you have the support of all your friends. It is up to you two. I will make sure no one gives you a hard time."

"Lisa and I will support you too. Speaking of which, I am going to go swing by Ravenclaw for a few," Ron told them, going to the right at the top of the stairs as they went left.

"I need to take a shower. Who's on duty tonight?"

"Daphne and Astoria."

He nodded. "They will be very punctual then."

She shook her head. "You have fifty minutes before you need to meet them at ten."

They entered the Head Boy and Girl dorms and when he opened his door, he was surprised to see Gabrielle in one of the chairs. Her head was slumped to the side, her hands in her lap and her breathing slow and metered. Closing his door, he went over and kissed her gently on the forehead.

Gabrielle woke with a start, looking around before she got her bearings.

"What are you doing here," he asked her, unaware she could enter his rooms without him being here.

She yawned before pulling him down to peck him. "I have not seen you since breakfast and just needed to see you. I was working on my Transfiguration paper."

Said paper, quill and a few books were on the table. "I need to take a shower and then meet the Prefect patrol tonight. I can walk you back before then. Give me like twenty minutes."

She gave him a soft smile. His eyes followed her body as she put her arms over her head and stretched like a cat. "Yes, go take a shower. You smell."

He laughed as he went into his room.

When he walked out in his thick trousers, shirt and cloak, she was playing with the trinkets on her bracelet. Harry had reenchanted her ballerina and it danced over her hand with the phoenix flying around her. "Do you want more?"

She gave him a very pleasant smile. "I would not say non."

"I will make you more," he promised her. "Come on. I need to be in the entry hall by ten."

She let him pull her up and he took her bag to carry it for her back to the carriage. When she stood, she put her arms around his neck and they kissed for a few before he pulled her out of the room.

"Can you start teaching me about intent? I think I should start training with you," she told him.

"We can start next Tuesday, if you want."

Gabrielle nodded. "Renee has asked Fleur to be her matron of honor," Gabrielle told him as they walked.

"It is going to be a busy break. The Yule Ball on the twenty-third. Renee and Sirius being married Christmas afternoon and then we are to be in Sweden the thirtieth until January first," he replied.

Her thumb started to rub against his hand. "Were you serious about the betrothal a few weeks ago?"

Harry tried not to flush or give away his thoughts on it. She had not asked him since the Daily Prophet article in the Society section with their interview. "Can you be a little more patient? I promise we will talk with your parents about it over Christmas Break."

She pouted a little. Neither of them were pushing each other, but Harry had enjoyed the naked vixen that had been in his bed yesterday as he learned how to play with her. He wanted more, like Gabrielle, but neither of them wanted to rush things.

She sighed. "I can be patient."

He laughed. "Non, you can't, but I can see you will try."

She glared at him for a moment before going up on her toes and pecking him. "For you, I shall wait."

"Disgusting. You can't even train your creature to speak English, Potter?" a drawl came to them.

Harry flicked his red oak wand into his hand. Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Nott came around a corner. Three more walked up behind them. He had a quick glance to notice they were sixth years he recognized. He had sensed some students, but that was not unusual for this time of the evening as the older students would often be going back towards their common rooms before curfew.

Harry moved to protect Gabrielle so that he was sideways to both groups. Gabrielle's wand was out too.

"Five points from Slytherin for your derogatory language, Malfoy. Now get back to your common room before I report this to McGonagall and Slughorn," Harry demanded, having a feeling that this was not going to be some schoolyard brawl.

Draco snorted. "Is that all you got, Potter? But what am I to expect from a blood traitor that shags a creature like that? I would never be able to clean that filth off me."

Harry's jaw set. "I will give you one chance to apologize and walk away before this becomes a matter of Honor." Harry hated these Pureblood trappings, but he was not going to let anyone talk to Gabrielle that way.

Draco snorted. "Apologize? I want blood, but I can't have that right now. We were told to give you a message. This should be in the Daily Prophet tomorrow."

Draco threw a paper at his feet. Harry didn't look at it, trying to determine if he could take all seven of them with Gabrielle here. "Oh, and I wouldn't tell any Professors. It would be... sad... if anything were to happen to your friends. There are some that are closer to us than you."

"You dare to touch me or 'Arry and my family will destroy you," Gabrielle said behind him.

Draco sneered. "Keep your bitch quiet."

Harry's wand arm flexed. "What's wrong, Draco? Afraid my girlfriend could take you? You should be careful. The Delacours have a lot of power. Power you don't without your father."

"Dirty mudblood bastard," Draco snarled and reached for his wand.

"Draco, not yet. You know we were told to leave them alone," Nott told the blond, grabbing his arm.

Draco shook him off. "You won't always be protected, Potter."

With that, the boys all turned on Harry, as though he wasn't a threat and both groups walked away. "I weel kill them," Gabrielle muttered in a scary tone.

Harry shook his head. "Non. I am going to take you back to the carriage. You are going to call your parents and then Sirius. I am going to meet the Greengrasses for their patrol and warn them."

Gabrielle growled out. "I do not want you to be alone."

Harry looked around, before pulling out his map. "I will call Hermione." He tapped the map. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good. Gabrielle, I know you don't like Daphne, but she may be in danger because of me. Daphne and Tracey are the only Slytherin that study with us. I really don't like her that way."

After a moment, Gabrielle huffed. "I do not mean to be so jealous."

"I know, luv," he told her. Gabrielle picked up the paper while he looked. He found the sisters moving up towards the entry hall. The knot of boys passed them and he let out a sigh of relief. "Now, let's get you back and we will talk more tomorrow."

Gabrielle gasped as she looked at the headline. He looked up to her. She was looking at the paper with wide eyes. "Gabrielle?"

"This is near Uncle Pierre and Aunt Artemis," she said in a scared tone.

He looked at the paper. There was a burning three story row house. That wasn't what made Harry's eyes go large. Above it was a smoky green skull and snake. A Death Mark hadn't been seen anywhere in Europe for more than sixteen years, and here was one in western France.

"Bugger," Harry remarked.

Gabrielle nodded. Harry was going to have to tell her of the Prophesy this week. So far she had 'distracted' him every time he had gotten that serious.


December 6, 1997

Hogwarts, Scotland

Gabrielle hugged papa as he met her outside the tents the Champions were to meet in about thirty minutes. She hadn't seen him in weeks and was happy he had come.

She was nervous and having her papa and maman here helped. Harry did to, but after everything that had happened in the last few weeks and the fact she was going to be competing against her Harry today, she was nervous.

Fleur was just behind papa and she hugged her sister just as hard. "I wasn't sure if you would come," Gabrielle said excitedly.

"And miss my sister beat the others?" Fleur commented.

Gabrielle stepped back. "Harry is so better prepared than I am. I started to practice with him the last few weeks. He is going to be incredible today."

"And you will not?" Fleur challenged her.

She stood tall under her sister's gaze. "I never said that!"

"Then you will go out there, show your mate what you can do and walk away with a higher score. Non?" Fleur told her in a matter-of-fact tone.

Gabrielle gave out a nervous giggle. "You make it sound so simple."

Fleur tapped her forehead with a finger. "It is only unsimple up here. The Goblet of Fire would not have chosen you if you were incapable. I told you it would find ways to push you to your limits."

Gabriella nodded. "And beyond," she replied in a resigned voice. Fleur had warned her. Even with the less lethal tasks of the last tournament it had pushed Fleur hard. Gabrielle had seen it and had started to increase her own studying and practicing. That was before she had met Harry.

"Now, where is your new betrothed," Fleur asked taking her arm and looking at the small gathering of people outside the tent. Family, reporters, judges and some dignitaries were allowed to mingle with the three champions before the task. Gabrielle didn't hesitate to point towards a small group of redheads, Sirius, Renee, Hermione and Remus. He was laughing as Fred handed something to him. It took a second to process what Fleur had said. Bill was over in the group, but by the way he was looking towards Fleur, he would soon join them.

"Fleur," their mother hissed in a low tone. Gabrielle turned to look at her sister, her eyes wide.


The look of surprise then guilt on Fleur's face told her everything. "You can not say anything," Fleur said in a desperate whisper.

She looked to papa and then maman. They both met her eyes and she had a hard time not to start squealing like a little school girl. Harry had already talked with her parents!

"Is he really?"

Papa put a hand on her arm. "I think that is something for Seigneur Potter to talk with you about. I do not want to spoil any surprises."

She put her hands to her mouth and looked to Harry. His group was coming to them. Her family was as much his now as his was hers. Fleur stepped forward, grabbing Harry into a hug instead of the more traditional way. "It is good to see you, Harry. You and Gabrielle need to come to Shell Cottage soon. I know we have invited you."

Her Harry shrugged. "It's been busy. We will come over soon. Probably over Christmas Break."

"So I have heard," Fleur gave him a significant look and Gabrielle wanted to smack Fleur. Now was not the time to talk about this.

"It is a pleasure again, Gabrielle," Mr. Weasley was greeting her and she soon got lost in greetings and good luck wishes. A reporter came by to ask some questions and take pictures of their families, and more of just her and Harry. Fleur was giving her a knowing look that made her flush at times, or rage at her sister. Fleur had always been that way.

When they were finally summoned to the tent, Madam Maxime came to retrieve her, and Professor McGonagall took Harry. They stood very close to each other in the tent. She was focusing on the judges. Fleur was right. It was only in her head and she would get a high score.

"It is a brilliant December day," Mr. Bagman called their attention. "Now, as you probably figured in your packets, you will each have a little adventure and challenge before you to retrieve a treasure. In the treasure box, will be a clue for the next task. Now, if you look up here, we have a wheel you will spin to determine where and what type of treasure you will be searching for."

Gabrielle looked and saw six options on the wheel. Harry had been right on some of the challenge areas. There was the Himalayas, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Fuji, the Pyrenees, the Nile and Dasht-e Kavir. Neither of them had predicted Mt. Fuji or Dasht-e Kavir. She didn't even know where that was. By the way Harry was looking at the disc, he hadn't predicted some of those either.

"Yes, this should be very exciting. There are two of each general type of biome, but each is very distinct in its challenges, and those not used in this event, will appear in the next," Bagman offered."

Gabrielle made sure she memorized each of the areas.

"Now, ladies first, Ms. Delacour."

She moved up and spun the dial. It spun for a good thirty seconds or more before slowing and stopping on Mt. Fuji. She swallowed, totally unprepared for that. She wracked her brain for everything she knew about that area of the world. Harry gave her an encouraging smile when she turned, not really paying attention to whatever Bagman and others were saying.

Sorenson stepped up to the wheel and it landed on Dasht-e Kavir. "Ah, the legendary desert of Iran, known for snake and lizard like creatures. That should be very interesting. Mr. Potter, you are the last of our Champions today."

She watched Harry go up and when it landed on the Nile, she was thinking he got the least challenging. "Excellent! This should be a great show for the day. The lowest number on the wheel shall go first, so today, that would be Mr. Potter. Then Mr. Sorenson and finally Ms. Delacour. The first event shall start in about five minutes. You will have up to one-hour to retrieve your treasure before you start having point deductions. Judges, if you will join me in the boxes?"

Once it was only the three of them, Harry walked over to her as Sorenson looked nervous and sat, muttering to himself, probably going over everything he knew about his place. "Are you alright?"

She looked up at him, his face confident, his eyes showing some concern, and his green armour clinking a little as the scales on the cloak moved. He had taken it out when they had come in the test. "Is that part of your basilisk?"

He gave a crooked grin and Sorenson looked up to them. She had her suspicions the boy could understand French. "Oui. Is yours Iron Belly or Horntail?"

She smiled, trying to hide her nervousness. "Iron Belly. Papa got it for me when I won last year."

"You will do well, my little ballerina. My guess is that they will have one large creature guarding the treasure. I would assume you may face something like a suzaku or byakku. I doubt they were dumb enough to get a seiryu. Be careful of any berry bush. Almost all magical bushes are poisonous on Mount Fuji, many just to touch if the juices get on you. There are also a few vines that can be rather aggressive or thorny," Harry warned her.

She looked at him. "How do you know all that? I know a sakura and seiryu, but what is a byakku?"

"A large white tiger with the power of the winds," Harry told her. "It was in that book Hermione gave you about two weeks ago."

Her jaw opened. Hermione had slipped a few books to her over the last few weeks. The girl said it was related to classes or she thought it might be interesting. "You have been having Hermione give me clues and study materials!" she yelled at him understanding what he had done. She didn't mind training with him, but helping her study and giving her clues was not what she wanted.

"I was not going to let you go into this blindly if I or someone else figured it out. I love you too much to see you hurt when I could help you," Harry replied.

She glared at him. She was scared that she didn't know as much about Mt. Fuji as she should, and that she was prideful enough to not listen to him. A whistle sounded. Harry had three minutes to be ready. He leaned in and pecked her lips. "Good luck, my little ballerina," Harry told her. Gabrielle reached for him and hugged him for a moment before he turned away.

As he walked by Sorenson, Harry stopped and held out his hand. "Good luck, Julien. Remember what we talked about."

The boy stopped his muttering and after a moment reached his hand out. "Luck. I understand. Was that you that sent me those books?"

Harry just shrugged. "I want a fair competition."

A whistle indicating one minute to start had Harry walking away. She would not allow her nerves to get to her. It was like ballet. She would be a ball of nerves until the curtains rose. If Harry could look so sure and calm, she could be too.


Hogwarts, Scotland

The tournament grounds were in a large valley with the dark forest around the and the Scottish mountains in the distance. The arena was split into six sections on a rough circle. Each one hundreds of yards across and long with a different environment in each.

Sirius, Renee, Fleur, Bill, Arthur and Molly were joining Alain and her in the upper observation tower and seats. Alain wanted to watch his daughter and soon-to-be son, so he took seats in the front row, with other dignitaries around them. As they were settling in, there were two seats besides her and a woman with very light blonde hair and grey eyes in the seat at the end of the aisle.

Apolline eyed her for a moment, recognizing the woman from some wizarding photographs and some old Prophets. It was actually someone she wanted to talk with.

A man in a green bowler hat came up with a few others. "Ah, Narcissa, it is great to see you here. I take it Draco and you are doing well?"

The woman turned to have the man take her hand. "Yes, we are doing very well, Cornelius. I take it you got my request for a meeting this week?"

"Yes. Yes. My secretary should have an owl out to you already. I think Wednesday was open," the man said. Apolline knew Cornelius Fudge. Like the American hag, President Hepper, this man was not allowed in her house any more either.

The man caught her looking at him and his jovial smile plastered onto his face. "Ah, I see Madame and Lord Delacour are here today. It is a pleasure to see you again, Madame."

She extended her hand, not meeting his bow. The man may be Minister, but his House was tiers below hers. The woman next to her was as well. "A pleasure, Minister Fudge. I admit I do not know some of these dignitaries with you."

"Of course. Let me introduce Lord and Lady Greengrass, Lady Malfoy and this is Lord Parkinson," Minister Fudge introduced. None of them were what a Delacour was.

There were pleasantries exchanged, with some looks of curiosity or apprehension to see them here. They were all lower than Lord Black or Scion Potter and the Delacours had done everything but sign an official alliance to back both Houses. Once Renee and Gabrielle married their mates, they wouldn't need the alliance. They would be family. When the Minister walked away, Apolline turned her attention to Narcissa Malfoy.

The Malfoys in Britain were a break-away branch of the Malfoys that the Delacours were in an official alliance with in France. Abraxus Malfoy, the woman's husband's father, had left France to marry a woman with a Ladyship. The houses merged and the Malfoys in Britain became part of the peerage in Britain. She had already told Francois and Rebekah what her intentions were and they had not raised any objections.

Lady Malfoy looked at her dismissively and then looked out towards the first event arena.

Apolline, not one to be snubbed, moved over a chair. "It is a pleasant day, non?" she asked. It was bright and sunny, but too cold for her liking.

The woman just cast her eyes on Apolline and nodded.

Her half smile was now a stony expression. "I hear your son is in his last year at Hogwarts. He is classmates with Harry Potter?"

The woman's face was a wall of indifference. "He is. I have come to see the events, if you do not mind?"

A whistle went off. "My daughter is also a classmate of your son this year. She is taking many of her classes with the Hogwarts Professors, and has a Draco Malfoy in a few of her classes. Has he told you about this?"

The woman's eyes looked angry, but the rest of her didn't show it. "They may share classes, but Draco has not mentioned any of that, or who your daughter is."

Apolline nodded. "I am surprised. Gabrielle is usually hard to miss, as is any Delacour girl. Do you know he has had a few conversation with my daughter and boyfriend?"

The woman didn't answer, watching as the last of the tournament organizers left the field before them. Apolline leaned in a little closer as the sound around her grew with the excitement of the start of the event. "Your son has had a few comments or discussions this year with both of them. Most recently, he and six of his friends had one in the hallways. There seemed to be some threat."

Lady Malfoy's eyes flashed to her, concern clear in her expression now. "Draco is too well cultured to make a threat. Are you sure Harry Potter didn't make something out of it that it was not? The boy has constantly given Draco a hard time here."

Apolline had to fight down her fire for a moment. "I will give you this one warning. Do with it what you want. Should you or any of yours or your allies threaten or harm either my daughter or her betrothed, my husband would not hesitate to resolve these issues of our Blood in the traditional way. With the Lord Malfoy currently in disgrace and not able to be here, there are certain other Malfoys that can claim this House before Draco turns twenty-one. I would hate to see that happen."

Lady Malfoy's face was a mask of indifference. Apolline could feel her threat had been taken in the way it was supposed too. "Enjoy the tournament," Apolline said, getting up and sitting next to Alain as the second whistle sounded.

"Making friends?" Alain asked as she put a hand onto his arm.

"I doubt I shall ever invite her to our estates like I would Francois or Rebekah," she informed him.

Alain moved in and kissed her cheek. "Do I need to claim Diplomatic Immunity for any of my family?"

Apolline gave a tinkling laugh. "Have you ever? I will never kill them. They will remain healthy, as long as they don't harm Gabrielle or Harry. I do have morals."

Alain laughed this time. "You know that Gabrielle has your same tendencies?"

"I know. Harry reminds me of you. He will protect our little golden bird. Fleur is too much like papa. She is too forgiving."

"Your father was a good man and you are a good woman," Alain said to her.

"I will not have my family threatened," she told her husband rather possessively.

"I know, mon chere. Harry is starting," Alain remarked. The crowd was cheering to see the young man enter the arena.


Hogwarts, Scotland

The Nile...

Harry walked out the door and into a starry night. It was cool. Looking around, he could see no sign of the stands or the edge of the arena. It had been enchanted to look like some desolate stretch of the Nile river on the edge of the desert. He stood at the entrance to a stone temple. Lots of pictograms of beasts and hieroglyphs were on the walls. Before him there was a strip of land with grass, reeds and palm trees then a wide stretch of water. On the other side was another strip of land, a low temple and then another structure like he was in.

It looked straight forward. Get across the river, get whatever was in the temple and then get out.

Harry doubted it was that easy though. Looking around, he had suspicions that a lot of the grass was razor grass and some of the cut stumps looked like snarglepuffs. Three paths led away towards the river. He didn't like it that he was obviously being herded towards the river in a specific pattern. Tapping his glasses he put a night seeing charm on, not wanting to cast light. To many creatures came to a light. Next, he flicked his wand, casting a silent spell to detect any animals or creatures.

There were a few between him and the river. Tapping his wand on his wrist, the counter told him he still had fifty-seven minutes. "No guts, no glory," he whispered to himself, remembering hearing that from one of the neighbors one time. He decided just to take the most direct route and started to run. It was a short 100 yds or so to the river. He took only a half dozen steps before something rustled to his left. He tried to go faster in the sand and found his feet sinking in deep.

Kill something hissed and he ducked and rolled. Something hit the back of his basilisk hide cloak. He continued his roll, moving his wand across the sand and forcing it into stone about six feet long and three wide before forcing it up. There was an angry hiss and he stopped to see a black panther like creature covered in black scales with a neck eight-feet long and the nasty head of a viper that was almost the size of his head.

Harry had not seen anything like that before. "Bloody hell," Harry muttered as he scrambled to his feet. There had been almost two hundred beasts on the list and he thought he had looked up all of them, but apparently he hadn't paid attention.

The creature hissed angry curses at him as it flew away. Three more hisses came from nearby


Avenge pack!


NO! Don't! I'm a parselmouth, Harry hissed out as he backed towards the water.

There was an agitated sound and three black heads looked out of the razor grass. Apparently their scaly bodies protected them from the literally razor sharp edges of the grass. This seemed a lot more deadly than in France a few years back. He had a sudden concern for Gabrielle but shoved it down to focus on his immediate need.

He speaks the tongue, one of them said.

Kill him! He hurtsss the pack, the one to his left said.

Harry took a step back as he talked. I did not mean to hurt anyone. I was attacked.

Hungry. Eatssss, the second head to the right said.

Harry took another step. I'm not that good to eat. Really.

Kill, the one on the left said again, more of its body coming out. Harry took a few more steps. STOP! Harry ordered. The creature kept coming out, the other two joining him.

Harry swore in his head. The creatures weren't snake enough for him to command. "Bloody hell," he said again. "Protego Maxima," he cursed to himself before running as fast as the loose sand would allow him. An almost solid looking bluish wall of magic spread across the path. It cut a swath almost fifteen feet wide and eight high.



Feed! followed him as he ran.

If it had been much farther, then the things would have caught him. Instead, he jumped out the path and down a steep bank. His wand flicked, his will forcing a path of ice, inches thick and about a yard wide. It raced out to cross about halfway to the other bank. He slid down and jumped onto the ice.


Stay back!

Feed, the last one said longingly.

Harry slipped and ran all he could on the ice. He skidded to a halt towards the end of the ice. The three creatures all stopped at the top of the bank, hissing and spitting angrily at him. He looked around quickly, realizing something stopped the whatever-they-were. He saw what looked like a few logs on the surface. "Of course there is crocodiles in the water," he muttered.

He put a semi-sticking charm on his feet and started to run across the ice. As he did, the night was quickly turning to day. His wand swept along his side, forcing the completion of his ice bridge on the water. The things in the water didn't seem to like the ice and backed away. Harry didn't stop running until he was across the other side and had scrambled up the high bank. He put his hands on his knees for a moment.

He had been running for years, but it had been long distance running, meant to increase his stamina, not the all out sprint of a few hundred meters. Something rustled in the tall reeds. His wand came up as he stood. The temple was a hundred or more yards away.

He was more worried about the almost ten-foot-tall reeds around a large pool. He stepped away to his left, which brought him farther away from the temple. Something grunted and wasn't sure to run or not. He moved his wand to tap himself on the head. "Evenescet," he muttered the disillusionment charm. He was much better at transfiguration and elemental control with his silent intent base casting. He still had to use standard spells for things, and at times it was still more powerful to say it out loud if he didn't know the spell well.

He took another step before a large head with a horn that was glowing orange poked out of the reed. "Fuck, an erumpent," he muttered. He looked around and realized there was only a few palm trees between him and the creature. Harry tried to sidestep towards the temple. The head turned towards him wit a large black eye. He was sure his silencing charm was still working.

It sniffed, moving out of the reeds.

There was a sound behind him and when he looked he scrunched his face. A smaller erumpent was on a chain. He had to keep his growl down. Probably someone's bright idea to control and enrage the erumpent.

The massive creature ambled past him, apparently satisfied that no one was there. Harry watched as it went up to the small erumpent and rubbed its head against the smaller one. It didn't look to be doing too well. Harry sighed. He couldn't leave its child like that.

Stooping down, Harry put his want to the ground and willed the sand to turn into dirt. When the dirt touched the spike in the ground, it resisted his attempt at first and the mother erumpent looked up. It sniffed.

Harry needed to get this over quickly. He poured more power into his transfiguration and after a moment, the spike and chains turned to dirt and fell off the leg of the smaller erumpent.

The large erumpent pawed at the ground, looking around for who had done this. After a few, the now released calf moved towards the pond and reeds. With a snort, the mother turned and followed.

Harry let out a long breath and stayed dissolutioned and silenced as he approached the temple. Along the way he avoided more razor grass and some odd plant he didn't recognize.

As he got closer, it was obvious it was an old Egyptian temple. Columns held up a large square entrance, hieroglyphs covered the doorway and it was the tan of sandstone.

He cast a few detection spells, finding no traps, but something made him apprehensive to enter. Approaching the doorway, he looked at the hieroglyphs. Runes and his Ancient Magics class had prepared him well. He could read the story of the sun snake and the god that fought him every morning. The snake wanted the darkness. The god the light. In the end, a treasure was given to the snake that could take all the light in its domain.

His glasses still had the night vision on them, so he could see into the darkness where the light didn't touch. He didn't see anything of concern at first, but he did see an elaborate gold box in the center of the room.

There was only one conclusion he could come to. Great snake, Apip, are you here?

Harry heard something move. It was the distinct sound of a very large snake. A ssspeaker. Apip has not heard a ssspeaker in a long time.

Great snake, Apip, I would name myself a speaker and the son of Potter, Harry called out. Aunt Andi had encouraged him to understand more of what a parselmouth was. It was one of his largest hurdles to get over to be able to make his occlumency shield. To make proper shields, you had to know and accept everything about yourself. Harry had not liked being a parselmouth after what happened second year.

Harry caught something moving in the shadows, but even his enchanted glasses couldn't make it out.

You, son of Potter, had come ssseeking my treasure. I am a greater ssssnake. You can not use your tongue to command me.

Harry frowned. Was this like the basilisk. It only listened to its master? Or did it already have a Master.

I have been tasked with retrieving a treasure. I was unaware it belonged to sssome one, Harry replied.

It sounded like the snake was laughing and Harry saw a head come out of the shadows and move into the light in the center of the temple. They think I fear the light. I abhor it, but I do not fear it.

Harry watched as a golden snake, half the thickness of the basilisk come out of the shadows. It moved and wrapped itself around the box. By the way it shone in the light, Harry would wager that it's scales were real gold. That might explain why it likes the darkness.

You can try to take this, sssspeaker, but I will not give it willingly.

Harry looked at the snake and racked his brain what to do. He didn't want to hurt or kill the creature. He had never seen or heard of snake like this, meaning it was rare or possibly unique. He only knew its name from the hieroglyphs.

Great snake, what if I can offer a trade?

It hissed angrily at him. There is nothing a mortal can trade for my treasure.

Harry didn't look away. Is your treasure supposed to hide the sun?

Yessss. It does not work ssssince those men sssstole me.

Harry nodded. The wizards that had found this creature took his original box. It didn't absorb all the light like it should. Harry took a step back to look around.

You ssssshall not sssssteal it!

How about a trade, Harry offered, picking up a stone. He started to move his wand over it, in clear sight of the snake but beyond striking distance with it moving closer to the door.

This is my treassure, it hissed back at him.

Harry worked the stone into a small black box. If the snake wanted a treasure, he could have it. Once done, he opened the lid and started to carve runes inside it. It was fast and sloppy for what he would prefer, but he did not want to get into a fight.

When he started to mutter spells, he watched as the runes glowed for a few seconds as each one took. When done, he cast a few spells over his work to look at the diagnostics. Once satisfied, he approached the door again.

Great snake, I offer a trade. Will you allow me to approach to present it? Harry asked.

Approach and you die, the snake warned.

Harry nodded. I am going to levitate it to you. No tricks. I swear as a speaker on this. He felt the magic bind him to his word.

The snake just hissed angrily.

Harry levitated the black box close to the snake. Great Snake, Apip, this is a gift, freely presented. You need but hiss across it and say night and it will be night where ever you are.

It did not seem to trust him and it took a few minutes of coaxing for the snake to approach. It looked at the box, flicking its tongue out as though tasting it. After a moment it hissed, Night.

The inside of the temple plunged into pitch blackness.

If you wish to reverse it, just hiss Day.

The snake didn't respond. Harry heard it moving and was hoping it wasn't getting in a position to strike him. After a moment, the snake stopped. You may take the trinket. I shall keep this one.

Harry let out a breath. The snake did not let light come back into its domain, so Harry walked straight forward, his feet feeling out every step in the darkness. When he found the larger golden box, he lifted it and turned. He could see the light from the door, but it was pitch black in the temple. His rune crafting had worked far better than he had anticipated.

When he broke into the light of day, he took off towards the temple doorway on this side of the river and passed out of the challenge.


Observation Tower, Hogwarts, Scotland

The grin on Sirius face was ear to ear as Harry passed through the door. The pup was even more skilled than he had thought. He wasn't sure Harry would make it unscathed when the black leopard-snake things had confronted him.

He laughed at the surprised gasps and even screams when Harry had used his parselmouth. The boy was far from dark, but many feared that ability.

"Mon dieu, Siri, did he just make a dark box in less than five minutes?" Renee was on the edge of her seat. She had almost broken his hand to see Harry running across the water.

"That's the pup. Always full of surprises," Sirius laughed.

Alain turned to him. "He is very full of surprises. The scores are coming and then we need to move to watch the next champion.

Renee leaned over. "Gabrielle is going to have kittens to know how well he performed."

"Oui. She was already nervous earlier," Fleur said from his other side. "I almost feel jealous of her. It would have been interesting to compete against him."

"And what of me? I could have done that in about the same time," Bill remarked.

Fleur turned and patted Bill's face. "I said almost. She can have the still scrawny boy."

Sirius laughed at the banter between Bill and Fleur.

"And do you feel jealous?" he asked Renee.

"Of what? Fleur is right. Harry is still a boy. I doubt he could satisfy me like you do," she responded.

Sirius chuckled and Alain shook his head.

"If I can have everyone look at the scoreboard at the top of the central tower, Potter's scores will be posted. Just as a reminder, each judge will score out of five points," Bagman spoke out over the crowd.

Sirius turned to look up. The scores posted and cheers went up all around the arena. Thirty-six points out of forty.

He turned to kiss Renee on the cheek. "That's my pup."


Mount Fuji Arena, Hogwarts, Scotland

Like usual, Gabrielle would feel the nerves, get all worked up and worried before she would walk out onto the stage for a performance or a duelling run, but when she was forced to be in the spotlight, she felt a calm come over her.

It had been a little under two hours she had to wait and now she just wanted to get this over with.

Stepping into the light, she found herself in a forest full of gnarled roots and trees that rose high overhead. The ground was sloped and as she looked up, she could see the edge of the trees and then the craggy side of a mountain. Two paths led up the slope.

Looking around, she wasn't sure stepping off the paths was the brightest idea, but following them probably wasn't either. She couldn't waste time though. She had an hour before points started to be deducted and she doubted it would take less than twenty minutes to get to the top of the slope without distractions.

She put her wand in her hand and muttered a few words. A light blue line went up one path, and then she repeated with the other. The one to the left had an odd magic to it. The one to the right did not.

She tapped her finger on her chin for a few seconds before deciding to go the route that might be a trap. To take the one that screamed 'Take me' was most definitely a trap. She took off at a brusque pace. She was only a few meters up the path when there was a large snapping and thud as though a tree had fallen from the other path. She swirled around, a shield coming up and she bent her legs, ready to cast or run.

When it was silent for a moment and she realized she could not see the other path, she started to edge forward. Something moved out of the corner of her eye and she snapped her head too look. As she looked, she couldn't see anything.

There was a sense of foreboding that was starting to creep into her. When she turned back to the path, she noticed it wasn't running straight anymore, nor could she see the slope beyond the trees.

"Merde," she cursed to herself. She really didn't know much at all about the magic of Japan. It had never come up in her studies and she had put that book aside that Hermione had given her, thinking she had figured the clues pointed more towards China and South-east Asia. How wrong had she been?

Looking back, she couldn't see the way she entered. The path took a sharp turn to the left where it had been straight before. The magic she sensed must have been this. When she turned back, the path had shifted again, this time having a long arcing turn to her right. She had a feeling if she left the path, she would be lost in the woods.

Not taking her eyes off the path, she picked up her pace, needing to get past this. A few steps in, she suddenly tripped over a root and fell forward, catching herself in a roll and coming up, her wand out.

She knew there had been no root there, but now there was.

"Who is there," she asked.

More movement to her left. She turned just enough to keep and eye on the path and to look at the movement. It was a good thing she did. The thick root in the path suddenly lashed out towards her and she thought she saw several of the trees moving, the gnarled and bend roots suddenly alive everywhere.

She couldn't help the small scream that escaped her before she was moving. Her wand flicked up, making a large dirt wall before her. Next she sent out a few cutting spells to stop the roots that were seeking her out from the forest. Two roots were cut in half and the trees they belong too made deep, painful groans as though they were getting ready to break.

Knowing she couldn't stay, she started to shout, "Stupefy!" Many spells based on the latin spell system were the same everywhere. She turned and started to run, shouting spells over her shoulder or cutting roots that would suddenly spring out on the path before her.

She skidded around a sharp corner and say daylight before. She thought she would make it when suddenly something heavy collided with her side. It was a good thing she was wearing her Iron-Belly hide sparring gear, otherwise she thought she would have a broken rib from the impact.

Landing hard, she spun around, her wand coming up and ready to cast another cutting spell when she realized a giant tree was in the middle of the path now. Roots were slithering all around it like long snakes and it made a growling sound that scared her.

The edge of the wood was perhaps ten or so meters away.

The roots whipped out for her and she went to cast her wand when a snapping crack sounded next to her ear and she cried out at a sudden pain in her hand. Her wand fell to her feet and she suddenly had something wrapping around her neck. She grabbed at the root and tried to pull it off as others started to wrap around her.

A sudden panic ripped through her and she thought about Harry. She would not let these plants get her. Pulling on her fire, she felt it come to her command. Her purple flames covered her hands and it was like the thing holding her screamed in pain.

Her neck was suddenly free and the other roots around her all pulled away. The tree thing in the path making a hissing sound as it lumbered back into the woods, other trees making way for it to pass.

She coughed and leaned over, taking in ragged breaths for a few. Unlike at Grimmauld Place, this had been a more controlled use of her fire, so it only left her slightly winded. When she felt she could breathe normally again, she let her calm come back and her hands stopped burning. Picking up her wand, she looked around. There was now a straight, unobstructed path to the craggy slope before her.

"This is not like the tasks Fleur had to do," she whispered to herself, her voice hoarse and her throat and neck painful to talk and move.

She got up and forced herself to go on. Stepping into the light, the woods seemed to pull back from her. Looking around, she figured she was maybe halfway to the top.

She felt apprehensive. There was no sign of vegetation outside of a few bushes with berries of varying colour and some grass. Maybe a half dozen weird circular rock formations with flat tops where between her and her destination.

Casting her detection spells, she could not make out any magic besides in those rock formations. Wanting to keep a wide birth of them, she took a line up the slope that would steer her wide of them.

As she got high enough to look into one, she noticed the inside of the rock formation were bowls of sticks with feathers and what looked like eggs. It took her all of a second to realize it was a nest.

She looked around frantically and noticed the shadows above her. Wracking her brain about Japan, the only creatures she knew that big and to fly were dragons, giant storm petrels or the giant swallows. Looking at the nest, she doubted it was a dragon.

The swallows or petrels should only bother her is she disturbed one of the nests.

Not wanting to get attacked, she started to go around them in a wider arc. It wasted time, but probably not as much as if she had been attacked. Thinking of time, she tapped her wrist, casting the time spell. Her eyes widened to realize that thirty-eight minutes had already passed and she was only halfway up this slope.

She needed to make up time, so she started to move faster. A few minutes later, as she was getting closer to the top, her error of quickening her pace became apparent. She grabbed for a large rock and it pulled away from the slope with ease. She just barely caught herself from going ass over tea-kettle as the rock bounced and started a small landslide. Only years of ballet and the shape she had to keep her body in to perform had allowed her to catch her balance and roll to the side.

Looking down, her heart dropped. Rocks were starting to bounce everywhere. What got her were the two nests that were in danger.

Without thinking of it, she jammed the tip of her wand into the ground and forced up a wall before one of the nests before too many rocks could fall down. She was about to protect the other nest when she heard the screech from over head.

She looked up in time to roll out of the way of one of the swallows attempting to land on her and maul her with its feet and beak.

"Incarcarous!" she yelled out and ropes shot out, wrapping around its beak and she started to scramble up the slope again.

"Impetus tempestatis!" It hurt to yell. A whirlwind shot out of her wand, blasting the sparrow into the air and she turned it to point at two more that were coming towards her. Their wings and bodies tried to buffet the wind, but they shot up anyways. Turning back to the now rumbling slope, she moved her wand. "Aresto Momemtum! Turres! Protego!"

Her spells tried to stop the rocks from hitting the nests. A large wall shot up, protecting two of them before she was forced to fend off another diving giant sparrow. For a few moments, it was a mad flurry as she fought the sparrows off and protected two more nests before the one furthest down was crushed by the now moving slope. She couldn't see anywhere that didn't look like it was stable or still. Rocks crashed into the trees and she thought she heard a scream of an animal.


The shield popped over her shoulder and she was forced to climb with only one hand as other swallows came to attack her. She couldn't stay. More rocks fell down the slope and she almost went with them until she made the top of the slope and fell over a boulder. The swallows stopped attacking her and flew off.

She lay on her back, panting and her arm fell limply to her side. She silently cursed herself. How many eggs had just been smashed? "Merde!" she shouted out this time before rolling over and getting to her feet. When she did, she stopped, more fear coursing through her.

A giant bird of fire was perched on a rock on the edge of a pit of lava. There was a narrow stone bridge across the lava, a golden chest on a circular platform on the other side of the bridge, and a door in the side of a rock outcrop.

This was something she knew. Birds of fire were something her grandmaman was very knowledgeable and passionate about. Probably because she was one when she let her true nature out.

It was a suzaku, a bird of fire. One that brought death and rebirth after it. Not unlike the true nature of a veela or phoenix.

The suzaku just looked at her. She nodded and started to walk towards the path. She would not harm such a creature. As she approached, the suzaku shifted, moving toward the path, but not blocking it. She knew the only way to get across would to have it let her pass or she would have to subdue it, and the only way to do that would be for her fire to be more than the suzaku.

Gabrielle knew she would probably not be able to meet the fire that would be needed. She was a quarter-veela. Her fire was hot, but it was half of what she knew Grandmaman's was, and she knew maman's was greater than Fleur's or hers.

It flared a little as she got to the bridge. Gabrielle wasn't sure if it was a challenge or not. After a quick mental debate, she let her fire out and her hands started to burn with her purple fire. Her wand did not burn, the veela hair core protecting it.

The bird cocked its head before letting out a call and then took to flight.

Gabrielle didn't wait, she sprinted across the bridge, being as careful as she could be to not fall off. She wasn't confident that her inner fire or the Iron Belly hide would protect her from the lava.

She got to the other side and skidded to a halt before the golden treasure chest. The firebird had landed on top of it. It gave a call in challenge. "I don't have time for this. Get off! I don't want to hurt you," she said angrily to it.

She was sure she was close to the hour mark now, if not over.

The bird pulled back a bit before screeching at her again and then it took off. She watched it fly away and take up its perch on the far side of the lava pit. Not waiting, she picked up the heavy box and walked towards the door.

Once inside, three people in lime-green robes met her and had her sit and while their wands started to go over her. "Did I save any of t'e nests," she asked, feeling guilty. Her throat hurt to talk.

"No talking please, Miss Delacour. You have some damage to your neck and arms from those trees," a woman said. She recognized the voice and looked up to see Andromeda Tonks. The woman gave her a glare when she went to speak.

"Now, get on this stretcher and I will take you to the hospital tent. I am sure Harry will be anxious to see you."

Gabrielle nodded and lay on the stretcher.

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