
Shamak 101 with Puck -Sensei 2

"Okay, I need you to relax and imagine the mana flowing through your body," Puck said, hovering in front of Kaoru with his typical calm smile. 

Kaoru closed his eyes and tried to do as Puck told him, but something didn't add up. "Wait a second..." he thought as he remembered what he had heard about how magic worked for the Spirits. He quickly opened his eyes.

"Hey, Puck, shouldn't I be visualizing my Od's mana coming out of my door and then channeling the spell? Besides, isn't that way of using magic something only spirit users do? My door absorbs mana from the atmosphere automatically and directs it to my "Od," so I don't have to do any of that."

Puck was silent for a moment, touching his head with one paw, and laughed nervously. "Oh, you're right, my bad." His tail wagged as if he were embarrassed. "It's just that my body is made of mana, and since the only person I teach is Emilia, I sometimes forget those details. sorry, sorry!"

"Hey, take this seriously; you almost made my door explode by fucking listening to you, dude!"

"Okay, okay, calm down, champ," Puck replied, raising a paw as if to calm him down. "Let's try it again, but this time the right way, shall we?"

Kaoru sighed, crossing his arms. "You better, furry."

"Okay, then. Visualize the mana inside your "Od" Puck began, this time more seriously. "Then, picture the spell in your mind and release some of that mana through your door."

Kaoru closed his eyes again, this time really concentrating. He visualized the gaseous mana inside his "Od". It felt strange, like smoke floating inside him. Slowly, carefully, he began to cut a small piece of it in his mind and direct it towards his magic door.

Puck watched him intently, and after a few seconds, nodded approvingly. "Good, good! Now, imagine the spell and release it as you say the words."

Kaoru took a deep breath, his heart pounding with excitement. "Shamak," he said firmly.

Suddenly, a thick cloud of dark smoke billowed out from his body, spreading several meters around him. Kaoru opened his eyes and could see perfectly through the fog, as if it were an extension of himself. Everything around him had a shadowy, distorted hue, and as he looked ahead, he saw Puck floating, his body with a "Shamak"-like hue.

"You did well, Kaoru! You got your first "Shamak"!" exclaimed Puck with a smile full of pride.

Kaoru let out a sigh of relief as he watched the effect of his spell. "This is amazing... I actually used magic."

"Uh-huh, but don't get too excited, buddy," Puck interrupted with a smirk of superiority. "Remember I said your talent is barely better than a peasant's. A 4/10, remember?"

"You really like to put me down, don't you? You've made your point, thank you," Kaoru replies, already somewhat irritated.

Puck let out a chuckle and continued. "Well, now that you managed to do that, let me explain some basic, common-sense stuff about the "Shamak."

Kaoru looked at him intently, though part of him was already exhausted from so much information. "Spill it."

"First, we spirits are not affected by this kind of magic. So don't try to use it on me, because it won't do," Puck began, turning in the air. "Second, users of spirit arts won't be affected either. And third, if someone creates a blast of air, either with a physical attack or a spell, they can dispel the dark smoke. Although they would be affected by the spell until the smoke disperses."

"That sounds a bit complicated..." muttered Kaoru, trying to keep up.

"Well, that only applies to low-grade 'Shamak", like yours," Puck added, with some mockery in his voice. "Because in high-grade 'Shamaks", like mine or Betty's, the afflicted is taken to a separate space from this world for the duration of the spell. So no wind blasts or strong attacks would work."

Kaoru blinked, trying to process all that. "A separate space? That sounds... OP?"

"Depends on how you use it," Puck replied. "Now, try to dispel the spell."

Kaoru concentrated again, visualizing the dark mist and drawing it back into his body. After a few seconds, the Shamak disappeared, and the garden returned to normal.

"I did it; it felt a little weird, but it was easy!" said Kaoru, his enthusiasm evident.

"Yeah, yeah, but don't get too excited, champ," said Puck teasingly; he liked to put Kaoru down and only teach him those things so he could be Emilia's meat shield when he wasn't active. "Remember that your talent is barely mediocre. So don't think you're the next Roswaal."

"Hey, stop putting me down! It's already stuck in my head that I'm a useless, happy!?"

At that moment, Emilia approached them, having seen that the spell had already dissipated. "That was amazing, Kaoru. I'm so glad you were able to pull it off," she said with a warm smile.

Kaoru blushed slightly as she listened to her. "She's so cute and kind... maybe someday I'll ask her out," he thought to himself, feeling his heart beat a little faster.

Puck looks daggers at him when he noticed he was looking at Emilia with his face slightly flushed.



As the sky began to tinge with shades of orange and pink, Kaoru sat on the grass with his notebook, jotting down everything he had learned that day. From the details of the "Shamak" to Puck's explanations of the elements, he tried to sort it all out in his mind.

"Subaru's not back yet..." he thought, looking off into the horizon. It had been hours since he had said he was going to Arlam Village. Worry was beginning to settle in his chest, but he tried to distract himself by reflecting on his stay at the mansion.

"Since I got here, I haven't noticed anything really suspicious. Roswaal is... strange, but I haven't seen anything that would make me think anything dangerous. The maids don't seem to be acting strange either. At least, not yet."

Kaoru let out a sigh and closed the notebook. "Maybe I should visit the village sometime. Maybe take Emilia somewhere nice. I'm sure there's something there for a date..." he thought with a mischievous smile.

He remembered what Roswaal had told him days ago: he could go out whenever he wanted, as long as he didn't come back too late. That characteristic smile of the Mage's always made him a little uncomfortable, but he decided to ignore it for now.

"Well, I think I should take a walk around Arlam village. Maybe I'll find Subaru, and while I'm at it I'll look for a nice place for Emilia," Kaoru said as he stood up and stretched. 

He looked at his arms and legs, thinking about the training weights. "Tomorrow I'll put them on... Today I just want to take a leisurely stroll; I'm sick of having limbs like jelly."

With that decision made, Kaoru started walking down the path that led out of the mansion. The forest was tinged with warm colors under the sunset, and although the atmosphere was calm, a small anxiety still lingered in his mind. "Where will Subaru be...?"

And so, Kaoru left the mansion behind, heading towards Arlam village under the golden light of the sunset.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Guignolcreators' thoughts
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